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Posts posted by ikke1959

  1. Sometimes people HAVE to get married. The law requires that only partner can make decisions and living together is not seen and accepted as partnership. So if you have to make important decisions like surgery or funeral as a not legal registered partner (marriage) you can not do that. The law forces people to get married in fact. 

  2. 9 hours ago, CMNightRider said:

    Gay marriage" is not about love and is unnatural.  The Bible is God’s love letter to humanity and His instruction manual for humanity. Between the pages of the Bible you’ll find truth to believe, promises to claim, commands to obey, and examples to follow. 1 Timothy 3:16-17 says,“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”


    The Bible tells us about God, about ourselves, and about how to live--now and eternally. The Bible helps us know God, love God, and follow God. But it also helps us understand humankind. The Bible contains God’s master plan of salvation and how we can have assurance of God’s forgiveness and salvation through Jesus. In fact, God’s love and plan to save people is woven throughout the entire Bible--Old Testament and New Testament.

    Maybe you should read the Bible from pag 1 till the last page....Or find another priest.....

  3. strange they all talk about money and tax, and adoption of children.....A lot of people refer to America which is a very conservative country and surely not representative for the rest of the world if it is about gay and lesbian relationships...Everybody has an opinion ok.. but i think a lot here think that gay are all child abusers... But how many heterosexual men are raping every day ??? or hitting their wives?? No mention of that... 

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  4. I think it is important that Thailand can legalize a relation between two people. man/man woman/woman.. If there is no such a thing, there can be  a lot of problems if one of the two partners is unable to give permission for a treatment in the hospital or even worse when one partner dies. Only the family can do the arrangements than. For foreigners could this be a big problem because gay people normally don't have children and on a certain age the parents are dead too. So if you lived for many years together and yu can not take these important decisions I think it is an extra grieve ......I am satisfied with the bill now, but i agree it would be easier if the law was changed from man and woman in two people

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