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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. Srettha was smart to "lawyer up". I think the powers-that-be are alarmed by Thaksin's free-wheeling shadow PM activities and is hanging this 112 charge over him to get him to scale back those activities. Yingluck has the one rice scheme charge/sentence hanging over her head. Most expect that will be reduced to one year by Royal decree, with six months of home confinement. But this won't happen until after the Sixth Cycle celebrations (and Royal Kathin Barge PRocession), assuming Thaksin slows his roll.
  2. I assume that operating a motor vehicle under the influence of Cannabis is illegal. Removing Cannabis flower from the Narcotics list does not mean it is legal to consume and then operate a motor vehicle. IMO, the Police have been way too lazy in enforcing existing laws as they apply to "legal" cannabis.
  3. Richard Nixon would have been indicted - a Grand Jury was in session - had he not been pardoned by Gerald Ford. Plenty of other countries - France, Israel, South Africa, and South Korea - have prosecuted former leaders. Interesting that you did not address the charges, and immediately jumped to questioning the Rule of Law, and insulting large swaths of the population. "If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts; if you have the law on your side, pound the law; if you have neither the facts nor the law, pound the table."
  4. An unelected PM. How on-brand for Thailand. With the Thai economy teetering I doubt anyone wants to be left holding a giant bag of poo.
  5. So many questions, but it sounds like the RTP has successfully wrapped up this case. I'm sure the potential high-value Chinese tourists will love reading about another foreigner being tortured and robbed in Phuket. This sounds like it may be turning into a fake news event. Nothing to see here.
  6. Thailand #101 Ranked no. 101 out of 113 countries EF EPI score:416 Global average score:502 Position in Asia: 21 of 23 https://www.ef.co.th/epi/regions/asia/thailand/ https://www.ef.com/assetscdn/WIBIwq6RdJvcD9bc8RMd/cefcom-epi-site/fact-sheets/2023/ef-epi-fact-sheet-thailand-english.pdf
  7. So the "well-to-do" will likely get "their" 10,000 baht before the less well-to-do get their imaginary digital wallet. A less tax revenue, given the 10,000 baht rebate. However will they make that up? Not sure how much "domestic consumption" the well-to-do generate with their 10,000 baht.
  8. "Superpimp". Love it. I guess we can use that freely going forward.
  9. So you're calling me a nut-job? Not sure that's allowed here. This is you opinion, right? If you could support it with, maybe another sentence or three it might get some traction. As it is, it reflects badly on you. Alcohol-related deaths are quite high here. The study estimates an average of 11,887 alcohol-attributable deaths per year in the Thai population. https://movendi.ngo/science-digest/years-of-life-lost-due-to-alcohol-consumption-in-thai-adults/ I can't find any data on Cannabis-related deaths, just some anecdotal reports of weight gain from overdosing on doughnuts.
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