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Posts posted by Rhacsyn

  1. 8 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    But then they wouldn't make any money.

    the SHA=hotel is a scam.

    I have just finished my second sandbox. Total spent Baht 39,000 for two pleasant entries to Thailand. It cost me Baht 52,000 for one ASQ in Bangkok in December. As an aside the UK wants me to spend Baht 100,000 approx for 10 days in a box in London for quarantine. Which is the biggest rip off / scam?

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, ChipButty said:

    Thats good, Im told on Bangla road there are many bars open and pussy bars can you check for me please a couple of photo's wouldn't go a miss, only the wife doesn't believe me she doesn't want me driving all the way there and everything is closed 

    You are welcome to pop down and say hello any time. As I said earlier I am here every day. Black Horse or Blue Lotus cafe on Bangla could be a good place to start as they are in the middle

    • Like 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, anchadian said:

    National Vaccination Rollout:


    DAY 82: 915,738 <— New High

    DAY 83: 258,782 <— Saturday

    DAY 84: 275,188 <— Sunday

    DAY 85: 817,342

    DAY 86: 828,182

    DAY 87: 827,462

    DAY 81: 865,074


    TOTAL: 34,292,537 doses since 28 February


    12.7% fully vaccinated




    Good to see Thailand pushing ahead with it's, albeit belated, vaccination campaign. I guess it is down to supply from here on in.


    Also nice to see other slow starters in SE Asia, such as Philippines (a genuine logistic nightmare) also moving quickly now and just reaching around 13% fully vaxxed. In fact, they administered close to 5 million jabs between 11th and 15th August, pretty impressive.


    Long may it continue.......



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  4. 2 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

    Ask the people that think the litterbox is working(not calling any names(Eibot) but he lives on the island so he should know right ? He can see that all the small businesses are flourishing and that the island is booming .

    I also live on the island, and am a small business owner as are a number of friends. The island is most certainly not booming but thankfully, there are small signs of improvement in a number of areas. Hopefully, Covid permitting, this will continue.

    • Like 2
  5. I have learnt over many years not to get excited by headlines such as these, and certainly not any of TAT’s publicity grabbing, job justifying numbers. Here is my simple perspective.


    The only number we have to work with is 18,000, this being approximately the number of people to date entering through the sandbox.


    Other than estimated hotel costs, incidental charges and PCR tests do we know within reason how much revenue generated? NO. We can only speculate


    Do we know if there is any financial gain from the project to date. NO. We have no idea how much money spent on marketing,  complimentary flights and hotel stay etc. We can only guess.


    Has there been any additional revenue for the local community? If we include hotel staff and hotel support businesses and services, and some smaller local outlets. YES. How much? Nobody knows.


    Have there been tourists amongst the arrivals? YES, certainly a small few. Will we ever know or can we know how many? NO


    No more to add.

    • Like 2
  6. 27 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:



    and that is BAD, and encourages and pressurizes the local plod, with limited intelligence, to find a ' scapegoat '


    I am not defending him, I will wait and hope the DNA is fairly done and conclusive. I just don't want an innocent man in jail and life ruined whilst the real criminal carries on regardless.

    I agree with your second paragraph.


    As for the local "plod", they were there, but not running the show as in the Koh Tao murder case.


    Quote from Phuket News:


    "Senior, experienced police investigators were immediately dispatched to the island to take command of the investigation and ensuing manhunt. The task was not left to local police until it was clear that the task was beyond their capabilities."



    • Like 1
  7. On the subject of vaccination below is a first hand report from an ICU physician in the US. It is her view and opinion, there are no numbers but it is what she witnessed and still sees. I have friends in the US who are familiar with the hospital and thankful to the ICU ward.


    It is not Thailand but certainly relates to the current Covid and vaccine situation.


    (Apologies for the ads...)





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  8. 2 hours ago, Espanol said:

    Yes, he has been jailed in forced accommodation with no options to leave.

    To be fair to the authorities, he signed up for the system, knowing full well the consequences of testing positive. Yes, it was a shock to him to test positive but having contracted a highly contagious disease he does agree, as he states, that the country needs to take care by allocating him an ASQ room. Surely he could not be allowed to roam free having tested positive.


    The room looks quite comfortable. He did not complain about the room and as he has business interests in Thailand I am guessing that he is not 'stuck" in Thailand as such, but planned all along to do the 14 day quarantine (SHA+ obviously) followed by a stay in Thailand. Just my guess.


    The interview, for those who see or read about should serve as a reminder though.....


    • Like 2
  9. 7 hours ago, anchadian said:

    Directed to those who are actually 'tourists' as apposed to those who are joining family.  For them I doubt the restrictions will make any difference.

    It appears, as usual that the announcement has ambiguities and as per Richard Barrow, a few hours ago, swimming pools in SHA+ accommodation in Phuket will be allowed to open. I have copied below from another thread and apologise for the text. I am using a small phone!



    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">UPDATE: TAT Phuket has just confirmed for me that SHA+ hotels are allowed to keep their swimming pools open. However, people from outside are not allowed to use them. I’m still trying to find out if hotel restaurants are also exempt from the alcohol ban. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Thailand?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Thailand</a> <a href="https://t.co/dElBph6aab">pic.twitter.com/dElBph6aab</a></p>&mdash; Richard Barrow (@RichardBarrow) <a href="https://twitter.com/RichardBarrow/status/1422403410259709963?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 3, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

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