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Posts posted by epicstuff

  1. I had a guy dressed like a shake that aproached me in the Grand Diamong hotel about 13 years ago offered me this deal . I went along with it out of curiosity knowing fine well there was a scam in it just not quite sure how or what the scam was . met in a hotel and he transformed 40 dollars into 80 dollars for me then let me take them away to test if they would pass. , of course they were genuine bank note as it was the convincer . I took the $40 profit for my curiosity and never saw the guy again.. long and short of it all is this is the most stupid scam in history, there are so many holes in the theory they present, I dont know how anyone could fall for it...

  2. shiver !!!!! this tells me more about the police state in america than how bad this guy is..

    Is it actually legal to tempt someone into doing an illegal activity for the promise of hugh amounts of money then bust them when they say OK ?????

    I'm sure we could find away to put 95% of the worlds polulation inside if this is the case....

    At least in Phuket I sure many people would have said 'I'll do it' just so they could run away with any upfront payment.

    I'll go on ... and the U.S goverment programmed this guy in the 1st place to be a cold blodded killer & to go in and murder who he was ordered to without question or emotion for low pay Then when he is in the real world and faced with the pressures to be wealthly capitalist he is exected to see a difference when it comes to accepting orders from a better paying source.. Go kill innocent Iraqies who happen to wear a uniform for Uncle Sam, or go kill some drug dealers for a shit load of money. theres not much of a moral question here really....

    I am not saying I would like to get on the wrong side of this fellow , but something don't seem to right about the whole thing....

    Are you serious? It's all the government's fault? Anyone would have helplessly been made to assemble a pack of killers and plan the execution of a government official because they just have no self-control when the big bad U.S. government offers them money. Next it will all be Bush's fault. What a joke.

    so its ok with you? and theres no accountability for their policies what so ever? what ever I'm sure you're the expert on psychology

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  3. If I'm wrong I apologize I read a little more after posting the above comments which were based on my initial feeling from the way you wrote the 1st post. I've been srewed here big time and know how it feels if you have lost millions. 7 million I personally lost and that was a british developer.. nothing doing though legal action could end up costing you more and gain nothing... your post did so much remaind me of someone here in Phuket who is a grade A <deleted>.

  4. Can I get this straight what has he cost you ?. you have made a big fuss about loosing something that has taken you 1000's of hrs but has he actually stolen something physical ? you done the hours regardless, you have gained by that work in knowledge and experience anyway.

    I Cant help but feel this post is a tamtrum when I read it I picture some one I know very well who sorry to say is a complette idiot and only ever thinks of his loss or gain and never the bigger picture which ends up making problems for everyone he tries to do business with. He makes such a fuss about everything that he make enimies everywhere he goes. maybe this is such a case or maybe you are him...

    it not and he hasnt got anything of yours physically just walk away and put it behind you , he wont have any reason to sully your name and you wont have any more head ache... simple....... if he has got your motobike or a piece of your jewelery go to the police <deleted>

    Maybe i should demand a fee everytime i part with infomation and advise to others, that I have learned over the 1000's of weeks I've been alive.. infact i think this pearl of wisdom must be worth at least $38's I'll forward my account number

  5. If it doesn't involve spending money to make Thais richer, It seems it is classed as working . I read about a couple of guys getting busted for building their own boat on their own private property . If that wouldn't be classed as a hobby anywhere else, I don't know what would...!!! . but immigration say it was working illegally... it all stinks to me.

    So in answer to your question I think they could easily arrest you for cutting your grass because you could pay a Thai to do it for you....

    • Like 1
  6. The biter bit. smile.png

    unfortunately the scammed Thai women are not the same girls as the low life thai women that are scamming foreigners.

    surprisingly there are more nice normal Thai women out there who are also lonely and wish to find their prince who become easy victims. I doubt these Nigerians are targeting bar girls and the like who would only be interested in seeing money flow one way, inwards.

    I've seen this many times . its not isolated to any nationality. I've had attractive girls catch me on the internet through one site or another chat a bit , a few mails start talking sex then ask if they can visit, next thing you know they are asking to be sent air fares to be wired to them. or excess tax for packages sent in advace bla bla bla.

    I wonder if we can get the low-life Thai B girls to target the low-life Nigerians running their scams and vice versa. That would be a hoot!!! whistling.gif

    would it be illegal to run a name and shame thread on TV for the benefit of potential victims.. enter the Thai girls name and her method of extortion...

  7. spending the rest of his time in Bangkok running his own business?

    Long over due for a clean out of these undesirables and the individuals that assist there business endeavors in Bangkok.

    A new broom sweeps clean even from Dubai.

    Amazing how a little time in Thailand turns everybody racist. I know there are a lot of Nigerian scammers around but its a bit harsh just to assume if he's black them he must be one of them...if you go to the markets in BKK there are many Nigerians buying shoes and other garments for export..

    • Like 1
  8. The biter bit. smile.png

    unfortunately the scammed Thai women are not the same girls as the low life thai women that are scamming foreigners.

    surprisingly there are more nice normal Thai women out there who are also lonely and wish to find their prince who become easy victims. I doubt these Nigerians are targeting bar girls and the like who would only be interested in seeing money flow one way, inwards.

    I've seen this many times . its not isolated to any nationality. I've had attractive girls catch me on the internet through one site or another chat a bit , a few mails start talking sex then ask if they can visit, next thing you know they are asking to be sent air fares to be wired to them. or excess tax for packages sent in advace bla bla bla.

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  9. It only becomes an issue when the media start banging on about it otherwise no one would really pay any attention or take insult to it. Of course there will be sexploites somewhere on both sides its just petty mindedness and kids egos that talk about it , hardly a powerful tool for a propaganda war.

    if Absit can back up his accusation she's a stupid bitch, which I suspect is a fair comment. then there is nothing wrong with that statement if he his just moaning because she's a woman then its not on.

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  10. I don't really care what the statistIcs say, you can always find conflicting information. What is very clear to me is that roads are very dangerous and that there certainly more accidents and deaths here then back in the UK. I have been living and working in the Pattaya area for a little over 1 year now and I have seen 3 dead bodies with my own eyes in just the Pattaya area.. Of course there were many more deaths that I didn't see.

    The driving license is almost just given away with little in the way of testing really. You don't even have to go out on the road with an instructor.

    Also, the mentality of drivers is very much "me first". For example, when you are driving down the road and someone is getting ready to pull out in front of you the consideration is almost certainly "if i pull out can he/she perform an emergency break before hitting me?",, in the UK it is more, "can I pull out safely without endangering everyone./"

    on top of this and the obvious bikes with out helmet thing. what gets me is if you are driving down the road and have a the correct braking distance between you and the car in front, someone always tries to cut in on the inside and nip into the space. forcing you to keep defending your space like a stupid game, edging up to stop them doing so . which side-tracks your attention and leads to accidents when the traffic does suddenly stop.

    Run down lorries, cement trucks and 12 tonners, with inadequate brakes overloaded and speeding, often burning through lights on the change or several seconds after, or overtaking in built up areas is the other thing that makes me cringe & could be so easily resolved.

  11. I see its one on them nasty sliding type windows, makes it a bit more vague because it is normally really easy to tell if the window in not on the track properly. they will either grate or get stuck. if you forced it rather than report it not working properly then I can see why they might blame you.. is it a modern building? I am surprised that windows like that are allowed in high level apartments they do have building regulations here. no idea what they say about window types. but mine are always falling out, normally when I get a bit impatient. it is definitely an accident waiting to happen . if you know you are innocent then stand your ground. Your conscience.

  12. I would get the building manager to take some photos and make a report

    if it wasn't forced the manager will see and forward the report to the owner , you just have to shrug and say not your problem. when the owners see it is a genuine report and see the evidence they will have to back down and accept the claim against them; if they look like they will be difficult you have to make a police report take your contract with you. photos etc.

  13. Does it bother you if the victim family is happy, very happy with the out of court settlement?

    So the law of the land, the relevant punishments, applicable (in theory) to all citizens should be all forgotten, just pay up and all forgotten?

    And what about those who break laws (e.g. break a traffic law, and someone gets killed) and they have no money?

    This approach makes a total mockery of the whole purpose of the law.

    Punishment appropriate to the case should be there, as apunishment, and as a deterrent to other to not break the said law.

    Compensation is a different, but important, matter, and should also be in the picture.

    But compensation simple overriding the law is not acceptable, ever.

  14. That happens when you are a cheap charly and following your d#%k. No pitfulness, when you want to play with the big guys better be prepared or leave it!thumbsup.gifcoffee1.gif

    <deleted>... are you one of the big guys then.?.. We have no idea what the circumstances were when they picked up these girls, what they looked like, how they acted, what they were offering. other (than massage). It is sometimes a good adventure to spontaneously pick up a girl you meet at a shopping mall... Its not cheap Charlie . it is just more maverick than hanging out in girly bars.. add those facts to life's a lottery and sometimes the most normal and presentable girls are the ones working scams. not the overtly tarty ones. Having said that it doesn't take it away that they were rather stupid....... I generally try to hide as much cash before letting a stranger into my room, or lock up valuable in the hotel safe , I assume if they had that much cash they could afford a hotel with a safe in the room.

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  15. Ahaaaa; a "sail-boat: huh ? ?

    Well; that blue catamaran in the picture is everything BUT a sail-boat; the fact that there's no mast on it, should have been a reasonable hint - besides that; the design is most definitely NOT of a sailing vessel.

    In fact; this ugly contraption looks more like a small-channel ferry-boat, or possibly close-to-shore fishing charters, to my fairly-well trained eye !

    If this Russian chap was planning to take "this" to Indonesia, he would have surely perished before getting halfway there or anywhere.

    I know that 'beauty' is in the eye of the beholder; but this floating-disaster would look much more attractive on the bottom of the ocean ! ! !

    Man who can't sail arrested after stealing boat and trying to sail to Indonesia

    By Coconuts Bangkok


    PRANBURI: -- A Russian man was arrested Thursday after allegedly stealing a catamaran from Chon Buri's Sattahip district on Sunday.

    The man apparently did not know how to sail, as the stolen boat was found adrift off the coast of Phetchaburi, with the suspect on board, after running out of fuel, police said.

    Astrakhantcev Aetpaxahueb, 20, initially refused to surrender to maritime police from Prachuap Khiri Khan's Pran Buri district.

    He eventually relented however and and allegedly confessed to stealing the catamaran from Bang Sare beach in Chon Buri.

    It took officers a full hour to talk the suspect, who was hiding below deck, into surrendering, police said. [read more...]

    Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2013/09/06/man-who-cant-sail-arrested-after-stealing-boat-and-trying-sail-indonesia


    -- Coconuts Bangkok 2013-09-06

    You know I didn't even associate that picture to the story. I assumed it must of been the vessel that saved him or just a random picture . But yes you are right it is a piece of crap I'd be embarrassed to be seen on it.. It certainly wouldn't give the fantasy boat cruise you would have thought from stealing a yacht. I almost though yes! what a cool thing to do, nick a boat, and sail off somewhere become a play boy for a few weeks ....

  16. First of all and one more time I can see Russian bashing ...... This guy is UZBEKISTAN citizen , so why they put Russian ???????????????/ ridiculous !! How come he could take a boat out of the marina ? there are guards at the entrance asking question ( I know I have a boat there) , then you need a key to start , you need knowledge in sailing .... sounds very strange to me !

    why you want to split hairs?

    if it looks Russian , sounds Russian then..... well????

    They were all part of the old USSR. which most people referred to as Russia, so don't be surprised or offended when you see Ukrainians, Uzbeks' etc being referred to as Russian .!!!!

    so what!!!

  17. You are the cheap Charlie who would rather see your step kid have no phone or transportation to save a few bucks you don't even need and since your friends and neighbors know it's nonsense have to try and gain sympathy on the internet from random strangers ........ who is the one cutting the nose off ? her ? or you ? ........... you are the one who is refusing to give your step kid a decent product you can easily afford so you look like a cheap Charlie douchebag ..... and you are ....... It's you who is cutting your own nose off to spite your own face because you are wanting to save a couple of bucks you don't need to look like and be a douchebag parent instead and the only hope in hell of getting anyone to side with you is on the internet.

    i would say only a <deleted> would make a comment like that.. it is critical to learn to respect value and work toward gaining respect not take it for granted. but if you were spoilt as a baby maybe you have no concept of that.

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  18. I dont know if things have changed in the last few years but I used to get a 'Non O' from Penang. I just presented a birth certificate that has my surname on it and a bank statement that showed the needed amount; I cant remember if that was 400K or 800K.. I was unmarried and no other documentation was asked, I did that several years running before switching to 'Non B' for a work permit .. things got a whole lot more expensive since doing that.

  19. there a lot of useful info on here; thanks all.. most of it not too discouraging for a change.. I was well aware they eat just about anything but I dont think there is much around here I'm worried about . besides if they get too much to handle, then just sell them on , sounds like they only get bigger and more valuable..

    Ok cant anyone recommend which breed is most suitable for meat? ( I doubt I will have the time to milk them everyday) or if any specific breed is more manageable or desirable, although I expect it will be down to availability.

    i will find all the breeding info on google but if anyone has some basic info on .breeding that is always good to here.

  20. It's easy to rent a song thew/taxi at phangan. No one has to drive after they've had A few. It's A fun place to party.If you've never experienced it. I would go and check it out at least once.

    ummm!!! you want to run around the place, pick up a mate from their resort , pop into town for something, go score your weed, find a nice quiet beach or water fall to get stoned drive around to check out the best bar etc and you want to rely on a song thew/ taxi .. good luck with that theres a million of them that drive by at the same time when the ferries come in then nothing for hours.

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