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Everything posted by stix40

  1. Thought so Thanks for confirming
  2. Mm must be front wheel drive ????
  3. Gents / ladies I need to sort out a hernia in the next few months. Is there any health insurance plan that I can apply for now that will accommodate. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance.
  4. VPN itv Pictures excellent Oh dear Aus Fiji well done!
  5. Wouldn't get me in a public jacuzzi ! Bacterial Breeding Grounds . They could give the boy a good nick name. Fuse ?
  6. I see in Phuket lots of I love Lada T Shirts !
  7. I nearly eat a raw pork chop last night ! That nearly killed me Sent it straight back One restaurant off of my list .
  8. Changmai people Very friendly. Unlike southern Phuket Mafia controled island Tuk and motorbike taxi too expensive!
  9. Glad to be back in Changmai! Went to Phuket too many Russians and everything pang Mac Mac .
  10. Sounds like victor meldrew . I carnt believe it !
  11. Let them come ! More the merrier! Glad I don't live in Phuket ! Chokdeeski
  12. Waste of Money ! I can see the future newspaper headlines already. Thai Submarine goes missing all on board presumed dead ? Spend the money on hospitals and schooling .
  13. Glad I don't live there ! Not keen on the ruskies Loud and obnoxious !
  14. Latest TM30 will definitely be asked for .
  15. Looks like a nose cone from an ICBM ? Maybe Kim Jung Uung flinging his rockets everywhere ! Where is team America World Police to find out ?
  16. Chinese Why are they so noisy when they eat there food ?
  17. Blimey sounds familiar Standard bar girl operating policy !
  18. Without me specs I thought it read 14th century Police commander position Actually maybe ????
  19. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=dangerous+brian+comedian&sca_esv=560603692&sxsrf=AB5stBgqktrJuF8m6JhxAnsOXBt4t88rfw%3A1693203909769&source=hp&ei=xT3sZJblLNaLoASEuZ2gCQ&oq=dangerous+Brian+&gs_lp=EhFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocBoCGAIiEGRhbmdlcm91cyBCcmlhbiAqAggBMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgARIv1NQnxFYwUBwAngAkAEAmAGPA6AB9ROqAQcwLjYuMi4zuAEByAEA-AEBqAIPwgIKECMYigUY6gIYJ8ICBxAjGOoCGCfCAgoQLhiKBRjqAhgnwgIHECMYigUYJ8ICCBAAGIoFGJECwgILEAAYigUYsQMYgwHCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICBBAjGCfCAg4QLhiKBRjHARjRAxiRAsICDRAuGIoFGLEDGIMBGEPCAhMQLhiKBRixAxiDARjHARjRAxhDwgIQEC4YigUYsQMYxwEY0QMYQ8ICCBAuGIoFGJECwgIOEC4YigUYsQMYgwEYkQLCAgcQLhiKBRhDwgIIEC4YgAQYsQPCAgoQLhiKBRixAxhDwgIIEAAYgAQYsQPCAgsQLhiABBixAxiDAcICBRAuGIAEwgIOEC4YgAQYiwMYqAMYmAPCAgQQABgDwgIIEAAYgAQYyQM&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:4434f511,vid:979NuYD4itU
  20. Feck me welcome to Thailand ! You work hard and save up for a long haul holiday To Thailand and have to witness that sh11t
  21. Maybe he is not a well man and has back to kick the bucket on home turf !
  22. The pickup truck reversed into me officer ! Jing jing
  23. I see him once escorting old ladies across the road ! Seems like a nice boy ????
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