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Flying Saucage

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Everything posted by Flying Saucage

  1. I currently have quite new 1 year Non-immigrant B visa for business, issues in October. But now, I will start working for a Thai company from January 1st on, and will work in Thailand. To get a work permit, as far as I know, I need a Non-immigrant B Employment visa. Is it possible, to change the Business visa against an employment visa in Thailand, or do I need to apply for a Employment visa here at the Embassy in Europe? If so, do I have to cancel my business visa, or is it void automatically, or are they active parallely?
  2. Reading this thread I find it quite astonishing how naive and gullible many posters are. The situation and the background of the conflict in Ukraine is not just black and white, bad and good. There are many shades of grey! I never was a friend of Putin, but how about the US and the Western so called "democracies"? Okay, there never was the incident of Tonkin in Vietnam, and everything the US did there was good without any doubt. Sure, Grenada was a thread to the US, there was no other choice than to bomb it. And of course, it was absolutely necessary to bomb Panama just to catch the criminal Manual Noriega. And Saddam Hussein surely had these weapons of mass distruction. I read it in Western media, so it must be true. I always believe Western media and propaganda! And of course, the West never promised not to expand NATO to the east after the reunification of Germany. Surely, Ukraine forces have not been killing civilians, women and children in the Donbass, they never did. And it's pure phantasy that the US build 26 bio-weapon laboratories in the Ukraine. The US never would do this. As the US are always the good! During the Kuba crisis, they couldn't accept soviet nukes in Cuba, which was good. But as Russia is always bad, now the Russians must accept the NATO a few hundred kilometres away from Moscow. And of course brainwashing and propaganda only exists in Putins Russia. Kudos to Thailand for staying neutral in this mess!
  3. Good to see there are studies not financed by big pharma and certain "philanthrops": https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36006288/
  4. I talked with the Thai Consulate in Frankfurt and with the Thai Embassy in Berlin, just to avoid running into trouble at immigration next time, because I visit Thailand quite often, and have to enter the country three more times in the coming months. The stated info was given to me by official entities of the Kingdom, the only sources one can ask and refer to while outside Thailand. It is beyond me to understand why a discussion about the statements of Thai officials and related questions from embassies and consulates are not allowed to post, and seen as unfactual.
  5. FYI, I just had a phone call with the Thai Embassy in Berlin now. (My talk last week was with the Thai Consulate in Frankurt.) The lady in the Embassy did not say anything about a limitation to two entries per year. However, she said that more than 90 days in the country within a total of 6 months might cause problems at immigration. I was in Thailand in October 21, March 22, July 22, each time around 3 to 4 weeks. And I will again come to Thailand end of September, and the one more time mid of November. Then, in January 2023, I will start to work for a Thai company in Thailand on a Non-Immigrant B (Employment) visa, and move in Thailand.
  6. A few days ago I had a phone call with the Thai Consulate in Frankurt. The lady told me that now they got an informal note that even when arriving via airplane it is not allowed to enter Thailand more than two times per calendar year on visa exempt, and a visa is needed for more entries. Without visa, it might be that the immigration officer denies entry. Has anyone heard about that?
  7. I am in a little bit similar situation: - Will come for holiday on visa exempt, for 3 weeks end of September. - then I will come for business beginning of November, for around 4 to 5 weeks - and then I possibly will start working in Thailand for a Thai company beginning of January 2023 As I will need a business visa for employment next year, I wonder when it is the best to start that visa, and which visa to choose for my November trip (if this one at all with visa. Second question: is it possible to have overlapping visa? Lets say a business visa for November, and a new business visa for employment from January on, while the first one still valid?
  8. Maybe it was BECAUSE the very low value of the watch why the police solved the case ????
  9. My quote of the day verticalift! It's so important to speak out about these issues. Issues which are a mandatory taboo on almost all the main stream media, on Twitter and YT as well, as all of them are literally owned or at least have a major share, by the same people and institutions which own or invest into the vaccine makers, and who are involved in the WEF. More an more pilots and cabin staff who suffer from severe side effects of the so called vaccines stand up now. Every single voice is important.
  10. Here you can see one reason why the press will not stop reporting on Covid:
  11. Can you show me one serious peer reviewed article confirming this? One article not paid by big pharma, and not an article just published by mainstream media without scientific reference?
  12. Fo me it's not only a question how good or bad everything is in Thailand. For me it's about seeing how everything is steeply going downhill and becoming worse day by day in the West, especially in Europe.
  13. Slightly different question: I will leave my home country around June 21, and visit other countries before going to Thailand on July 16. I would like to apply for the Thai Pass before I leave my home in Europe, however. Is there a maximum number of days before entering Thailand, to apply for the Thailand Pass, or can it be done anytime? Can I do it next week already, while entering July 16 only? At least, I would like to have sorted (and printed) out everything before leaving Europe.
  14. My reply to this would be against the forum rules. So I shut up.
  15. Yes, bloody dangerous and scary! But also such occurrences happen on a monthly, if not weekly base somewhere in the world. That said, such occurrences are not limited to Thailand. Some years ago in the US, a landing Air Canada jet almost crashed into 4 waiting other jets waiting on the taxiway. The pilots just mixed up the runway with the taxiway. This likely biggest accident ever in aviation was avoided by a few seconds and meters, as ATC ordered a go around. There must be a tough investigation, which I trust will happen. But also, to ridicule the pilots and to shout for punishment is NOT the way how mistakes should be handled in aviation. The community, pilots, ATC and authorities, want to learn from mistakes to prevent the same or similar mistakes in the future. Punishment leads to mistakes being swept under the carpet with zero chance of learning the lesson and teaching others.
  16. Sorry to say, but I have to disagree here. While Reuters indeed is a good source for many topics, it's definitely not the case always and everywhere. Keep in mind why a certain critic of local politics left Reuters Thailand. He talked about self-censorship. Also note that James C. Smith is chairman of the Thomas Reuters foundation, while at the same time he is member of the board of directors of Pfizer. Conflict of interest? Possible. Also check the role of the United States Council of Foreign Relations and it's influence on the world's biggest media houses. Last but not least: Who are these so called "fact checkers"? Often biased themselves while belonging to the entity they check, often hardly having any own scientific background to check those who have, often having a lazy attitude, these "fact checkers" act frequently like a privatized ministry of truth, to speak in the words of Orwell. But again, for many topics Reuters is a good source.
  17. Will we be free to share scientific articles if they question or contradict political narratives? Will we be free to share proved insider information about the causes of contemporary political and health issues? Will there be a reconsideration of the definition of "misleading" and "troll" posts? BTW: I appreciate if ASEAN NOW protects the members from violating local laws. But for everything else: We are adults as well with knowledge and experience.
  18. Can we have the same hopes for this forum as others had regarding Elon Musk and Twitter?
  19. Am I the only one who founds it interesting that at the Wuhan Institute of Virology they are also working on Monkeypox viruses? https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1995820X22000414
  20. This document of the Munich Security Conference shows the screenplay. Page 12 is interesting particularly.Monkeypox Simulation NTI Munich Security Conference March 2021.pdf
  21. The deeper problem is not the Thai government. It's partly the WHO, which is hijacked by private NGOs like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the GAVI and their specific interests, partly the Council of Foreign Relations which controls together with thr financial power of investment companies like BlackRock and Vanguard the worlds biggest media houses, and the World Economic Forum which orchestrates the behaviour of almost 190 countries. We saw this during the Corona crisis, and now we will see this with Monkeypox. On the Munich Security Conference 2021, around a year ago, they made an exercise about a Monkeypox outbrake on May 15, 2022. Sounds familiar? Quite similar to the notorious Event 201 of 2019, a few months before the outbreak of SARS-Cov2. No, this all is not an issue of Thailand, it's a global issue.
  22. Neither Xi nor Biden, neither Gates nor Bourla, neither Fauci nor Drosten, neither Larry Fink nor von der Leyen want to see an end of the pandemic. And 200 countries follow. Nuff said.
  23. You might find this listed somewhere in this Pfizer paper, if you have the time to read pages 30 to
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