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Everything posted by bkk_bwana

  1. He was open about taking a 30k GBP loan and doing a runner to Thailand.
  2. The news channel only picked up on the talking 'bad' about Thailand and Thai people. They didn't pick up on his running a business with no visa, no company, no work permit, selling cannabis to an 18 year old, getting into a fight with a nurse at the local hospital and generally being a pest. IT's not the first time that the police have had to interview him either.
  3. What's the difference between 15% THC and 30% THC? One hit.
  4. I have been a Wisdom member for about 6 years. I have used their financial advisors. I am a boring investor, seeking low risk returns so it works fine for me.
  5. I don't think 'crave' is the right word, but plenty of Thai people smoke weed, most of them are not so blatant about smoking it in public, that's all.
  6. There's a third option. Stop worrying about unimportant stuff.
  7. Tell that to every retailer of anything. Of course on paper it makes sense. You can keep your inventory in a box in a safe, you need a tiny storefront and it is the most expensive agricultural product you can get your hands on per kg. The problem is too many shops. Tragedy of the Commons.
  8. A little known fact in the open? He's one of the most famous businessmen in Thailand.
  9. There are plenty of highly reliable online vendors. They all do cash on delivery. 'kinda sorta legal'. Are you scared the authorities will know who you are? They could not give a rat's <deleted> about you. It's not illegal.
  10. It's very much a thing with educated middle class Thais. Nothing to do with western culture. Plenty of professionals too. I really don't think that you know too much about the scene and are making some guesses.
  11. Absolutely agree. All of the bud shops round me (Bangkok, far away from tourist areas) sell almost exclusively to Thai customers. I never understand why people think that Thai people don't have money. Open your eyes people.
  12. They are going to have to do something. Thailand is becoming a super-aged society by 2029. There will not be enough people to do the work anyway.
  13. Are there any countries in the world where it is socially acceptable to touch someone on the head that you do not know well?
  14. Who said anything about teenage kids? Here's what I said earlier in this thread: ME: Then they should be prosecuted accordingly. Just like selling alcohol to a minor. It needs to be controlled, just like anything else, with appropriate regulations.
  15. Based on what evidence? Portugal, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, many states in the USA are not reporting any of this new "generation of zombie lookalikes roaming the streets wandering aimlessly and content with smoking dope all day to remain in their little cocoon".
  16. Fix? Never seen a drunk tourist? On a motorbike?
  17. The moment a YouTuber is involved, I immediately think 'fake'.
  18. Then they should be prosecuted accordingly. Just like selling alcohol to a minor. It needs to be controlled, just like anything else, with appropriate regulations. I have yet to see the collapse of Thai society because of Cannabis legalisation. The stoners always smoked anyway, it was always available. There are more tourists partaking than before, but hey, that's good business and nobody is getting hurt. Meanwhile, Mr Clown continues to make a fool of himself.
  19. Taste Atlas has zero credibility. It's been called out dozens of times. It just churns out lists of nonsense and the news picks up on it and report it as fact.
  20. Yes. But 'proper' tourists spend MUCH more than those who live here and use the system to stay here, which makes up all the people complaining right now. Average tourist spend is 5,100 a day. 150,000 a month. We see plenty of videos and stories out there about how you can live for $1,000 a month, one fifth of the spend of a typical tourist. Is it any wonder that they are happy to let tourists in for a month but make others jump through a few hoops?
  21. 292m guest nights. Average stay 10 nights. Based on your math that would be 35% of the required need. But it isn't, because many rooms are taken by couples (or more). Thailand's occupancy has been at approximately 70%, which is a sweet spot for hotels and of course, covers low season as well. The short answer is to accomodate 80m tourists, which is double the amount of the 2019 figure, you need to double the amount of rooms, or encourage people to stay shorter (no)! or encourage people to travel during low season and shoulder times (difficult).
  22. "Making sense of the Thai Cannabis Revolution" There is some serious, well researched information here - he has a free newsletter and a paid subscription (as everyone seems to these days) https://substack.com/profile/85818862-carl-k-linn
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  23. http://plookganja.fda.moph.go.th or search for 'plook gan' on the Android Play Store, don't know about iOS though.
  24. The difference between 25% THC and 50% THC is "take another hit".
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