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  1. That is all knowledge of an ordinary ruski imbecile, all the ruski imbecile can reply. 😁 Those who support ruski mass murderer poo tin are not completely humans.
  2. imbecile, from ruzzia does not always mean to be ruski, yes, it perfectly proves that 90% of their alco population are zombified mentally ill pigs similar to the population of nazi Germany. And unlike you clown, I lived in the USSR and well remember rubbish life there, and unlike you clown, I remember the atrocity of the ruskies against the Ukrainians and other nations. You have no idea about it, and you have no idea about the USSR history but fart here pretending you know something. But without a single proof it is an ordinary fart.
  3. rusky funny clowns are still alive so funny
  4. from Russia of course, where do you think I am from, do you think that all russians support this war, of course not, 90% of population yes, but those 10% are humans as well
  5. what is funny ruski alcoland instead of cleaning their dirty mud cities, Chita for example, spreads the smell to China and the Chinese complain, by the way, and want to teach Ukraine what to do, ruski alco, sort out your own country, arrest your nazis, destroy neo nazi politic of rashism and only after that open your dirty mouth
  6. the longer the war the more smelly riskies will die until they catch pootin and do like the romanians did to Ceaushescu
  7. another drunk nonsense from ruski clown, now everybody laughs at ruski alco mantra about neo nazis, ruski smelly pigs must get out of Ukrainian land the sooner the better, that is Wagner group whose chief was nazy who adored Hitler and was standing near clown pootin, ruski must have hell everywhere they come in Europe and in Thailand
  8. do not be imbecile, ruski, I watched it on your ruski news not Hollywood, your propganda does not work
  9. ruski clown that russian people have no gas while selling to china, and use wooden toilets separated from the house during -40 degrees celsius. The images I attached show magic and beauty of ruski alcoland especially last video скрепа.mp4
  10. you must not be ruski lier, ukraine does not want to live in extreme poverty like ruski zombies and stand on the knees as ruski in front of pootin
  11. as ruski constantly attacking so their death is higher than ukrainian, so when the last ukrainian dies there will remain no ruskis. if russia invades all ukraine those ukrainians who stayed under the occupation will join ruski army and continue fighting with other countries.
  12. it means ruskies are brainless idiots nothing more
  13. not others only ruski pigs. have seen so many jumping off the balcony from russki but I am happy the less ruski meat the sooner the end of this war. if you want this war to finish you must help me in ruski destruction, can you??
  14. https://gubdaily.ru/news/rossiyane-nachali-krast-yajca-v-magazinax-poshtuchnos just look at that THE EGG STEALING everything in russian language,
  15. Bro thank you so much I buy you a beer if you come to us in Nonthaburi. they do not have eggs in the supermarkets and the guys were stealing packs of butter. Do you want a video from russian supermarket,I can send/. This is not from American lying news, this is from russian true news))

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