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Jack Hammer

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Everything posted by Jack Hammer

  1. I have had quite a few “jumps” in Pattaya on different floor levels and survived
  2. To help reduce the theft of gold chains from tourists and other means why doesn’t the government introduce a law that requires the seller of the gold to produce positive ID documentation. The gold shop proprietor to take a photo of the customer selling, their I D and a photo of the gold I have witnessed where a gold chain was sold. The shop owner pulled out a small marble slab with a slight hollow in the middle, a gas bottle and he melted the gold chain on the spot. All evidence gone
  3. Why was she, her sister and father in Russia? Were they on vacation or had an enormous monetary offer to do some acting?
  4. What more secure career could you have working as a prostitute? . Of course the women are going to promote themselves with a glamorous profile on the dating site
  5. approximately six years ago, I wanted to visit Moscow, I just decided against it, because I could not book a hotel that had no windows or balcony
  6. I estimate 85% of Thai ladies marrying foreign guys are ex bar girls, prostitutes , sex workers or were in the sex industry in some shape or form. I am not against them , I use their services Just my observation.
  7. Have you ever studied the photos on these ID cards. They resemble nothing like the actual individual. Very low quality photos
  8. The GF may have been an ex bar girl and she wanted to sit outside the bar to reminisce
  9. M concern is by 4am only old, ugly fat bar girls will there to entertain
  10. I will most probably obtain some criticism from my submission I have been to Thailand, for over 30 visits and I was curious at the majority of bar ladies that speak and understand English? Most of these ladies come from a underprivilege background and have received low quality education only up to Primary School. I would go to a bank, post office and most shops and I would have difficulty in communicating in English My theory about bar ladies being conversed in English is because they had to learn it to survive amongst the competition. The rest of the population don't care and don’t put enough effort into learning English.. Put it to the test, if you see a new lady in a bar and not very proficient in English and if she still there after three weeks you’ll be surprised how her English has improved
  11. Treat with pure Tea Tree oil.. Persevere with a few drops two or three times a day. Believe me it will cure it
  12. He came back to look for his Haka performance videos he left behind in 2008
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