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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. While I saw this trailer a while ago, and the film has opened in a limited release, the number of disparate reviewers gushing about it (best film of the year so far) make it one which will have to be sought out and viewed. Everything Everywhere All at Once https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxN1T1uxQ2g&t=1s From the amazing production company A24. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/everything_everywhere_all_at_once
  2. And this woman physically attacked a 15 year old. But she's "troubled" so her other run-ins with the law - booze-fueled fights - are excused and rationalized. ‘Soho Karen’ pleads guilty to hate crime – but avoids jail in deal with prosecutors It’s a sweetheart deal for “Soho Karen.” Miya Ponsetto — the rage-filled woman who earned the moniker after she falsely accused a black teenager of stealing her cellphone at a Manhattan hotel — pleaded guilty to a hate crime Monday as part of a plea deal that will allow her to dodge prison time. Ponsetto, 23, copped to one count of felony unlawful imprisonment as a hate crime for attacking 15-year-old Keyon Harrold Jr. after accusing him of the theft in the Arlo Soho Hotel in December 2020. https://nypost.com/2022/04/11/soho-karen-pleads-guilty-to-hate-crime-in-no-jail-deal/
  3. You can also get to these newer online services (TM47/90 Day, TM30 and Appointments) services from https://www.immigration.go.th/en/ Choose online services.
  4. This system will be compromised, and subject to graft, corruption and incompetence, just after midnight on June 2.
  5. I suspect some will claim their friend gave them the land? Or loaned it to them. A responsible government with nothing to hide would immediately order a review of ALL land-holdings which have changed hands in the last 20 years, and those affected by subsequent re-classifying of land as "protected". Even if just an audit. And prosecutions would be evenly shared between yellow and red. But that won't happen, easier to use this scam to pick off political opponents. The powers that be should proceed cautiously, as, while they've granted themselves some degree of amnesty, they have become quite drunk with power. This may come to haunt them. And I'd immediately order public hearings on local land office shenanigans. None of this happens without local and provincial graft and corruption.
  6. The national government has yielded a great deal of authority to the provincial level, re: COVID. Essentially all of the dirty work, while the regime sits back in Bangkok, holds meetings and issues vague and contradictory decrees. But as both of the venues mentioned in the Op-Ed are in Chonburi, one has to assume provincial officials are exercising some degree of selective relaxing of social distancing in return for additional fees. Pattaya Dolphins United, that's a mouthful, ponied up the fee. The golf tournament organizers did not.
  7. OK, this one looks weird...often described as "genre-bending". Outer Range https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o326YAuEtDU Amazon Prime Eight eps, 2 per week starting April 15.
  8. Siri, how deep is the gulf of thailand? 45 meters. And yes, your sub is visible by drone, unless covered by an oil spill. On the plus side, when it sinks the lads can simply swim up to surface to be rescued by the squid fishing crews.
  9. A statement like this simply reinforces my perception that there really is no plan. And I have no clue why there is a push on this. Yes, we all know about a campaign promise, but those are often ignored once in power. And even the graft/corruption angle seems marginal at best. Major disconnect here. There are very few official diagnoses here in the thai health system, which call for the use of cannabinoids (CBD/THC) except in a few small segments as part of a palliative regimen. Maybe a few thousand patients tops. I'm not sure if it's simply incompetence, or outright lunacy. Maybe we'll know more in June when the 120 ticker reaches zero?
  10. Just curious here, how do you know that you are using U.K. Netflix? Without a VPN, you are definitely using thailand Netflix. Looks like U.K. or Ireland have the largest catalog although this is over a year old... https://www.finder.com/netflix-usa-vs-world-content
  11. Assuming one requires fixed broadband, then this is something to sort out BEFORE building. How far are you from a real two-lane paved road? On that road are there overhead wires? Can you identify a fiber splitter box? I'd drive around and locate the closest neighbors, talk to them and see what they have if anything. Have a this friend comb local social media forums, FB groups; have them post questions about availability and options. Try to determine the two closest ISPs. Engage them, preferably digitally - no not with a finger - via their FB pages. Offer to subsidize the total installation costs - assuming they're within your budget.
  12. So that's an average of 27,750 per day, each and every day. Current run rate is, let's say, 11,000 per day. So they're counting on ~ 4 million all arriving on 31 December right?
  13. OP seems to have gone dark. Expect they'll be back shortly inquiring about Hawala, and Fei-Chien.
  14. I'll believe it's legal when kancha is one of the items offered to the sacred oxen during the Ploughing Ceremony. I mean Lao Khao is already on the "menu".
  15. Can you use a different device? Clear cookies and cache? Maybe restart your phone, then use mobile data? You're not running any security software? This is the exact same device you used ~ 75 days ago to file successfully on this new site? It's a strange issue, for sure. Once I was able to get in on mobile data, I switched back to WiFi and it worked fine. I've had similar issues previously with thai extranet apps, as have others.
  16. Edit From the U.S. the wire transfer fee might be $50 maximum. Right now: $25,000 USD SWIFT 834,159 835,750 WISE 834,811 Sorry forgot the cap was 500 baht.
  17. Is this a trick question? Go big, or go home... Researcher Finds Exposed Data of 106 Million Thai Visitors Researcher: Decade-Old Exposure Is a Privacy Concern https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/050515/why-netflix-content-different-other-countries.asp#:~:text=This is due to the,the U.S. even when traveling. Or my personal favorite...Good guys in, bad guys out...with map. Thai data breach puts 2,000-plus expats' details online https://www.internationalinvestment.net/internationalinvestment/news/3503582/thai-breach-plus-expats’-details-online
  18. I was trying to be polite. I am sure. You are misinformed.
  19. I think HS-TTC will be used on a daily route which can be operated with a single aircraft, with a potential F/P traffic. An 8-ish hour flight max. Then it could be subbed as TG 924/925 "as needed". I think all three might start off on shorter trial runs, even BKK-HKT/CNX; that's what's been done in the past.
  20. Room number is NOT indicated as "Required", yet my submittal was rejected with a note (in thai on the old system via the hack/loophole) "No Room Number". I had used "Apt. NN" as with every previous Imm document. I resubmitted, used Room NN and was approved. I'm honestly not following your thought process, it is probably over my head, but providing a reason for the rejection hardly seems like a security flaw, and you've done little with your response to alter my thinking.
  21. Meh. Not sure this is an accurate statement. It's more down to licensing. Some content has already been licensed to someone else in a particular region, so Netflix is contractually bound to not stream it there. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/050515/why-netflix-content-different-other-countries.asp#:~:text=This is due to the,the U.S. even when traveling. This is why folks use VPNs to access Netflix in other countries, and why Netflix continues to whitelist VPN IPs. Pricing/packaging is affected by many factors, not the least of which is the local markets' price points, and the competition.
  22. Yeah, sorry I copied that price from a January (InvadeIT-focused) spreadsheet, and it's on sale now too. I had specced 3200/16 GB but after plowing through many reviews upped that to 3600/32 GB. Like I said, I am surprised at the price difference, which used to be ~ 100 baht on CPUs and MBs. Advice is the primary importer/distributor, and they rarely undercut their resellers. Not sure how to attribute this aberration? But buying from Advice is good advice.
  23. Turn off WiFi, use mobile data. Should work. I have the same error message/problem on my phone, at home on AIS Fiber/WiFi. I switch to mobile data and I can log in and view a previous application ro start on anew one.
  24. So all this was based on a post you read once? Might have led with that. Most Android phones here are sold unlocked and run the manufacturer's own STOCK release for Thailand. Some phones have a lot of extra stuff, Samsung for instance. Other phones have less stuff, say like a Pixel 6/6A or Android One phone. There are probably solutions out there for you: De-Googled hardware/software, De-Googled ROMs, even slim ROMs with Open GApps (Nano, Pico). But you'll also give up some functionality. Many/most finserv apps won't work on rooted phones. And custom ROMs often require a bit of work to keep updated. I've been running Lineage/Stock GApps on a couple of older devices (Samsung tablet, Xiaomi Mi A1) for a few years without problems.
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