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Meat Pie 47

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Posts posted by Meat Pie 47

  1. 3 minutes ago, tgw said:

    look at that Russian bad faith:


    Russia threatens to attack Kyiv's 'decision-making centers' in case of strikes on facilities in Russian territory.

    Kremlin-controlled media Ria Novosti reported, citing Russia’s Defense Ministry, that Moscow sees the U.K. Minister of the Armed Forces James Heappey’s comments about Ukraine’s right to strike at facilities such as fuel and ammunition depots in Russia as a provocation that “will immediately lead to our proportional response.”


    from https://www.kyivindependent.com


    "provocation" huh ?


    who invaded who?

    • Like 2
  2. Being aged I do love cooking but it comes to a stage when cooking at home cost me more than buying on line, as you all know I live in the west now and I discovered a food supplier which cooks and delivered food for a fraction of what I would spend when I cook t home ,don't believe me? Of course this only applies to OZ residents. So the meal normally costs ist about 200 baht, I pay just 40 baht come one aussies challeng this, you just winge and complain about the government do it better, I am happy to live here

  3. 1 minute ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    It is necessary to have that sign in the mens toilet , otherwise woman would go into the ladies toilet and see they shouldn't put napkins in that toilet and then they would go to the mens toilet and put the napkin in there , because theres no sign telling them not to do it 

    How often have you been to a ladies toilet?

    • Confused 1
  4. 1 hour ago, G Rex said:

    Weather forecasting is a very imprecise art the world over. The forecasts are more often than not wrong in the South East of Australia , and even in the US with all of their technology, they can’t predict the weather accurately - even in the landlocked States.  
    I would have gone out of business if I was so consistently wrong in my job!

    however.. in Thailand I have been quite impressed with the Weather - weather forecast and Weather forecast - radar  Apps.  Even their 7 day forecast is reasonably accurate for my area.

    the information provided is pretty basic.

     I installed a rain gauge - so if you call me, I can tell you yesterdays weather pretty accurately.


    Maybe you should move to Western Australia I had not many wrong forcasts I guess about 90 to 95 % are correct

  5. On 4/23/2022 at 12:52 PM, darksidedog said:

    That is of course daylight robbery, although the money does end up in the public coffers, while here the numbers might be lower amounts, but it is blatant robbery, with the money going into the cops pockets, with the only moot point being if they have genuine ID or dodgy.

    Where I live

    How much is a fine for using your phone while driving WA?
    If you touch your device while driving to do anything to start, end or change your navigation, even when secured in a mounting, you will receive a $1000 fine and 4 demerit points.
  6. 4 hours ago, simple1 said:

    Nonsense - The current national minimum wage is $772.60 per week, for a 38 hour week, or $20.33 per hour.

    https://business.gov.au/people/employees/employees-pay-leave-and-entitlements#:~:text=The national minimum wage is,are covered by an award.


    image.gif.d39930b3e0fe3d4be595d606dfd7f900.gifimage.gif.d39930b3e0fe3d4be595d606dfd7f900.gifJobseeker payments:




    "How many G20 countries have a population of only 25 million, and out of that 25 million, only have a workforce of around 12 million?" 


    Australia currently has one of the lowest worldwide unemployment rates at 4%

    I don't know about Queenland but in WA we have the lowest in the country with 3.6%

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