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Everything posted by AndyFoxy

  1. No, most on her will tell you that Russia will be defeated and Ukraine will win the battle/war.
  2. What are you main sources of information about this war, bro?
  3. Now that last sentence really is a massive leap of logic.
  4. It's my opinion. I'm allowed one, aren't I? Or you would like to have me censored since I don't agree with you?
  5. Russia is winning and will eventually win this war.
  6. In your opinion. However, I don’t agree with it. Doesn’t make me wrong though. Doesn’t make you wrong either.
  7. I’ll just bluntly repeat the same thing. Hard assets….buy them
  8. Hard assets. Buy them....if you have the money.
  9. When the financial systems collapses, I’ll be quite happy to have some gold and silver. Along with other hard assets
  10. By gold and silver. Get cash out of the bank.
  11. Lol…..you care enough to reply though
  12. I prefer to be honest.....this climate change stuff might be true, but I just don't care.
  13. As someone who opposes same-sex marriage, I agree with what Tennessee is doing. Just my humble opinion though.
  14. I give the phone to my kid.
  15. Of course she wouldn’t. Referring to chicks with tats in general.
  16. Nice looking girl. I don't really dig chicks with tats though. Personal preference.
  17. Born with a penis, compete in men's sports. Born with a vagina, compete in women's sports. Simple.
  18. I prefer the term ‘put to death’
  19. Where did I say that you said that Ivermectin worked.? Stop making stuff up. Labelling people as trolls and antivaxxers is the route for …..well I will leave it there. Samuttodd said IVM worked for him and you jumped to the conclusion he was an antivaxxer. Try to slow down and stop being offended by something that was never said. You’ll be happier and probably live longer too.
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