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Posts posted by AndyFoxy

  1. 54 minutes ago, JimmyJ said:

    "It's been a longtime since I have been in Asia.

    And time...the passage of time...It's very important the passage of time...".

    I’ll continue here.


    ”And with that passage, time and Asia can come together and grow, to stop racist passages of time, while we unite, in social and climatic ways, to see through, to the end, that passage.” (Shakes hands with head of state and wipes hand on trousers).

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  2. 2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Tell that to those unvaccinated who have passed on before the vaccines rolled out and lessened the chances of dying.

    Any evidence on that, except the fluff the Pharma companies tell you? While they tried to suppress the real evidence for how long? 76 years was it?

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  3. On 11/16/2022 at 9:36 PM, Eleftheros said:

    Truth, facts, evidence and reality are irrelevant in the Covid era. Don't you know that?


    You must follow the official narrative, even if you think it is absurd. Haven't you been watching the BBC, CNN or MSNBC and other mainstream news outlets? They always tell the truth.

    If you don’t follow the narrative, you will soon be targeted by the cens…..I mean…fact checkers

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