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Modern Coding

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Everything posted by Modern Coding

  1. Why does this remind me the catholic church with the same celibacy principle leading to the same issues??
  2. Why am I suddenly hearing voices talking about an unfinished business? And why do the offender's fellow people always keep wondering about this??
  3. Unfortunately, tailgating or remaining on the wrong lane is not only a Thai thing. In Europe, we have the same issue with Dutch drivers, be it on Belgian E411, German Autobahnen or French motorways. Especially when they drive their car with their mobile house, try to overtake other vehicles, then stay on the overtaking lane, blocking it for decades. And try to drive in Dutch cities with your car: you will face stupid cyclists blocking your lane because they are not using their own dedicated one! I mean: in ancient times, sailors had to fear the Flying Dutchman; nowadays, drivers have to fear the <deleted> dutchmen! But also Germans are stupid spurenstur, especially in the North! And in the early 2000s, they were quite a number of accidents involving German coaches on French motorways.
  4. Not too hard to guess the name of the bus company... Having travelled with them a couple of times, this accident does not surprise me much...
  5. You´d better send your letter to Santa Claus now...
  6. I have lived in Hua Hin. As I arrived there, it was before Thailand opened to tourism again and dropped quarantine, PCR tests and other covid measures. It was also before war started in Ukraine. Hua Hin was very pleasant and peaceful. Short after, north european entitled retirees, anglo-saxon parasites and uneducated slavonic people came en masse! And guess what? Things started to go downhill there! I would also bet, that Brit is only one among others...
  7. It is Thaiger "journalism". As I keep saying: same level of "journalism" as BILD Zeitung in Germany. For people who don't know what BILD Zeitung is, it is a piece of paper: a) targeted to people with intellectual level close to the ground b) that cannot even be used as toilet paper; if you ever did, because of the red and black ink, your ass could look like a nazi flag, which is a great paradox, knowing that the BILD belongs to a powerful jewish dynasty...
  8. I have already had bad haircuts. I have never hit any barber for this, but the will to do it was there. So while I do not approve the Russian's behavior, I kind of understand it...
  9. Not necessarily. Khmer Barber in Phnom Penh is one counter-example for this. Which is why they should rebrand their salon into Khmerde Barber.
  10. Christians are the very first people to constantly ignore that teaching.
  11. Until now, from what I have seen, people have not pointed at the vendor's kindness, have they?? Comments were rather targeted towards the girl.
  12. Don't see either. Thais are used to give offerings to the gods. Maybe they thought she would be a goddess and were giving offerings to her, who knows...
  13. Mr. James... wait... this could fit in a 007-escape scene, couldn't it?
  14. It is called: missed vocation. You know: when as a kid, your dream was to be a piercing shop owner, but your parents forced you to become a teacher!
  15. Fair enough. I should have mentioned German national Anton Wilhelm Amo or German national Ignatius Fortuna in lieu of German national deutscher Herkunft Ludwig van Beethoven or German national deutscher Herkunft Ludwig August Lebrun, whose French surname means "la merde" in Northern France...
  16. The original article explicitly stated "a German NATIONAL"! You would be surprised how many German nationals with non-German names there are in Germany. And by the way, this is nothing new: Beethoven is not a German name, but a Flemish one.
  17. That guy just followed his favorite rabbi's teaching: "If a person sees that his evil inclination is gaining control over him and he cannot overcome it, then he should go to a place where he is not known. He should wear black, and he should wrap his head in black, as if he were a mourner." (Moed Katan 17a) Obviously, this is exactly why he came to Patong... He just forgot to wear black and it is the Thai policeman who wrapped his head in black...
  18. Oh, he was just sunbathing, like both tourists in Chiang Mai!
  19. Not understanding Thai customs?? No need to understand Thai customs to understand the obvious: nobody would go half-naked in a church or a mosque, so why would anyone do this in a buddhist temple??
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