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  1. Depends on if they airline staff even bother to check. If they do, and your bag is oversize, they'll force you to check it in.
  2. A lot of airlines allow you carry on 2 pieces of luggage onto the cabin: 1 piece that fits into the overhead bin + 1 personal item (which can be a laptop bag, as long as it is small enough to be stored underneath the seat). See if this works for you. Check with Thai airways to see what their cabin allowance is for your ticket.
  3. Don't know if you are doing this already. You can take Cetirizine to relieve much of the itch. Cetirizine is an anti-histamine commonly taken for allergies. It's an over the counter drug, no prescription needed.
  4. Putting bedding in sealed bag for 2-3 days will almost certainly kill the mites, but not 100%. One scenario is if you have some tiny bits of skin on the bedding where the mites are. Which will provide food for the mites. I had scabies about 10 years ago. Got rid of it with permethrin treatments (repeated a few times). If you have to go through the treatment, and the itch of the scabies themselves, you want to eliminate reinfection as much as possible.
  5. A more foolproof way to get rid of scabies on clothing and bedding is to freeze them. Bag it up, put it in the freezer, leave it there for 3 full days, and they will be dead for sure.
  6. Yes, not answering calls from unknown numbers isn't the answer for me either. It could be a genuine call. Just remember that you cannot be scammed by simply answering a call. It's only if your are dumb enough to give out banking (or other personal) information, that's when the scams happen.
  7. A few times I got the following call: Caller claims they are the rcmp. They have seized a rental car that was used to transport drugs from Canada to San Antonio. The US police found the car abandoned in San Antonio, and traced it to me. Allegedly because the car was a rental, and it was my credit card used to rent the car. Caller says it's probably not me who rented the car, but it doesn't matter because it's my credit card used to rent it, so as far as the police is concerned, they are looking for me. Caller says he has an arrest warrant with my name on it, and unless I take care of it, I will get arrested at the next opportunity. And to take care of it... you guessed it!... he needs my bank information. So I asked him whose name is on the arrest warrant. He couldn't answer obviously, just kept repeating that he has an arrest warrant. And I kept asking him whose name is on it. Eventually he hung up.
  8. Depends on how widely your phone number is known. I have a virtual Canadian phone number. The only ones I have shared that number with are some banks, a lawyer or 2, a few family members, 1 agent, and 1 management company. I have received scam calls on that number. Me asking the caller who they are looking for have always stopped them dead in their tracks. The only callers that know my name are callers from my banks trying to sell me a product, but those are spam (rather than scam) callers.
  9. Number 1 question to ask the caller is who they are looking for. If they don't know your name, it's just a random scam call.
  10. The one on the left (in the green pants) is a harem onto herself.
  11. If you click "OK" on that popup window the torrent should be added and the download starts. I'm not sure what's the problem?
  12. The samsung J7 pro had it last security update in the first quarter of 2021. It hasn't had any updates since. Hope you are not doing anything secure on it, like banking, or reading your email.
  13. Go to sanook.com, they have a video there of the woman in the photo trying to pry the shoe loose. It clearly shows the bottom of the shoe is stuck, and not the laces. Score one for the witness! https://www.sanook.com/news/9020310/
  14. "She said she was just behind the tourist and she first thought it was a shoelace that had got caught at the end of the moving walkway but later saw that it was the sole of the shoe that had jammed there." Man! So many comments about a shoelace getting stuck, despite the article clearly stating that it was not.
  15. The monitor listed in that specs Pic is a MSI g24c4. On lazada a new one sells for right around 4k.
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