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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. OK. So he got a COVID extension in January? And that took him until...sometime in March? What is his current status?
  2. Run Forrest, run. He doesn't want to get dragged down in the myriad corruption scandals about to sink the PPRP. As he was with Yingluck before this dude is a savvy survivor.
  3. Clearly you should march over there and set them straight. Nice to see the AseanNow elderly male crowd lecturing "Thai women" on Feminist priorities. You go dude.
  4. Maybe I'm missing something but why can't the OP simply get another 60-Day COVID extension? Or is it implied that he already tried this, was rejected and given seven days to leave?
  5. Probably. Theoretically. Yes. That's a decent package as it includes the router, SIM and 1 year of service. You could always get a second and third SIM to sue in that router if you hit your 100 GB cap before the end of the current month. Easy enough for you to buy a 50 baht SIM, subscribe to a 1 day 10 Mbps plan (another 55 baht) and try it out, right? https://www.ais.th/package/en/package_net_non_stop.html *777*7286*123456# Terms & Conditions: In order to maintain service quality standard and to keep quality network experience for overall subscribers, the Company reserves the rights to manage the network as the Company deems appropriate including but not limited to limiting or decreasing network speed in case it is found that there is a large volume of continuous data transfer, use of BitTorrent, Internet sharing via Hotspot, downloading and/or uploading large files, usage for commercial purposes, or any usage which impacts or creates unfairness to other subscribers, or creates impediments to the network of the Company.
  6. Thank goodness he didn't own any "media shares". His nickname is "Rambo Isaan". The stench of corruption is strong with this one, that's why prayut employs him as a henchman. That so much effort goes into controlling the lottery trade here one assumes that that is corrupt from top to bottom and needs to be discarded.
  7. Like murder/attempted murder, both are criminal. The chap robbing the gold shop rarely skates even if he exited the premises without any gold. Or are you suggesting changes to the law?
  8. While no linkage is clearly stated it feels like this "Declaration of Endemicity" is tied to the current "Emergency Decree." And my speculation is that they do not want to give up the Emergency Decree "crutch", ergo still epidemic. Endemicity Is Meaningless The coronavirus will be with us forever. But we still have no idea what happens next. Endemicity promises exactly none of this. Really, the term to which we’ve pinned our post-pandemic hopes has so many definitions that it means almost nothing at all. What lies ahead is, still, a big uncertain mess, which the word endemic does far more to obscure than to clarify. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2022/02/endemicity-means-nothing/621423/
  9. Russian Doll Season 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvEyUOoLehI I loved the first season. NetFlix April 20
  10. Yes. The BT client is running on a remote PC with, well what used to be, a high-speed internet connection within a data center. It runs at whatever speed you purchased 100/250/500/1,000 Mbps 7x24/365, subject to any account volume limits.
  11. Most articles refer to Milli's performance as that of the first SOLO thai artist at Coachella. I'm assuming Lalisa performed as part of a group? Plus Lalisa pitches Buri Ram meatballs, with a Chivas chaser.
  12. I suspect that you need to maintain an acceptable/minimum ratio level with a private site like IPTorrents? Essentially a remote cloud-based PC running a BT client, then you download finished files via file transfer. These used to be more of a thing years ago. I used a local thai seedbox service ~ 8 years ago. It was brilliant. But I really don't need it. But if you are on a private service and require a ratio then a seedbox might be worthwhile. There are introductory videos on Youtube which explain the components, and use. https://seedbox.io/shared-seedbox/
  13. Which plan, exactly? 30 days? 180 days? Capped or uncapped speed? Limited or unlimited volume? You use your phone as a hotspot (WiFi? Bluetooth" Wired via USB?) for another device (PC?). You've been torrenting with this set up for three years? What volume in GB do you DL and UL each day and month? Maybe try a different open free torrent site for one item, just to see if that works and narrow it down to an IPT issue, or not? Terms and Conditions The add-on package can be used after an SMS confirmation message is received. The remaining data allowance will not be valid after the promotion period. Excess data usage from the package is calculated at the rate of the promotion used. The service fee is exclusive of VAT. The rights to use the service and the specified service fees are reserved for normal, domestic usage only. In order to maintain service quality standard and to keep quality network experience for overall subscribers, the Company reserves the rights to manage the network as the Company deems appropriate including but not limited to limiting or decreasing network speed in case it is found that there is a large volume of continuous data transfer, use of BitTorrent, Internet sharing via Hotspot, downloading and/or uploading large files, usage for commercial purposes, or any usage which impacts or creates unfairness to other subscribers, or creates impediments to the network of the Company.
  14. Jullanan and Chulanont seem like plausible transliterations for the same thai surname? I've seen Surayud's children (three?) listed with various different first names.
  15. Yes, she's been critical of the prayut regime, and I think the pm filed a defamation charge (or had the police file it: the RTP report directly to him) against her last year. 25 Thai celebs investigated over criticism of government, PM, one rapper ‘Milli’ fined The trend of celebrities calling out the government on various issues on their social media, which have huge followings, known as “Celeb Callouts”, has been intensified by a lawsuit filed by Mr. Prayut’s lawyer against a rapper “Milli” over her online posts targeting the government and the prime minister. The Thai hashtag #SaveMilli has been used in over a million tweets. 18-year-old Danupha Khanatheerakul reported to police today to hear the charge of defamation. She was fined 2,000 Baht. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/25-thai-celebs-investigated-over-criticism-of-government-pm-one-rapper-milli-fined/ Opinion: Soft power requires support and, more importantly, an open mind https://www.thaienquirer.com/39410/opinion-soft-power-requires-support-and-more-importantly-an-open-mind/
  16. Now that we know who these three thai's are not, maybe someone could tell us who they are? One of the three, Suksan Jullanan, is referred to as a dual thai-U.S. citizen. https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/manhattan-us-attorney-announces-arrests-yakuza-leader-and-affiliates-international Say hello to my little friend...
  17. It takes a lot more than one individual miscreant's deeds - even as prolific as he is alleged to have been - to change the thai social contract that has been in place for more than a century, and allows the few at the top to lord over the masses. Let's check back in fifty years.
  18. Is it? Really? That said, he's not a "challenger". "Coalition" being the key word. If he confesses, or is proven guilty, then yes he will receive a lifetime political ban.
  19. Another Michael Connolly character is coming to streaming. He also created Harry Bosch. The Lincoln Lawyer Netflix Series May 13, 2022 10 episodes (I liked the 2011 film.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au06yHMuMGc BTW here's that BCS poster...to me it looks like "Gene" (black & white) either taking off, or putting on a "Saul" jacket.
  20. Interesting but immaterial as the OP gets any fees reimbursed. And for me, Fidelity has a $500 per transaction limit, so always less than 20,000; fee also rebated. TBH, I have BBL and SCB account so rarely use my Fidelity ATM Debit card here in thailand. I just realized that the OP has already posted a similar thread running. Given that their ATM debit card reimburses fees and the exchange rate is determined by Visa the OP is overthinking this issue.
  21. AEON remains 150 THB. Same-same as long as you decline DCC. Yes. Your card has a limit, both per transaction and total daily. It might be $15,000 total daily with Schwab but review the terms and conditions. You can do a counter/teller cash withdrawal, again up to $15,000 with Schwab. ATMs have physical limits, size of dispensing slot. These range up to 30,000 THB, broadly speaking. There are newer machines, like those at SCB, which use the trough method, so they may be able to dispense more. Doesn't matter with Schwab as the ATM fee is reimbursed. Not sure. Thinking 20,000 maybe. Try more report back. Maybe BoC? Otherwise, no. Yes, assuming you have a Visa or MC ATM debit card. There may slight intra-day changes. https://www.mastercard.us/en-us/personal/get-support/convert-currency.html https://usa.visa.com/support/consumer/travel-support/exchange-rate-calculator.html Your questions have been posed many, many, many, many times here so a search might yield additional valuable detail for you.
  22. BCS S06 poster. BTW there is a great podcast for fans of this show, Better Call Saul Insider Podcast - AMC Available everywhere.
  23. In my lengthy experience, ~ 20 years, Fidelity has not applied this 1% foreign transaction fee on any of my ~ 200-ish ATM cash withdrawals. I assumed this was applicable to purchases? But maybe the liberal use of "may" means that this is waived for some account holders and/or types of activity. YMMV.
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