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Posts posted by AndyFoxy

  1. 20 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    I have evidence from your post that you agreed with SunnyinBangrak that all of "what the left" called conspiracy theories have been proven to be true.  I'm still waiting for evidence of that from you or Sunny.


    Lizard people, blood drinking pedophiles, child sex slaves in pizza restaurant basements, millions of illegal votes, etc., these are all claims from the right and the Qanon idiots that "the left" calls conspiracy theories.  None have been shown correct, most would be funny if it weren't scary that so many fools believe them.

    So you're saying I believe in lizard people, blood drinking pedos and illegal votes? Not sure where you got that from, but you should really stop jumping to conclusions. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, heybruce said:

    Did you not "like" and "Exactly mate" to the SunnyinBangrak post:


    "Yeah, real surprise isn't it. I literally can't think of any of what the left called "conspiracy theories" in the last few years that haven't been proven true. And who would trust a word they say now?"


    What conspiracy theories in the last few years have been proven true?  SunnyinBangrak can't think of any that have not been proven true, and apparently you agree with him.

    I'm waiting for the evidence of my belief in the lizard man. Whoever that is.

    Now I'm guessing you don't have any. So you really need to stop staying stuff if you can't back it up with any evidence.

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, heybruce said:

    "Critics have accused Hersh of being a conspiracy theorist. He has been criticised for contradicting the official account of the killing of Osama Bin Laden and for questioning the claim that the Syrian government used chemical weapons on Syrian civilians.[39][26] In 2015, Vox's Max Fisher wrote that "Hersh has appeared increasingly to have gone off the rails. His stories, often alleging vast and shadowy conspiracies, have made startling — and often internally inconsistent — accusations, based on little or no proof beyond a handful of anonymous "officials".[6] "      https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seymour_Hersh


    I'll wait and see if this story stands up to scrutiny.

    Of course they try and discredit him. How dare he seek the truth.

  4. 6 hours ago, placeholder said:

    Still trying to get a rise out of aseannow members?

    In what way? The NSL has actually brought order back to the streets. On a personal level, it’s nice to be able to go out without the threat of violent mobs or tear gas. If you lived here with young kids, you’d actually understand. As for the Covid policy, now that’s a different matter. Although it has improved a lot recently.

  5. 2 hours ago, placnx said:

    Maybe they sampled Gaeng som from a "Thai" restaurant in Boston....

    After checking the list, gaeng som is not longer there. At #12 is balut, an embyonic duck egg, to be eating from the shell!


    This list is ridiculous, anyway. Much aversion to various blood sausages, plus bland American icons such as Jello and Cheez Whiz. Australia is not ignored - two mentions of Vegemite.

    Love vegemite.

  6. 1 hour ago, GypsyT said:

    "I don't deny that Biden screwed up very badly. But there's a huge difference between screwing up very badly and willfully committing criminal acts."


    He's and old foggy man who never should have been elected. He can't even make 2 min speech that's written down on paper.

    To have some papers in garage makes me think they were planted there.... by DT agents.

    It's so sad Democrats don't have better candidate.




    Getting desperate. 

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