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  1. And what is the problem now? The boy is not allowed to drive a motorcycle, his parents are responsible for this, and so the RTP with the lack of enforce any law, and it is not the first this year and will not be the last..
  2. So father so daughter, as father did not want to pay tax too for the TVsatelite sale
  3. Solution number 1 Everybody needs to go smoking normal cigarettes, they are unhealthier, and will contribute to raise the hospital costs. Solution number 2 Only not allowed for foreigners.. many Thai policemen, Government officials, military, teachers and others are vaping, but that is no problem Solution number 3 Legalize the whole thing and make it expensive with more tax so that the country will get money to help people instead of their own cigarettes companies
  4. They should change their name in the National Corruption Commission
  5. But the PM maybe can not stay the whole time as she said.. She has to rest for the second day... I think it shows that she is incompetent for the job.. She is just like her father.. high bloodpressure, not feeling well, tired... all to prevent to be attacked by the opposition.. In many countries the PM stays up till things are finished no timelimts
  6. As Westerens we can learn a lot of Thai people... I know my posts are not always in favor of the Thai people, but just as in every country there are good ones and others. I live in a rural area and I noticed that even if people don't have much, they still share.. It is not what they give but only the idea that they give even if they don't have money. It seems easy we get regular fruits, or vegetables of people who don't have money at all, and we live like kings, although I feel ashamed sometimes. But they don't care, but they changed my behavior many years ago. If people with a bit give you something, I feel obliged to do the same, but in a decent way, which means not to show that I have money. But sometimes we buy a package of coffee, cookies, fruit or things like that and with Christmas we make a package with things they can use for daily cooking and some luxury goods they hardly can afford. It is very appreciated, although they never say it. But We Westerns can learn about this behavior.
  7. Sounds like Shakespeare.. to or not to be that is the question... In Thailand the same.. Today they announce this tomorrow the opposite, than a whole lot of talking and a lot of unrest, a lot of unclearness and than delaying to relive again a few months later... Thailand doesn't dare to change things, conservatism will keep the country back and also investors don't dare to invest.. Because what today is possible/allowed can be changed tomorrow... Look at the re introducing of the arrival card. With a few weeks to go nothing is clear yet, and probably it will be delayed too.. Left hand doesn't know what the right hand does or wants
  8. Despite what he did or did not do, the conditions in Thai jail are terrible, many stories already we have read about it..Thailand pretends that they treat people decently, but the stories out of jail are terrible and I am wondering why Human Rights organizations don't do anything about this. People in prison are still people and being locked up doesn't mean you can mistreat them. And I know police officers do, as I had a foster kid that experienced the same, and the problem is they are not allowed to talk about it, because as they do, it will be more terrible situation for them... And everything is covered up.. look at Joe Ferrari.... and others And Thailand claims to be a Buddhistic country, with alcohol bans on Holy Days, but they could better respect life for every living being...
  9. as always the truth hurts https://www.quora.com/Why-are-brit-tourists-so-hated-Is-it-because-they-are-disgustingly-rude-and-disrespectful-towards-locals https://www.msn.com/en-gb/travel/other/16-reasons-british-tourists-have-a-bad-reputation-in-other-countries/ss-AA1seaTd#image=3
  10. I am happy to notice that you have a good contact with the Thai people.. Almost everybody is complaining, which was different when I came to live here 20 years ago.. But in my own country happiness is still good according to the same survey. Although many problems with too many refugees and asylum seekers, Black Peet and slavery history, and higher taxes .... It depends I suppose how the Government is dealing with things, but what has the Government done to make people here happy?? A few things? Demonstrators in jail and bail denied.. no vaping allowed( although many do) The party that won the election ..... and surely not to forget reently the 10k wallet scheme that is being delayed and delayed .... and the non working RTP...there is a lot of unhappiness under the Thai people if you speak with them...
  11. Why is every offence of law followed by jailterm?? No other ways to punish this man??
  12. because of people who makes comments like this....
  13. In Europe all British are known for extreme alcohol consumption... and of course they make noise, and get angry when drinks are refused.. Many tourist destinations in Europe are not happy with them
  14. Unfortunately the smiles are long gone in Thailand.. surely after 20 years management by military junta. And still no progress to enter the 21st century...and the poor daily wages and rising prices
  15. Interpol seems to work in other countries except for Thai criminals as teh Red Bull heir.... Besides should the RTP not make more efforts to fight crimes in Thailand.
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