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Pattaya Spotter

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Everything posted by Pattaya Spotter

  1. My Kasikorn branch manager is always trying to get me to sign-up for the Wisdom card, even took me to lunch and gave me a bunch of bank swag to talk it up. I figure anything they are flogging that hard has to be a way better deal for the bank than to me.
  2. War supporters' taxpayer billions in aid going to support Winter Thailand vacations for The Ukraine government members. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/zelenskiys-party-purges-lawmaker-wartime-trip-thailand-2023-01-27/
  3. Open for what? Why not make a restaurant or at least an Amazon Cafe out of it.
  4. Polls are for fools...try a plebiscite or referendum.
  5. I don't have a say in Russian politics...I do in America's.
  6. They've got people like you fooled. Nobody in the corridors of Western power gives a hoot about The Ukraine or The Ukrainians.
  7. At least the heading is correct...Joe Biden is escalating his proxy war against Russia at The Ukraine's expense.
  8. 14...quite a comedown from the thousands fielded by their Nazi predecessors. But still making war in Europe...seems like they've learned nothing from their history.
  9. They were asked should we fund children's meals and heating for the poor or tanks and guns for The Ukraine...I must have missed that.
  10. That explains the government's unpopularity in polls. Got it. And the ambitions of Zelenski has nothing to do with the people of the UK.
  11. And yet the UK government has billions of pounds for war in The Ukraine ???????? When her sons ask for snacks she can no longer afford, Aislinn Corey in London, lays down a blanket on the floor and plays “the picnic game.” She takes an apple collected from her preschool’s food bank and slices it in thirds to be shared. “We do it as an activity...so they don’t know that mummy is struggling.” She says dinners are often reduced to “pasta pasta pasta,” and she sometimes skips the meal entirely so there is more food for her children. As the cost of groceries and heating homes have hit records signs of distress are everywhere. The BBC has published dozens of online recipes costing less than a pound, or about $1.23, per portion. Some schools have turned down their heaters and many communities have opened “warm spaces” — heated public rooms for people with cold homes. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/25/world/europe/uk-cost-of-living-children.html
  12. Government competence at its best.
  13. What comes next...more war, destruction, missing limbs, orphans, and death. Stop the madness!
  14. Good for that, or half the Catholic clergy would be in jail.
  15. A whole 14 tanks...that should get The Ukranians to the gates of Moscow ????????????
  16. The UK man hails from Birmingham in the British Midlands and was thought to be ‘fit and healthy’ by all those who knew him. He was 48 years of age. But just looks 68.
  17. The article reports the US tanks, along with other nation's stocks, are already stockpiled at arms depots in Europe. You seem to be under the impression the two years is because the US tanks are in the U.S. This is not the case; and the long lead time is despite the tanks already being in Europe and near the front lines. There are a myriad of operational and logistical reasons for the long lead time. The article also points out that Russia will also have a big incentive to disrupt the rail and truck routes bringing in these escalatory weapons. The best of luck to them.
  18. It may take years before any Western tanks reach The Ukraine, and by then, Russia will have likely mopped-up the last of Ukraine. Nothing but another stupendous waste of treasure from Western armories. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/01/25/world/russia-ukraine-news/getting-tanks-to-the-front-lines-looms-as-a-challenge-for-ukraine?smid=url-share
  19. The military-industrial-Congressional complex never misses an opportunity to sow more mayhem around the world while they seek glory and profits. Sad so many buy the lies and gaslighting.
  20. Nobody's business except The Ukraine and Russia...nothing but a family domestic dispute.
  21. The hoary Putin is Hitler argument ????
  22. Probably...as President Trump said D.C. is a swamp and he did nothing his predecessors haven't done for years (despite the media and Democrat Party meltdown).
  23. What? Is Russia invading Germany (or any NATO country)? I must have misread the news.
  24. California's gun confiscation policies don't seem to be working all that well... A barrage of gun violence left the nation’s most populous state groping for answers on Tuesday as the death toll from mass shootings in California rose to at least 25 people in a little over a week. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/01/24/us/california-shootings/california-grapples-with-two-mass-shootings-in-three-days?smid=url-share
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