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  1. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/11/11/formula-one-multi-billion-dollar-battle-to-host-an-f1-race-is-heating-up.html Four circuits are vying for contract extensions, Thailand and South Korea have both submitted bids, while India, Rwanda, and numerous other countries are reported to be developing the infrastructure to secure a slot on the F1 calendar.
  2. Ram Skin Clinic. Dr. Vachiraporn. I go for yearly checkup and she removes pre=cancer spots with Nitrogen (usually 1,000baht). 2 years ago had a carcanoma removed on the side of my nose. Followup biopsy showed all clear. Total cost 5,000 baht. She is recommended often by others here.
  3. My wife was excited after going through her old coins from her deceased father's and her own old coin collection. A number of them matched those in the Tik Tok video to worth "hundreds of thousands" . She and her adult son took them to a well known coin shop somewhere here in Chiang Mai. The owner had great laugh of all the people bringing in coins because of Tik Tok. He said he had hundreds of them for display but of minimal value and didn't want any more. As I told my wife before, unless a collectable item, eg, coin, is spotless, has not been in circulation, and many other factors, they are not valuable. They had a good laugh about the situation, He wished the tik tok fans would quit coming in. (No I don't know where this shop is).
  4. Central Festival does NOT do Marriage or Retirement visa extensions except for agents. Yes, I have been there recently and asked/
  5. Bought a few cars and motorcycles in my many years here. Hell, even a house. Always with a cashier check. No problem.
  6. Read this carefully. I believe you are missing this requirement. I did this a number of years ago even though the wife has no income. https://www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers/nonresident-spouse
  7. https://www.fiaformulae.com/en/news/17969/the-making-of-a-formula-e-circuit
  8. Sure looks like a Thai flag. A number of other photos on other sources if you search.
  9. I just connected with Nextfix on my fairly old TV and received a message that I would no longer be able to get Netflix on this device beginning next month. You can read for yourself and see what applies Google :: "netflix no longer available on this device" .
  10. Requirements also state it must be drawn on their form. I have always done this so I don't know if it is enforced. You may save yourself some aggravation and use their form just in case.
  11. No, and I did submit twice. The second time worked. But if you go to the website, Click on "Check the Status of your application" if that is your concern. If it shows it there, you can click and download a copy.
  12. Sounds good to me. BMW and Mercedes dealer have used my recommendation, so Honda may use someone outside to do it. Nothing wrong with that. I would go for it.
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