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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. Interesting the first response went there? Women in the military have long fought for equal rights especially with regards to front-line deployments, and combat duty.
  2. Oakmont? Shinnecock Hills? Winged Foot? Stewart Cink solves the problem... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iPlDHWxmfM
  3. Suspect PEBCAK. Update LINE App Open LINE App. Select HOME, looks like a house, lower left. Select SETTINGS, looks like a gear, upper right. Select Account Press your finger on Phone number ---Now you are in the Change phone number screen ENTER new phone number +66 03 NNN NNNN Wait for SMS Or just leave it as is.
  4. https://guide.line.me/en/migration/migration_b/ Update your registered info: email and password Update your backup Then just go into Settings, Account, press on Phone number, enter new phone number, maybe +66 NN NNN NNNN, drop the leading zero. Alternatively you could do a fresh install, register then restore your back up.
  5. I'm sure this will be cleaned up, just as they've cleaned up the lottery ticket sales pyramid. And yes, the government will probably bail out the promoter.
  6. Why would you do this? Just use a SWIFT wire transfer directly from your bank in the U.S. to your Bangkok Bank account in thailand. Any fee, yes it might be a bit more than the fee for a cashier's check, from $0 to $50, is hardly a ding in the ~ $25,000. Quick, clean, straight-forward, simple, easy, shows as FTT and from abroad. Do you currently have an active Bangkok Bank account? This one. Establishing the financial basis for an extension of stay isn't worth dicking around with cashier's checks, IMO.
  7. What costs are you hearing? When do you plan to arrive? Today? I'd say 5,000 - 10,000, with the difference attributable to the SHA+ T&G accommodations, and the insurance. I assume you want airfare, any potential (airline/connection requirement, not a requirement for thailand) tests, vaccinations and visa fees excluded? I think they'll eventually get to just insurance, and then, maybe once they up the PSC+ fee to 1,000, do away with that separate requirement.
  8. USTVGo looks OK, on a phone, tablet or small PC screen Needs a VPN - Any VPN works; I use Nord. Can cast, from a Chrome Browser to a TV, but video quality is not great, 360p, in full screen (65")?
  9. Message on link says... Please use the VPN in the link above to access this channel.
  10. When are you flying? Which sectors, besides DOH-BKK? QR are switching to two (2) daily A380's on the DOH-BKK sector, in August I think. (Maye one A380, of three dailies today?) https://simpleflying.com/qatar-airways-bangkok-airbus-a380-flights/ I don't think the A380's have Q-Suites, but the J product is said to be quite nice. I think they'll have at least one or two more dailies, potentially with Q-Suite-equipped metal. QR jiggers their schedules and aircraft nearly dynamically, so one needs to get up to speed on the aircraft, and monitor your reservation (use their mobile app). https://thepointsguy.com/guide/ultimate-guide-to-qatar-qsuites/ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.m.qr Even when they had 6 or 7 dailies BKK-DOH, only two/three might have had Q Suites. You may be able to change to a Q-Suite flight, but your layover might get a lot longer.
  11. Rolls Royce, engines, thailand, what could go wrong. In January 2017 a 4 year investigation by the UK’s Serious Fraud Office came to light. It determined that aircraft engine-maker Rolls Royce paid bribes to “…agents of the Thai state and employees of Thai Airways…” in order to secure orders for the Rolls Royce T800 engine for its Boeing 777-200s. https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/crime/thai-airways-procurement-probe-points-to-corruption#:~:text=In January 2017 a 4,for its Boeing 777-200s. *Yes, I'm sure someone will be along to chastise on the various entities within RR Holdings.
  12. Masters Chairman Fred Ridley mentioned this video in his annual pre-tournament presser... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heIKaaamvdc And the skip-shot on 16 led me to this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lzuoTarQjs
  13. A quick count shows ~ 41 int'l wide-body arrivals today so far: 00:01 - 14:15. With another ~ 27 yet to land. EK has one A380 on the BKK route. QR announced they're moving to two (2) A380s on the DOH-BKK sector. 10,000 arrivals, 68* flights, avg. 147, seems believable? And the photos on FB and Twitter show quite densely-packed crowds in the arrivals area. *I didn't count ~ 20-ish narrow-body int'l arrivals, or the MUC-NNT "ghost-flight".
  14. Given some of the photos and videos on social media, this is totally believable. I'm surprised the whole day 1/sha+ thing is holding up.
  15. AFAIK, there is no specific limit on fragrances. They would be lumped into the 20,000 baht total personal exemption? You could of course bring back more than 20,000 baht (value of personal belongings in reasonable quantity), use the red channel and declare your items.
  16. You could of course just read the post and move on, fighting that urge to share your "wisdom" about how cash is king, and technology is doomed. Unless, of course, you could help the OP. But I did love your "space-pen" yarn. Haven't heard that one in eons.
  17. The insurance ploy has been widely-reported here for years. A search here would reveal more details. Foreigners who finally overcome the initial resistance to opening a new account at Bangkok Bank, and other banks, are strong-armed "encouraged" - with smiles of course - to subscribe to an annual, automatically renewable insurance policy. So this second/third-hand "story" has partial veracity. AFAIK, there are no local sanctions on russians in thailand so unclear what the OP is on about? Stipulations: Yes, we know not every foreigner is subject to the insurance scam Yes, we know "you" didn't have to buy insurance. Yes, we know thais are subject to cold-calls/upsells for insurance.
  18. Visited Sushiro at Central World yesterday, a popular conveyor-belt sushi place here - with a long, long history in Japan. Stipulating that this is not a AYCE-buffet place; you pay by the plate (40/60/80/120 baht). Once you pluck the plate off the conveyor belt you buy it, consumed or not. Was wondering if they have any issues with folks slipping unconsumed plates back on the belt? Probably not as everyone likely understands the concept. Awesome place.
  19. Well I only mentioned two films I saw, one after the other, about the same time period. Both involved "struggles". So yeah, there are shed-loads of films I didn't mention. Richard Linklater's new film, "Apollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Childhood" on Netflix looks apropos? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dzuz5s_Qk-A Armie Hammer problem sidestepped by delay, delay, delay, wait for kerfuffle to die down?
  20. Are these available here in thailand? What is the price? What is your budget for ear buds? What is your primary application? Indoors, outdoors? Maybe try a cheaper pair first, just to see if you like the concept? Something from Awei in the 400 - 600 baht range.
  21. Sounds like you got that sorted, based on your thread in the Apple forum.
  22. Of course not, what did I say that you should infer such a thing? I'd like to think an elected official would govern in the best interests of ALL citizens. Obviously this is a bridge too far in desantis's case. These divisive hot-button issues, which are pretty much non-issues really have but one single purpose. To energize the base.
  23. What a silly question. Maybe you are not from the U.S. so deserve the benefit of the doubt? Yes, of course, obviously. School boards are made up of representatives of parents. Parents have a lot of influence. I support that, wholeheartedly, vs. some clown governor telling everyone what to do. Or state reps from Bumbletown in the panhandle telling parents in Orlando what can and can't be taught. Pete Doocy, what an appropriately named load. Pete v. Jen is hardly a fair fight. Jen plays chess, Pete eats crayons.
  24. The problem with this method is you end up with two different Receipt of Notification/next report date slips, with different dates. I'm not sure which one "rules"?
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