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Everything posted by cjinchiangrai

  1. It is getting clearer that the GOP is done with Trump. Ten years too late but better late than never. They will be hoping for Jack Smith to clear out some of the House criminals next.
  2. This year yes, historically, not even close.
  3. But it helps complete the answer for a common scenario.
  4. And for once, I am going with Yagoda on this one. One hour at 2am, two hours at 5pm. I would avoid this transfer if at all possible.
  5. Really great idea. Those old batteries can be tough. I get extras for my cameras.
  6. They are getting to be really good losers. Practice makes perfect.
  7. Pork and bamboo with rice. Aloi!
  8. Changing airports would require entering through customs, plus about three hours for transit and check-in, if the traffic if good. Switching from BKK to DMK is a huge deal. I would not do it without 4 hours.
  9. You will be checked either way. You will not enter Thailand if you have onward travel on the same booking. If you have separate booking, you will enter and check in before going to your connecting flight.
  10. Two sides of the same hateful coin. Christians are not better than any other Medieval pile of lies.
  11. We are long overdue to move beyond magical sky fairies of any stripe but trying to supplant one pile of lies with another pile of lies is not helping.
  12. On the plus side, Trump won't need any money in prison.
  13. Russian Bot supported by a local staff of Trump drones. Yes, disinformation straight from Russia but the Trumpistas like Russia because reasons.
  14. There are two slates of electors until the election, at which point only one set moves forward. Your post is disingenuous at best. At the time of presentation to Congress there is only one slate per state. Any others are fraudulent and subject to felony prosecution as these idiots are finding out.
  15. Apparently. Putin is still plugging away for Trump.
  16. The Chinese government prosecutes people for crimes committed outside the country. Thai immigration may or may not prosecute but China will.
  17. I wouldn't have to off myself if I walked out on my wife like that. She is more than capable to do it for me.
  18. There were more boxes in the tub. It is a resort and social club, so the staff would have used what was available.
  19. Trump needed a good seat in the reading room. He had many reports of flushing documents and notes in the White House in violation of the Presidential Records Act.
  20. He was not the president. Biden immediately turned over a few documents, just like Pence. Trump fraudulently ignored subpoenas and played hide and seek with his own lawyers.
  21. Crowd size! They are eating the pets. Trump is clutching at thoughts.
  22. 34 Felony counts for fraud is not a misdemeanor. Keeping our state secrets in the bathroom is clear incompetence as well as numerous felony violations
  23. Wanna bet comrade?
  24. He has been convicted and will be sentenced in November. We will see if he stays free. Plenty more felonies in the wings.
  25. So therefore everyone should go along with Russian propaganda instead of helping them fight Vlad and his puppet Trump.
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