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Everything posted by stix40

  1. Switzerland taking front stage at the moment. Maybe their toblerone have been spiked ?
  2. Fecking dangerous ! If you do not know that cars don't stop for public full stop . False sense of security on those crossings. Thai drivers Don't wait Don't give way Don't slow down Drive beyond the road conditions Drive to close Don't leave ample room for stopping distance Etc etc
  3. Fantastic what a champion. 140.000 baht doesn't seem a lot for such an achievement ! maybe some top house hold names from Thailand should of got involved IE king power red bull Chang Singh Etc etc Good Man 🇬🇧
  4. Seal Of Trust Sounds like a quest from game of thrones? 😂
  5. Sand makes a good time great 😃
  6. GET Off My Land 😂 Sounds like right pompous <deleted> And his wife screaming banshee .
  7. Most probably Thai women looking for TomTom action?
  8. Because Thai men don't make good boy friends or husbands ! Simple!
  9. With the 90 % tint they love on their windows they cannot see a f ING thing in front let alone a bicycle at night . Poor chap rip
  10. Thanks gamma I have been InTouch with express VPN and have gone through the normal checks but not resolved.
  11. Guys Anyone having issues using express VPN on any of the UK locations. Usually very good , but every other locations ie Singapore, USA , etc etc Download speeds are ok but any UK links download speed is nearly non existent. Thanks in advance.
  12. Those cheap red wines for sale 299b should really be about 180b based on the quality ! Therefore for a minimum decent sup should be around 280b imvho
  13. Looks like a kid ordering a junior McDonald's meal by telephone!
  14. Dammed predictive text imprisonment
  15. If leaving a bad reviews on trip advisor in Thailand gives you a possibility of 2 years in jail Then these arsonists should get a minimum of life improvement or maybe hands chopped off ?
  16. What a joke Possible 2 year jail term for a bad hotel review ? Wtf Getting more like china !
  17. Thanks for replying Sww 👍
  18. Guys what happens at the end of the one year extension based on marriage? Do you keep extending report etc or do you have to apply from scratch? Thank you in advance.
  19. I know that's Thai porridge.(very nice after a heavy drinking session) but it's a big Joke . High ranking rtp officer on charges of corruption. Goes with the job I think 🤔
  20. Flip flop ninja warrior! Bring it on RTP .
  21. Oh how joyous More special military operation dodger's!
  22. Daily express (dammed predictive text)
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