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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. CRA of course was free to purchase, import and sell Sinopharm for 888 baht/dose. 'Nuff said.
  2. Here? Neither. They are taught to obey, respect and prostrate. Any "learning" is accidental.
  3. The regime has extreme tumescence regarding the private sourcing of vaccines. Not sure why this is? Loss of baksheesh? Loss of face? But it's got to stop.
  4. Beating the "three pillars" into the populace must begin at an early age. This is the single, primary and sole focus of the thai edumaction system. There will be no free-thinking, no asking questions and if students learn one thing it must be to respect Authority. Prayut Chan-o-cha’s 12 values of education: 1. Loyalty to the Nation, the Religion, and the Monarchy. 2. Honesty, sacrifice, endurance, and noble ideology for the greater good. 3. Gratitude for parents, guardians, and teachers. 4. Diligence in acquiring knowledge, via school studies and other methods. 5. Preserving the Thai customs and tradition. 6. Morality and good will toward others. 7. Correct understanding of democracy with the King as Head of State. 8. Discipline, respect for law, and obedience to the older citizens. 9. Constant consciousness to practice good deeds all the time, as taught by His Majesty the King. 10. Practice of Self-Sufficient Economy in accordance with the teaching of His Majesty the King. 11. Physical and mental strength. Refusal to surrender to religious sins. 12. Uphold the interest of the nation over oneself. Not a lot of focus on "learning".
  5. "De-centralization" Yeah. good luck with that. Bangkok maintains control if only to get the sweet cream of the skim first. And definitely no innovative localized education initiatives. Sir, stand, cut hair, wear uniform, sing, learn numbers one through ten.
  6. People certainly have a right to complain about the lack of availability of Moderna. Many have paid for it. And the regime seems intent on delaying its use for as long as possible.
  7. In addition to the vaccination requirements for various options entering Thailand, you should also review any of the airline's requirements for vaccination/testing. Is Johnson & Johnson/Janssen an option? AstraZeneca? Sputnik?
  8. There must be a huge lipstick shortage with this "achievement"? So having Martial Law, oops sorry "Emergency Decree" in effect since 2005 instills "confidence"? How peculiar. Most recently extended for the NNth time through 19 December 2021. NN>60.
  9. Hard to get the economy back on track without slave labor. Even the tourism sector requires illegal immigrants.
  10. Home-grown vaccines are interesting. But will they ever be approved (WHO, individual countries, airlines) for those who wish to travel outside of Thailand?
  11. One way to maintain that unblemished work-site safety record posted at the entrance. On the plus side, they don't get tossed into the just-poured concrete.
  12. One desk. Scads of local and worldwide ideas on FB and Youtube. Setups vary by applications and tasks. Trading, gaming, video production, streaming, teaching, casting/streaming, etc. A lot of stuff is in short supply here given that so many people have had to set up home offices. Many of the local solutions are DIY, but there are some specialty vendors like TAM.
  13. Thanks for this. I've struggled to source vaccine mix for months, without realizing I had that detail on my phone, via the Mor Phrom app, all along.
  14. Meh. Some are fully vaxxed, some are not vaxxed, some are tested pre-flight, some are not tested pre-flight. There is a mix going Test & Go, Sandbox, SHA+, AQ, with 1/7/14 day quarantines. I assume there is a mix on each aircraft.
  15. I'd default to the "these must be Thais as they do not require a test" argument, but I am pretty sure nearly ALL airlines require a test. TG seems to offer an out... TESTING REQUIREMENTS Thai Nationals are exempt from the pre-departure COVID-19 test requirement but are strongly recommended to undertake this test before travelling.
  16. I saw a single post on FB (specific to Thailand, Immigration) that mentioned a similar encounter. It may even be the one the OP documented via a TikTok? I think I've seen at least one post here similarly mentioning this requirement for a flight out. But I have my doubts about how widespread this might be? Eventually, maybe in 2022 this might become a requirement and a signal of the coming end of Covid Extensions? It is easy and inexpensive (less than 1,000 baht, I've seen them for $19 USD) to get a temporary booking which passes muster with Thai immigration. Just google verified onward ticket. However, some of these have a short-ish shelf life (30 days or less) so make sure you factor that in to your plans.
  17. Additionally, and it's still early on with this change from $100,000 COVID insurance, to $50,000 HEALTH insurance, a lot of the policies I've quickly skimmed appear to not cover "Asymptomatic" confinement. Some say they do cover this, but then in the details mention that only medical treatment - and not hospiTEL confinement - is covered. Right now the ~ 2,250 - 3,500 THB/30 days (TUNE, AXA) is not a deal-breaker, but if it doesn't protect from a 50,000 - 150,000 confinement bill from a potentially false positive it might become one. Agree with superal that unpaid hospital bills for foreigners is a logical fallacy, and a flawed argument. They simply do not let people leave without payment in full, or perhaps for Thais, some sort of payment plan. IME, not as a patient but as a visitor, staff keep a close eye on folks as they near recovery/discharge. Without a significant distraction you're not doing a runner.
  18. Not sure why they're doing this - they've got Pfizer stocks - but why not try every combination. They've ordered 32.5 mm doses of Pfizer, 2 mm delivered end Sep., remainder (said to be) due before the end of the year. Quote: The first 2 million doses of government-purchased Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine arrived in Thailand on Wednesday morning, with a total of 30 million doses to arrive by the end of this year, government spokeswoman Traisuree Taisoranakul said.
  19. Just to be clear, this is a treatment. And this treatment includes secondary HIV med, Ritonavir.
  20. These all appear to be what might called "symptomatic"? I was specifically looking for costs on Asymptomatic detention.
  21. AFAIK, masks remain mandatory. However, I think many tourists now being lured with the Thailand Pass/Test & Go scheme might be expecting to be able to go mask-less? Or they may be unaware of the mandate?
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