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Modern Coding

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Everything posted by Modern Coding

  1. Huh... Or how humanity is turning even more stupid as it already was... OK, low hanging-signs is one part of stupidity: it is indeed very dangerous for blind people, for whom the white pole is in this case of no help. But tourists?? Jogger?? When they were kids, hadn't they been instructed by Mom and Dad to always watch out where they were HEADing to?? I wonder this each time when I am in Bangkok: people, especially big fat Westerners are not even looking in front of them when they walk! Same with Asians with the nose on the smartphone while walking! The same people will later complain and lament, that women are not wearing high heels anymore. Except that they just ignore that because of them, ladies in high heels coming from the opposite directions had to make challenging maneuvers just to avoid them!
  2. This is nothing new: governments throughout all countries encourage one thing, naive people invest into this, and once everyone is seriously indebted, governments make a U-turn. Then, banks seize all properties from the same naive people who cannot pay back their debts. Remember the subprime crisis in 2007? Similar story! Same story everywhere with people being encouraged to start smoking, just to only be ostracized like criminals decades later (I am a non-smoker, so just observing). Or to buy diesel cars and then be called all possible names in the name of the climate, etc... Conclusion: never trust any government, never ever follow the masses either!
  3. Or maybe he was playing Hop-o'-My-Thumb: I guess he wanted to be sure to find his way back, but had no single stone in his pocket So the solution he found was: just pee! And for the way back: follow the track!
  4. Theoretically, after Marcel Finette's brillant audition at German Pop Idol casting show in 2010, the Germans now know how to properly shake after business. So I bet that he is definitely not German.
  5. He doesn't even know how to properly shake after peeing! I mean, this is common knowledge that after peeing, you have to shake a little; if that is not enough, you also need to shake it sideways, and then: ROTATION!
  6. Yet another BILD-Zeitung-level article from BILD-Zeitung-like Thaiger "journalists": both have in common, not to check any fact before publish! BILD DIr Deine Thaiger Meinung with both links: - Starsucks price -> https://www.starbucks.co.th/menu/ - Minimum wage in Thailand -> https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thailand-sticks-237-minimum-wage-hike-plan-official-2023-12-20/#:~:text=The current minimum wage is,he told a press conference.
  7. As a former teacher myself, I only believe in homeschooling. Teachers are unfortunately unprepared to face: stupid school boards undisciplined kids packed like sardines in a classroom parents who complain that their kids are not making enough progress, while refusing to discipline them Of course, what this teacher did was not right, but much worse: waiting to happen!
  8. Normally?? According to which criteria?? Never heard of tiger moms?? Man, time to land! This is Asia, not Scandinavia: there is no such things as kids calling the police if parents punish them!
  9. Next time, she could visit Switzerland for holiday: https://images.app.goo.gl/SdveZid5aRkzVv1n8
  10. Meanwhile in China, at the same time, a bag of rice fell to the ground...
  11. Sure, AC is essential in countries with over 40°C: when it is used to cool down. But I am talking about a bus driver setting it at full power while wearing an anorak!
  12. OK, fair enough. Might indeed have been pure coincidence. But still: bus driver setting AC at full power and wearing an anorak at the same time is being purely stupid.
  13. No?? So how do you explain that I started to get fever on the same evening and I got sick for almost a week?? Fungus in AC?? Some "dirt" in it being blown at full power?? And yes, some people get sick when AC is on.
  14. AC seems to be one big issue in Thailand, which I had never faced before in any other Southeast Asian country. In most shopping malls, I feel cold, which makes me wonder how topless girls can handle this... Maybe they are used to... Let alone in Starsucks Cafés: I always see female students bringing their blankets in order not to freeze. But the Guiness Record for stupidity definitely belongs to the BMTA bus drivers! Short after they got their brand-new battery electric buses, one of them set the AC at full power and full blowing speed! No clue at how many degrees it was set: the - always inaccurate - speed and temperature indicator displayed 5°C! No idea, whether such AC with such low temperature exist, but it was freezing cold and I got sick! The stupid bus driver and the stupid fare collector?? Guess what?? They were wearing anorak!
  15. Any lawyer expert in Thai Laws here? Which laws did he break? driving drunk causing accident verbal attack to a Thai civilian verbal attack to Thai policemen wandering nacked refusing to be arrested And what well-deserved sanctions is foreseen for such trouble maker?
  16. OK Boomer! I am dreaming, you say?? I wish I were: from what I had observed in Hua Hin with those Scandinavians was not a dream but a real nightmare!
  17. This must be the great economic success of the highly celebrated North-European social democracy, that every one in this world envies! This model makes such marvels that Finnish kids have to scam their own parents in order to finish their holidays in a much more affordable country! And shall I mention all those cheap Scamdinavians coming on holiday to Hua Hin, and at the same time pressuring local tailors and dressmakers to make cheap prices to the point of not even covering all costs?? And that shall be the successful North-European model??
  18. Article has never stated he got bit in the taxi, it just says the man was in the taxi when trouble occurs. Normally, it takes a couple of days after being bit before the symptoms appear; he might have been bit days before, who knows... With journalism à la Bild Zeitung like they do at Thaiger, you never get to know the whole story...
  19. Ugh... Any doctor here? Not being any expert, so just asking and researching. And here is what the WHO writes about dengue, https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/dengue-and-severe-dengue: Now, here is what Thaiger writes, just referencing Agence France-Presse without any further research (really Bild-Zeitung level journalism!), https://thethaiger.com/news/national/irish-mans-life-hangs-by-a-thread-after-mosquito-bite-in-thailand: Are we sure it is really dengue?? Have they really undergone blood test and found DENV-x virus??
  20. Then, why people stay in Thailand if for only complaining? Why don't they leave for another place?
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