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Everything posted by stix40

  1. They should respect the budist culture ! Plenty of sign's as you enter most temples !
  2. Possibly the first of many Including russians getting low on spondulies !
  3. Brilliant service never had an issue, plenty of returns with no bother. Love Lazada !
  4. Really So gift say 1 million to the Mrs Is this a one off or yearly ? Then live off that for the year Using your own bank affairs below the 150.000 Can this work?
  5. I might pay him a visit I had a really spicy jungle curry last night 🥵
  6. Maybe he is a astrologist Looking for Uranus
  7. Just like the bloody road network! Full of U Turns 😵‍💫
  8. Chester Zoo UK Excellent role model on how to keep endangered animals in captivity. Changmai Zoo No thanks !
  9. Oh yer they love a gap to swerth into and cut you up , that's for sure
  10. I don't think they do , fear glands are removed at birth !
  11. Also late to the mix Indians brandishing ladles !
  12. Trouble stiring up in Pattaya again . Quell surprise 🫢 !
  13. Lights at the crossing wouldn't make any difference. For some reason Thai drivers do not know the meaning of waiting or giving way !
  14. Express VPN Works well .
  15. Hopefully noisy Chinese Sword wielding russians Brits that have had too much pop Americans with unfeasibly large beer bellies German Men parading around in extremely tight budgy smugglers People wearing Jesus creepers with socks And a pleferer of aggressive Thai Males !
  16. Captain of the ship should of checked weather charts before they sailed and turned back way before the tradegy ! Profit 1st Safety 2nd sadly.
  17. They need to replace the buoyancy aids , the ones with ducks or swans on the front are definitely not up to standard !
  18. Typical Thai coward Picking on a lone woman! If it had been a male passenger probably got a good slap !
  19. Like I have said so many times absolutely no empathy! Animal.
  20. Try before you buy !
  21. I tried buying alcohol but it wasn't 5pm ! So I thought fecking stupid rule ! Also lower the price on spirits and wine imports! Greedy feckers !
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