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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. When they previously lowered the quarantine from 14 days to 7 days the queues at the airport were ~ 6 hours, for just a few hundred arrivals. Now, with a new process the queues will be similarly lengthy until they remove/streamline the processes.
  2. I've seen mentions of 1 year being closer to 36,000, from another provider. But I can't find those links. A search would probably unearth them? What is your planned interval between arrival and the expiration of your current permission to stay?
  3. It's that or a concrete overdose. When the first response to a crisis is to send a general you know you have a problem.
  4. Are you outside of Thailand now? And you plan to return soon? Perhaps utilizing a re-entry permit? That policy is for in-bound travelers, covering their planned stay in Thailand. If you just renewed your extension, left and will return soon then yes, you might need up to 12 month's coverage. If you are in Thailand I think you'd need a different policy.
  5. Money laundering, much pent-up demand for these services. The WP/visa allows them to oversee the cleaning.
  6. Are they being tested regularly? Will they get a half-dose of a booster, which we're told works wonders? Or maybe a subcutaneous 1/5 dosage, which we're told is awesomely great?
  7. This is similar, but 100x worse, to when they briefly lowered the quarantine period to 7 days. Better to come up with a detailed, well thought-out plan, fully gazetted BEFORE announcing it.
  8. Interesting that these small (less than one day's supply) donations of AZ make the news, while local production of AZ, committed to be 6 mm doses per month, is never mentioned.
  9. NFL Week 7 Live Program on TrueVisions Friday October 22 07:20 Broncos vs Browns on True Sport HD (666) / NFL Network (672) Monday 25 October 00:00 Chiefs vs Titans on True Sport HD3 (668) 00:00 Washington vs Packers on NFL Network (672) 03:25 Bears vs Buccaneers on True Sport HD3 (668) 03:25 Texans vs Cardinals on NFL Network (672) 07:20 Colts vs Forty Niners on True Sport HD (666) / NFL Network (672) Tuesday October 26 07:15 Saints vs Seahawks on True Sport HD (666) / NFL Network (672)
  10. Raises a lot of questions, like why is Thammasat University procuring vaccines? Who's paying for these? One assumes there is some financial reason? Such a strange hodge-podge of vaccines. Government, CRA, TRC, but private hospitals: no can do. Curious.
  11. Details. (are in the article, although not enough) And did the "participants" know they were getting a half-booster? And was there a control group? And when will this protocol be introduced? Because you know it will.
  12. Yeah, you say that now. But just when you get out, they pull you back in. And what about sinopharm? The amount of graft and skim on sinovac was MASSIVE. Dozens of families increased their generational wealth immensely. Probably no more room to store their cash, for now.
  13. Yeah, the "International Certificate" is a new option on Mor Prom. Or maybe I never scrolled down that far?
  14. local income tax, which was this year's hot-button. If the same thais return each season then it must be financially lucrative.
  15. Will quarantine-exempt tourists be required to wear masks? If masks are mandated, will this be a deal-breaker for some?
  16. A lot of the charging accounts seem IT related. I wonder if this is somehow related to the collection of VAT for "Digital Services" as of 1 Sep? And some API allowed for a hack? https://thainews.prd.go.th/en/news/detail/TCATG210901151223224
  17. What constitutes "Success"? Number of tourists? Hotel rooms booked (that seems to be a metric bandied about with the Phuket Sandbox)? It's a "Start". If they're forced to close down again, it might be judged as premature? The pm needs this, so I suspect it will be deemed to have been successful.
  18. The Gulf of Thailand is situated at the western tip of South China Sea. The average depth of the gulf is about 45 m while the deepest part in the central channel is about 80 m. The water column is stratified into 2 layers with distinctive water masses. http://www.geo.sc.chula.ac.th/BEST/volume7/number1/BEST_7_1_004_pongdanai.pdf Run Silent, run not so deep. I assume that with one sub, it would patrol the Gulf rather than the Andaman Sea?
  19. Time for a SuperPoll, where 112% of the thai people believe the country is ready to open. https://www.superpollthailand.net/
  20. Does anyone have a recent breakdown on the exact quantities per vaccine? This is the most recent one I have, and it's only through 31 Aug.
  21. First came the idiotic idea. Now comes the rationalization, "We're doing it for the children". Pro tip: open the schools, and maybe a tad less indoctrination. Many on thai social media are clamoring for the money to be used more wisely, like vaccines. But 200 mm does buy a lot of lipstick. Standing out for New Year's celebrations is challenging. Sydney, Dubai, Paris, London, NYC all garner the press. Yes, Lalisa will get a ton of coverage, but will that break through?
  22. I read that as for "AQ" only. So those who do not qualify for "Sandbox" (vaxxed) and require a 7/10 day quarantine.
  23. You need a sound exit strategy as it will get very ugly, like scorched-earth ugly. And if she asks for an extra 5,000 baht be careful; keep an eye out for her "brother". I'd also contact a lawyer for advice re: as there may be some implied responsibility, perhaps not strictly codified in law, but more of a social expectation.
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