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  1. I have been there once same as Phuket but never again... Indeed to many creepy people and hookers and that is not what I am looking for or want to be associated with
  2. I agree with you, some people don't know how to behave, but that are a a few the most people behave normally. But it seems that all farangs are skunks and have an indecent behavior.
  3. The Thai Pride is brainwashed in schools... Thailand is proud that they were never colonized.. but that also has the effect that they are not used to handle foreigners, other cultures, and other ideas.. They are used to protect their own culture at all cost. Simple examples are that nowadays still there are Thai movies played at temples, with almost nobody there to watch.. same for the puppet plays, And they don't care they just perform even if nobody there. And how about the every day messages on the speakers? Everybody has a mobile, and TV, and what purpose has it? What purpose is it to let cars drive around screaming messages about activities ?? all outdated..And English is not important for Thai.. even Prayuth once said that Thai will be a world language.. Nobody learns anything about history nor from their own country neither from abroad... Everything is only Thailand is the best, And when foreigners come they are being seen as a threat as they are trying to destroy the Thai culture with their ideas. This narrow thinking makes Thais proud as they show they can deal and take care of their own country. But it is the 21st century and by the conservative and protected attitude they will stay behind of the rest of the world.
  4. We have seen in the past months how welcome tourists are.. First for the rafting, now for no T shirts, and other things... Indeed we say you(r money) are welcome, but better stay away
  5. Thailand and computers are not going together... Thailand the hub of failing computer programs would be better than hub of IT. No wonder they want the arrivalcard back and now in digital way.. It will be a big mess probably not ready now before the 1st of May
  6. Stupidity in Thailand is unbelieveable...Everything must be controlled in the land of freedom....as they pretend the name of the country is... Really nothing can be done for fun, ridiculous to fine this.. There are much worse cases to handle than such..
  7. Are the netizens outraged now too??? Or is it only if tourists vape?? There much more wrong with wrongdoings of Thai people than the few foreigners.. But in fact the only ones to blame is the RTP. They should start to work and check, and the people should have permissions form the Chambre of Commerce to start a business, with a businessplan, location and how and what... but there is a lack of everything that is why Thailand is becoming more and more messy.. The mai pen rai attitude makes that people can do as they want, because nobody cares about anything. This is another example.. Why did the school or teachers not file a complaint about what they were selling? Nobody checks anything
  8. you think so??? I think the motorcycle will make a bump and loose control
  9. THai drivers education and the unawareness of the rich people with their big cars who think owns the roads.. You see everywhere how people in Mercedes, BMW, or other big cars think they are more and better than others and behave like that.. So I think it is his own mistake. No sorry for him.
  10. All zebra crossing should be elevated now.. so that drivers have to slow down and to protect the people using the zebra crossing.. It is just absurd that the same incidents keep on happen and nobody cares.. Elevate them is the only solution
  11. Interpol can find this man but the Red Bull heir is never in any country or at any border?? He just not on the list
  12. This is a lack of parental guidance.. a kid that is vaping for 2 years and nobody noticed?? Something is very wrong. And you can call to forbid vaping, but in fact that is not the problem.. Vaping could be allowed but from a certain age and make it expensive... but first of all parents/grandparents take care of the children guide them and protect them. That was not done in this case and many more we don't know
  13. Sad again, but a 14 year old is not allowed to drive a motorcycle
  14. They seemed to be Thai.... so not only foreigners are violating the Criminal Code
  15. I see them in Robinson , on the market, even parents bringing kids to school

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