As Westerens we can learn a lot of Thai people... I know my posts are not always in favor of the Thai people, but just as in every country there are good ones and others. I live in a rural area and I noticed that even if people don't have much, they still share.. It is not what they give but only the idea that they give even if they don't have money. It seems easy we get regular fruits, or vegetables of people who don't have money at all, and we live like kings, although I feel ashamed sometimes. But they don't care, but they changed my behavior many years ago. If people with a bit give you something, I feel obliged to do the same, but in a decent way, which means not to show that I have money. But sometimes we buy a package of coffee, cookies, fruit or things like that and with Christmas we make a package with things they can use for daily cooking and some luxury goods they hardly can afford. It is very appreciated, although they never say it. But We Westerns can learn about this behavior.