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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. For Din Daeng in QueQ choose this one. (use your thai pink id card number or your thai 13-digit vaccination number) I was offered days through the end of January.
  2. So you've had AZ 1X, Pfizer 2X? Pfizer booster for you is probably still six months here, so start looking next month? In Bangkok best to look at MoPH/Bang Sue and BMA/Din Daeng. Try a mobile phone provider's registration for the former, the QueQ app for the latter. https://app.dtac.co.th/vaccine/index-en.html https://www.ais.th/vaccinesforthais/ https://vaccine.trueid.net/ https://www.queq.me/ or just try a walk-in.
  3. Wow, four years and one observation. Brilliant sir. Seriously, thais probably don't read books in public because they may be arrested. This may have been "before your time"?
  4. When did you get your most recent vaccination? Where do you live now?
  5. Red Bull Boss will be back long before taksin. The yellows would be in the streets in minutes. takisn may not even be allowed back post-mortem? The longest serving thai PM died in exile in Japan, but his ashes were returned to thailand.
  6. So "Test & Go" really meant "Test, wait, wait, wait, Test again, wait, wait, then go to detention or on holiday. Quite confusing.
  7. The usual response is "Well, I'll have to charge you extra." Or, "The maggots are locally sourced".
  8. This sort of specious "argument" only holds water if you forget that the thai regime has specifically concocted "schemes" to "lure" customers to the country, while downplaying the real situation. Sure that's fine for a TAT TV ad, maybe, but not for the entire apparatus. Very little mention is made about the "rules", "laws", "procedures" and potential "punishments". Blaming the victim is, well, not a good look. Seems to be the go-to response for some of the AN "mob". But carry on.
  9. What is your vaccination history? Where do live now? Please be very precise with vaccine names and dates administered. Where is "somewhere else"? thailand? Do you have records of these vaccinations? Are you unable to return to "somewhere else" to get your booster? Which booster name are you looking for?
  10. U.S. CDC reduces Pfizer booster from six months to five months. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2022/s0104-Pfizer-Booster.html
  11. Clustericus fornicati. Should do wonders for thailand's "reputation". Every insurance policy I looked at, even the ones that say "New, Improved, Now with Asymptomatic Coverage, and Whiter Teeth", did NOT cover expenses unless medically required. If the regime wants tourists, indemnify them from this ridiculous policy/cost.
  12. * This website is not affiliated with Government, the Immigration Bureau or the Royal Police. We provide a service which submits TM.30 forms automatically on your behalf through the official Immigration Bureau website without having for you to type in the guest details. How it works? Vaguely remember this website/service being pedaled previously. There may have been some warnings then? The TM.30 mobile app may be geoblocked? The immigration.co.th website now only shows a link to the Android version, can't see reference to the istore version? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=th.go.immigration.section38
  13. News. Salus Bioceutical Thailand (SBT) announced the establishment of high capacity cannabis and hemp manufacturing and extraction laboratory in Asia to meet the growing international and regional demand. The company’s newly established facilities correspond to the demand for Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). SBT partners with Salus International Management Ltd. (SIM), a partially-owned subsidiary of MPX International Corporation (MPXI), a multinational diversified cannabis company for the project. According to SBT, the cannabis/hemp production plant is built at a cost of US$17.9mn in the Doi Saket district, Chiang Mai province, Thailand. https://www.fareasternagriculture.com/crops/agriculture/cbd-and-thc-make-inroads-in-thailand
  14. Interesting that there has been no follow-up on the crime of the century? A 2,000 baht fine for violating the CDA/emergency decree - the same "crime" and "punishment" as not wearing a mask. Assume he was escorted to the airport for a flight home. Typically the authorities here would have a presser where the "criminal" apologizes, prostrates himself, then is forgiven.
  15. Wow! Pie meet sky. They'll need three more airports. Planning for Suvarnabhumi started in 1973, it opened in 2006.
  16. Pretty sure these were free, all graft/corruption was used on the shipping. BANGKOK (NNT) - The State Railway of Thailand has stressed the used trains from Japan it is receiving as a donation are still in good condition. The state railway operator will need to pay for the transportation of the 17 train carriages at a cost of 42.5 million baht. https://thainews.prd.go.th/en/news/detail/TCATG210910214733775
  17. Some of us receive the ATM fee as a credit in our accounts. For me it credits within a day or two, but at the original FX rate. For others the credit is nearly instantaneous.
  18. Assuming you have a Visa or MC-endorsed ATM Debit Card from your bank...check the card agreement to see what services are offered, and the associated terms. You're looking for the term "Cash Advance" and/or "Teller Advance". Which may allow you to withdraw THB, at the CC daily rate, at a bank branch teller, up to the daily limit for such an activity on your card/account, without any fees. Yes, if you use a service like WISE, which has its own fee structure. There used to be, Bank of China for example (with some restrictions), but probably none today. ATMs here have a physical limit per transaction, it might be 25,000 or 30,000? And your home bank likely has a daily limit. Do you mean any thai banks, which might allow a foreign number for 2FA? Probably not. (not 100% sure on this.) Or do you mean any Australian banks which might allow a thai number for 2FA? (again you're in a better position to verify this I imagine). Without a detailed understanding of your requirements (Immigration for example), the best steps might be: open account, transfer a boatload of money via WISE, then use the local thai ATM card for ATM withdrawals.
  19. Saw these charts posted by the MoPH on FB yesterday and today. Looks like they're sticking with the 6 month thing for Pfizer 2X. Obviously this could change with tomorrow's chart.
  20. The jails are already overflowing with low-level drug users. I'm not sure they can stack them any higher? Enforce the law, or don't. Stop with the "threats" which authorities with unlimited power seem to rely on quite a bit here.
  21. Sorry, what's the time pressure? Custom ROMs are cool, more so if you a hobbyist and can update them daily or weekly as issues arise and new releases are offered. "Oh, WiFI doesn't work, dang I hope the developer fixes that soon." You should not expect full functionality. Once you settle on a ROM make sure you read all the sub-forums which detail that ROM before choosing to flash it.
  22. OK, they must have repaired this as there were many reports - not just me - of not being able to SAVE a new record using the web system I last tried ~ 6 weeks ago. So this is great news. (searching for an old record always remained functional on the web interface) There will not be any email. Simply take a screen grab of your new record and save that, print it, make a copy. You can also display that same record from within the mobile app.
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