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Everything posted by bkk_bwana

  1. I flew with some from Bangkok to Phuket earlier this month, in a metal airtight container. Security noticed the container when it was x-rayed. When they saw it was weed they waved me through. End of.
  2. Prices will become more reasonable. They have to. Supply and demand will drive them down. Look at the number of weed shops in Bangkok compared to SFO. Big competition will come once the honeymoon period is over and they start getting better at growing.
  3. Royal Queen Seeds at Asoke Junction, BKK. They have a big range and can offer advice. The owner is an ex-grower from Holland and knows what he is talking about.
  4. If the figure were truly 17% of all ER admissions related to MJ ingestion it would be front page news. It's total BS. Show us the data Doc.
  5. "everytime i go out i am accosted by holiday makers" Where are you hanging out? Will Thai males that you would want to meet be hanging out in these places too? I doubt it. I have many Thai male friends. I did not meet any of them by 'going out'. For that matter, I never made one single western friend by 'going out' either. Certainly not in a bar. I met my Thai male friends through special interest clubs, work, business, introductions.
  6. An AGENT to get married? The district office cannot refuse a marriage provided paperwork is in order and two witnesses are present. They have no right to demand an 'agent' to take care of this. It's completely outside local government standard operating procedures (yes, they do have them).
  7. All we ever see is false headlines these days.
  8. Who cares about a few silly offhand comments? He delivered on an election promise which is more than most politicians have ever done.
  9. Between the entrance to LK and Soi Honey.
  10. I don't know if anyone has noticed this. When you buy from some of the dealers on Line, some have a link that allows you to see a list or download/share an Excel/Google Sheet file of deliveries that they have sent out via courier. Typical information includes Tracking number, Customer Name, in some cases address, the value to collect COD. I've seen the same with Facebook dealers where they sent out this list on Messenger.
  11. Just close the door. Aircon just recirculates air that is already in the room.
  12. Hotel balconies work fine for smoking
  13. You can't tell from a picture. If anyone says they can, I call BS. There is so much nonsense about strains going on, just like wine snobbery. If you like it, and you are OK with the price, than that should be all that matters. Most of the sellers out there are just making stuff up about strains, percentages of THC/CBD, grown locally, imported yada yada. The market is totally unregulated, this is not Colorado.
  14. Is anyone saying Hash is not legal? I saw it that way as well but have never heard anything to the contrary.
  15. I just bought some Hash for 99 Baht/g. It is very similar to Moroccan Hash I used to get in the UK in terms of taste/strength. It is very crumbly, bubble extraction, I suppose. Mixed in with some Green Crack it makes an extremely cheap and effective spliff. It's excellent value as far as I am concerned. There was a mix up with the order. I ordered 5 bowls (กะปุก - kapook, 3 g) + 2 free, a total of 21g for 1,500 Baht. They sent me 7g only. They said they will send the balance. When I receive it, I will post the link.
  16. I bought a Pax II in the USA five months ago. I dropped it and it will not charge. It is totally unserviceable. That said, it was really good, not hot at all and the battery life was quite good. I could get several sessions from one charge at level 2, no need to go higher. I didn't like the bespoke charger and would have preferred a standard USB, as this meant having to take an extra cable when traveling. There is no way of attaching the PAX II to a bong, no standard 10mm attachment or anything like that.
  17. What's wrong with a simple gummy?
  18. Isn't it remarkable how suddenly, all these new ganja experts have shown up? I suspect that these are the same people that were vaccine and epidemiology experts a couple of years ago.
  19. They banned online sales of alcohol a few years ago. So what do we do now? We either call up the very well known supermarket staff or use Line/IM to order it. Same will happen for weed.
  20. Just got 100g of Green Crack for 1,800 Baht. Next day delivery. It's good. Way better than brick and at that price, absolutely nothing to complain about. It does the job. Baan Kru Samunprai.
  21. Places like Pothole and other adult oriented establishments with ladies serving booze and weed seems like a perfect combination. Do they offer Lady Bong Hits as well as Lady Drinks?
  22. Word. Millions of people smoked weed in Thailand before 9th June.
  23. She has done a lot of good work over the years as one of the leading legalise-it activists in Thailand. Activists tend to have egos.
  24. Apologies, I thought I clipped the link in the quote - here you go: https://www.facebook.com/บ้านครูสมุนไพร-104109811346576/
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