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Everything posted by AndyFoxy

  1. Going with some guy she doesn’t know to his apartment. What could go wrong?
  2. In my opinion, these six are just about being a good person. If they took out the religious ones, and had the 6 commandments instead, that would be better. Honor your father and your mother. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet.
  3. Last time I went to Pattaya, I was bitten on the chest by a ladyboy
  4. Knew a guy who worked in an illegal casino in Lopburi back in the day. He had magnets in his fingers to control the roll of the loaded dice for the house.
  5. When the young black man got shot by the 80 year old white householder the other day, I noticed CNN mentioning the 'racist' angle of it all. White on black.....OMG. I don't see any headlines about black person shoots white people.....and that is how it should be. Keep the race out of it. Just an observation.
  6. Ice sheets melting. Bad for Earth. Future looks bleak......meh......enjoy today
  7. I bought mine online from the Ledger website. Took about 2 weeks to be delivered.
  8. Good to see the boys in brown tackling some real crime for once.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEyAs3NWH4A&t=50s Found this fascinating. There are a couple of others on YouTube as well. Next best thing to being there.
  10. Too many others out there with guns and bad intentions.
  11. If I lived in the US, I’d definitely want to own a gun for protection.
  12. Biden doing a top notch job of destroying the place too.
  13. 1. Deport 2. Send to the front 3. Fight the Russians she hates so much
  14. Yes. This animal needs to be terminated in an efficiently painful manner.
  15. But he strangled her before chopping her up. So you'd have to strangle him first.
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