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Pattaya Spotter

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Everything posted by Pattaya Spotter

  1. More just a common sense kind of guy..."I've parked my car in an underground garage, which is open to the elements in a place which often floods during heavy rains...maybe I should move it to higher ground during hours of torrential tropical downpours." ????
  2. Pretty stupid to have an underground garage in the tropics...and even more stupid to keep your car parked there during a torrential rainstorm.
  3. The pharmacy just down from my guesthouse has several brands of ATKs for $295 baht a kit.
  4. It would be interesting to know if this is an escapee from a crocodile farm or a true saltwater crocodile ????
  5. Am I missing something...almost everyone is fully vaccinated...a couple hundred daily test positive for virus infection...few, if any, serious illness or death (because of vaccination)...what's the big deal. Isn't this why we all got vaccinated?
  6. Onward and upward...and the island is not even open to anyone but vaccinated people.
  7. Other than the first countrywide lockdowns in early 2020, restaurants in Phuket have been open for dine-in and takeout or delivery.
  8. I've been advised that the Phuket Covid-19 vaccine registration site is now open to foreigners without work permits, i. e., retirement visa holders and other non-working foreigners residing on the island. The site is linked below but it's in Thai only (of course) so you will have to use a browser that can translate it (e.g., Chrome). https://xn--12cmj6ba0a7b3g4a6fud5d2a.com/
  9. A scientist adventurer and China’s ‘Bat Woman’ are under scrutiny as coronavirus lab-leak theory gets another look The silencing of scientists, the blanket denials, the careful guarding of raw data and biological samples — these elements have been emblematic of the approach by Chinese authorities at every stage of the coronavirus outbreak. And they continue to obstruct the world’s ability to get answers. There is no direct evidence linking Tian’s team, or a rival group of bat-disease specialists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, to the coronavirus outbreak. Nor is there more than circumstantial evidence to support any theory of the pandemic’s origin. [Emphasis added] Many scientists say the most likely path is that the virus spread in nature and jumped from animals to humans. But that belief is largely based on how other coronaviruses have originated, not what is known about this case. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/coronavirus-bats-china-wuhan/2021/06/02/772ef984-beb2-11eb-922a-c40c9774bc48_story.html
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