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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. I just smelled something yesterday & whatever it was, smelled like freshly sliced Jalapenos & had my mouth watering, hence my search online & found this thread.

    Has anybody ever seen them at the Villa in Pattaya? I'd love to get some seeds.

    This is the Phuket forum ... wink.png


    It's also the only Jalapeno thread.

    There is a Villa in Pattaya.

    Just thought I'd ask. Usually people will say "Yes" or "No".

    What's the harm in that?



  2. I just smelled something yesterday & whatever it was, smelled like freshly sliced Jalapenos & had my mouth watering, hence my search online & found this thread.

    Has anybody ever seen them at the Villa in Pattaya? I'd love to get some seeds.

    I can go the eBay route, but am dying for them NOW!



    PS.....Don't know what it is about Thai peppers.......They are fine going down. It's the un-controllable exit (you never know when). You just know IT'S RIGHT NOW & you have about 5 nanoseconds to find a toilet.

    No fore-warning with Thai peppers.

  3. Just like prostitution is banned in Thailand right? And not wearing a helmet on a motorbike is banned, not stopping at a red light is banned, bars open past 2am is banned, Pornograpghy is banned, yaba is banned, talking on your cell phone while driving is banned.... I could go on all day...

    Laws banning stuff mean nothing if there is no enforcement... Remember when the drunk kids stabbed and killed someone at Kao Yie and they "Banned" liquor at all of the national parks? Has anything changed at the national parks since then? Anyone who believes this "Law" will have the slightest effect on drinking in factories or on busses is a fool.

    Here, here! Well said my friend!

    A law is only as good as it is enforced. The only reason prostitution is illegal here is because the the Puritanical West said it should be.

    Cowering politicians made it a 'Law", so the West was happy and gives them loads of favorable trade agreements, treaties, military aid etc.

    Would that American hookers were as sweet & nice as they (generally) are in LOS.

    I am from Florida & had the mis-fortune of spending 4 days & 3 nights at a seedy hotel near the Jacksonville airport in 2008.

    Good-God!!!!! The place had girls (crack addicts or maybe meth addicts) all over the place. It made the Thermae at 0400 hrs look like a Miss Universe pageant. Where were the cops when I needed them? They should have been arrested for publicly littering with their looks.

  4. The more I think of this, the better the ideas get.....

    Use those confiscated dildos as rubber bumpers around street poles...same could be said for the blow-up dolls.....fill them full of water and place them there instead of those giant rubber trash cans full of water on the expressways.

    Hub of recycling!!!

    OTOP my @ss!

    OT2D = One truck 20 dildos hanging off the back is the way to promote life, liberty & the next jug of Mekong!

    They could pad the pavement around Pattaya hotels with these shock-absorbers & cut the jumper death rate in half as well.


  5. Oh dear yet again shows that Thailand authorities have a lot of growing up to do,,, Why oh why are these goods illegal. They are legal in most civilise countries throughout the world. Whether you need them or not is besides the point as absolutely no adult reason why they should EVER be illegal. What a bloody stupid waste of Police time leaving so many unsolved crimes remaining unsolved.

    I wondered why there was no Ann Summers shops in Pattaya or Bangkok. So how the hell do you buy your girlfriend a vibrator here then, as most Thai ladies who I know have tried them tend to love them and wan't one of their own ?? Total crap stupid repressive prohibition law once again. This is such a nice country which could be a lot lot better without all these stupid unnecessary prohibition laws that just encourage crime and suppress fun and pleasure for the Thai people as well as visitors and guests !!!.

    Well said my Friend!!!!

    My neighbor's wife has a lesbian cousin. She wanted a strap-on dildo. The neighbor had a couple shipped to his son that is the US military in Japan, who is a doctor there.

    He had his kid re-wrap them and got them shipped to his Dad in Pattaya.

    They spoke on the phone about it. His boy said "This is really weird Dad".

    I managed to get a simple dildo for the wifey in that shipment. She does love it......She threw it at me & whacked me upside my head last week.

    Can't make this up if you tried.

    This has to be the funniest thread on TV I've ever seen.

  6. I just saw the tv reports of this one, if they're to be believed there was at least one passenger who tried to reason with the (speeding) driver and was told to shut up or get off.

    I have noticed the past few trips on the bus rides between Pattaya and Bangkok return that the bus drivers drive noticeably slower than in the past. So slow in fact that I almost thought the bus had some kind of engine trouble and we would shortly be coming to a stop. In any case, this has new "slow-speed" driving policy has been in force on each trip I've taken for the past several months. I surmise that possibly the buses have been fitted with GPS tracking devices and the central office can now monitor the speed of the buses.

    I do feel safer now and it has not added any time to the trip at 2 hours (but it's no longer sometimes 1.5 hours).

    I did a few trips Pattaya - Mo Chit recently & I was wondering if the bus was going to make it. The engine sounded horribly restricted. I just figured it was a typical piece of junk, but maybe they have actually put governors on the engines????

    It took a little longer than the normal 2 hours (maybe Eckamai is still 2 hrs), but it was a safe, slow ride.

  7. Being a former trainer in commercial driving. Living here and having a habit of looking at commercial vehicles on the road along with their driving habit obviously there are no rules for daily inspection if so no enforcement as usual.

    When it comes to a commericial bus or large vehicle transport it is standard practice to fill out a daily log that is kept on the vehicle for inspection if the vehicle is stop for inspection. This log would require the driver to do a " walkaround " checking off specific items which in this case would have been the tire. A trained driver would have noticed the wore tire or tires and required them to be change and a simple hard wack of the tired with a tire iron would cause the tire to burst resulting in wore and overinflated tires.

    Of course none of this makes a different if people believe it isn't necessary or just don't give a rat ass! Vip or not Vip!

    I have to agree with you Mate!

    I worked a LOT in maintenance and commercial + military driver training over the last 25+ years.

    My Dad was a Timber contractor in Florida......His crew cut the trees & hauled them to the sawmill.

    I recall being on the job with him in the early 1970's and seeing his truck drivers walking around the trucks, inspecting the tires every time they left with a load.

    Just common sense, but then again, that tends to be the most uncommon kind.

  8. I visited Phangan once in 2005....Had a grand time with my wife & we conceived a very pretty (she's almost 7 now) daughter there.

    We bought tickets from Samui to Phangan on a "High-Speed Modern Catamaran"........Nope. Typical thugs loaded 50 of us into a giant mono-hull. We made it OK, but at night I could see boat lights RACING back & forth from Phangan to Samui. Quit dramatic to watch as our room was on a hill side.

    One of the boats had his steering cable break at 35 or 40 knots & killed 6 people while we were there. The boat was rated for 2 engines & had installed a 3rd one.

    Basically 3 each 200 hp engines clipping along full throttle........OK as long as you are going in a straight line.

    The steering cable broke & the boat capsized.

    Why the Thai press differentiates between foreigners & Thai's when people die is beyond me. They were all HUMAN, right????

    From the looks of that bus, he must have been doing 160 kph or better to do that much damage.

    Sad story for sure.

    • Like 1
  9. I was working in Taiwan once withe these 3 American guys & they'd never seen durian before. I knew what it was as I lived in Thailand.

    Anyhow, we all had hotels rooms next to each other & we'd take turns having a drink after work in each other's rooms. I had bought a durian at the downstairs market just to show them what it was. I put it in my room & forgot about it. About 2 days later it was starting to make my eyes water, so 3 of us hatched a plan to hide it the 4th guy's room.

    We were drinking Jack & Cokes in his room when we ran out of ice....I had already transferred it to John's room next door. Nick was leaning against the doorjamb to his room & I tossed him my key, as I had a bag of ice in my fridge. Nick left to get the ice & that was our chance.

    John hauled ass to his room, grabbed the durian & we stashed it under the big bed spread that the maids had rolled up & stuck in his closet when we had arrived.

    A few days later he was saying something about the maids spraying some kind of "fruity" air freshener in his closet.

    Me, John & the other guy all went & sniffed around in his room. With a straight face we all said "I don't smell anything".

    A couple days after that poor Nick sat down to breakfast with me & said "I found that damned thing you guys hid in my closet".

    I started howling.

    He said it was keeping him up so he finally sniffed it out.

    Cruel aren't I?

  10. Just watching the Crime & Investigation channel on TMN in Pattaya last night.

    They were showing these transvestite hookers in Miami. One was missing teeth & the cop said "Dude, I'm 6 foot 4 and you tower over me...you're a scary guy".

    I have to agree with the cop. Tall guys dressed like women are scary.

    To each his own I suppose. My wonderful wife of 11 years is 4' 11" (1.5 meters) tall.

    Condoms (onus on the couple) & legal prostitution (onus on the government) working together seems to be the only answer.

    What are the aids statistics in Holland? I have no idea really.

  11. Hell, the land lines barely work here. I have True and it is On/off/on/off/on/off every 10 minutes.

    I signed up for some 10 Mbs contract a year ago & it SUCKED. My neighbor that lives 50 feet away signed up for the 4 MBS package at half the price. We both got the same problems.

    Anyhow, due to idiotic, feudal, mafia, moronic reasons, True is the only choice we have.

    I down-graded my subscription last December to match his......EXACTLY THE SAME SHIT as I had before, yet I was paying twice as much as he was for 2 years.

    Why not fix that first??? It's called increasing the bandwidth.

    Probably would be better to go with a 3(or 4)G wireless, as most bandwidth users are using land line PC's.

    Probably faster due to fewer users these days.

  12. The US website states dual nationality is possible but there can be problems arising from something like ... which government is imposing its laws. Say you are a dual citizen of Thailand and the US and you are in Thailand and you do something stupid and get arrested. How are you going to get the US government to help you when the Thai government will say he/she is a Thai citizen. Serious problems could arise for sure.

    Does the US Website actually say all that - because it is wrong. There is no doubt about what Country's laws apply if you are a Dual citizen and commit an offence in one of those Counties. The Laws of the Country in which the offence was committed apply; you cannot use your Nationality of another Country to apply for protection - or even Consular assistance.


    First and foremost is that the US government will not do squat to "help" you if you get arrested abroad. Best advice is to not do anything stupid.

    I love my country but I most assuredly despise my government. MILLIONS of worthless, lazy bureaucrats, that suck up the taxpayer's money, just like the staff at their embassies in BKK or Kuwait.

    That's why I don't live in the USA any more.

  13. I'm from the USA & went thru this a few years ago. My daughter is 6 now. I was working in Kuwait, but was here for my daughter's birth & about 10 days after I had to go back to work. I had to go to the Thai embassy in Kuwait & get a notarized statement that it was OK for my wife to get the baby a Thai passport (makes sense).

    The kid was 3 months old & they came to stay with me in Kuwait.

    I went to the US Embassy there, to try & get her a US passport. Their eyes got big as saucer plates.......HEAVEN FORBID! They'd never tackled a problem like this before! They said it would take them 6 months to a year to get it done.....They were like tits on a boar-hog.

    My next vacation (I'd looked at the US's Thai Embassy website & NOTHING was mentioned about an appointment at the time), I show up at the embassy & am told I need an appointment. Luckily I had 3 weeks & they were able to squeeze me in 2 days before my return to Sandland.

    I show up on time along with a screaming 2 year old that was as MISERABLE as I was with the process, of course I have the wife & certified translations of all documents (done by the Thai Embassy in Kuwait -they were REALLY cool folks) there as well.

    The B*tch that I had the appointment with was 45 minutes LATE.

    Next they start asking all these stupid questions that had nothing to do with the price of eggs in China....Where did you meet your wife? Did you live together before you were married?

    They have that thick glass between us & them for a reason, as I could have strangled an elephant by the time I was done.

    Oh Yeah....Make sure you have applied for and received a Social Security Number for the child prior to applying for the passport (for USA citizens). They claimed (online) that this was a 6 month process for overseas residents. I had mine shipped to my friend's parents in Miami. It took about 2-3 weeks. He picked it up when he was there on vacation.

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