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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. Or just start at immigration.co.th, online services, TM47
  2. https://onemileatatime.com/citi-credit-card-closed-inactivity/ Yeah, not sure this is related to real/virtual domicles?
  3. Yeah, that's weird. Even the little tab icon is different, officer icon vs. shield. The URLs look exactly the same.
  4. I don't have access to this router type right now, but I think this is baked into the ISPs custom firmware - it is on most of the AIS Fibre Huawei kit - and allows the ISP to remotely troubleshoot the CPE. There is also an firmware update feature, but no clue how that works (FTP? SSH?). Personally I'd ring 3BB, or search thai forums, for more options which satisfy your requirements?
  5. There are far too many variables. known only to you, for anyone to make any sort of blanket recommendation. Will you stay in thailand permanently? Return to the U.S. often? Depends on the banks, cards, financial services companies, your state, who manages the mail, state taxes, jury duty, credit reports...... Personally I maintain an address in the U.S., family member, and have done so for ~ 15-ish years. I've encountered no issues. I've changed my address with SSA and the IRS to thailand. Some things I can recommend: sort out telecommunication requirements BEFORE leaving. Have one, two or even three options - mobile phone numbers, security key - for receiving 2FA OTPs. Target at least one which offers WiFi calling. And register for all the government/private pension service options: login.gov, id.me, mySSA, etc. Set-up any standing international wire transfer orders BEFORE leaving, this assumes you have a thai bank account already. Recommend Bangkok Bank and SCB. Get at least two or three credit cards which offer no foreign transaction fee (Cap1, Chase Sapphire Preferred, BofA Travel Rewards). Get at least one ATM Debit Card which offers ATM fee refunds: Schwab or Fidelity. Get familiar with all finserv online and mobile app usage.
  6. Meh. Not really an issue as cards are now activated upon first usage, and older, unexpired cards and newer cards can be used simultaneously/interchangeably. And the OP's trusted friend probably didn't activate the card before mailing? I think the OP could have opened a Cap1/360 Checking account and gotten the ATM Debit card, with a thai address. And they may have sent the card via FedEx for free. Many others here have reported getting Cap1 cards with a thai address.
  7. Does anyone know how land is converted from private ownership to a forest reserve or national park status? An act of parliament? Royal Decree? Can a government official do this on their own? It seems like this conversion process should include sorting out the re-issuing land-deeds/plot plans (N.S. 3?). No wonder there are so many 'encroachment' issues here.
  8. A DHL quote today is $86.85, delivery by April 5 end of day. Separately I had an activated UltraMobile SIM delivered using the same method.
  9. If Office 2019 is suitable then you can purchase a legitimate one PC license here... https://pixelcodes.com/product/microsoft-office-pro-plus-2019-retail/ been using this source for a few years.
  10. I just had my new Global Entry card, and Fidelity ATM Debit card sent from a family member to my thai post post office box via USPS airmail, $1.20, took ~ 23 days. I've used this method for quite a few years, never had an item lost. I've also had two items from the IRS (Austin, TX - sent to my physical address here) in the last month or so, both took 3 weeks. For the OP maybe spring for DHL is USPS is deemed unacceptable.
  11. This is a non-starter, with the current regime side-stepping the proposal by bouncing it to the ministry of finance. I guess you can home brew as long as the alcohol content is less than 0.2%. ????
  12. And the Prime Minister is also the Defense Minister. The PM has denied any responsibility for activities at Ch. 5. But "someone" was unhappy with "excessive" analysis by Ch. 5 commentators. Channel 5 is (partially) publicly funded by taxpayers.
  13. Hmm. Where did you see these? Isn't the obvious answer to sell "there"? 10k to 12k sounds like retail, you'd probably be advised to aim for wholesale. ~8,000-ish.
  14. He shot one foot, re-loaded shot his other foot. Luckily he didn't peer down the barrel. What a doofus.
  15. So you're both OK with edibles then? Will chew with mouth closed. Many people feel the same as you both do, especially with regards to second-hand cigarette smoke and mega-vapers.
  16. Usually with terms and conditions. And you "buy" it when you finish and pay up. As long as these are clearly stated before, then you are free to eat elsewhere if you find them onerous.
  17. Haven't seen any instant approvals with the new system https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login Seen a report of approval received within 10 minutes, others three hours, others three days, others five days. ~ two+ business days for my recent online report (CW).
  18. It's all mythical until the laws/rules/regulations are published in the royal gazette. Hopefully on/before June 9, but I can see an extension "because of COVID (or elections)" coming.
  19. Correct, assuming they also finished within the published time limit. I think you understand. The policy is meant to minimize over-ordering and waste. IMO, staff need to keep customers informed on policies, at entry, first order, subsequent orders. ANd even exercise some 'portion' control on big orders close to the end of the time period. It's all about communications and understanding. Yeah, you kind of answered your own question.
  20. Wait? You received the email notifying you of "receipt"? Right? We have received your information successfully, you can find your information below. email should be along within a few days with hopefully... Your application for "STAYING LONGER THAN 90 DAYS" has been approved. both from: [email protected]
  21. Fully understand the policy, but a 1,000 baht surcharge indicates a 2 kg unconsumed amount. That seems like a lot. Went to Mo-Mo Paradise last evening - first time. Thought that it was quite good. Am always careful at buffet-style places, to consume all food ordered.
  22. Sofa vaguely resembles a pedestrian crosswalk. Amazed no one plowed into it. Why? Customers can shop online or visit the store using public transportation, place orders for delivery. That said, Emsphere looks to be quite large, and assume it will have parking similar to the nearby EM's (porium, quartier).
  23. OK. Did you apply for online banking when you opened the account yesterday? If not, then return and do so. If yes, it may take a few days? Ages ago I had to wait for a temporary password to arrive in the mail. Why? Are you going to drive hundreds of kilometers just to open an account? I can see providing YOUR location and then asking for nearby success. "IT'S"? relates to what? Online banking? Or the EZ account? And what's up with this account? Why do you find it so desirable? It may not be acceptable for the 400K/800K Immigration deposit? I don't know for sure, this sort of wording does raise a concern though... No need to carry a passbook It is an E-PASSBOOK account, no need to carry a passbook. https://www.scb.co.th/en/personal-banking/deposits/savings-account/easy-saving-account.html
  24. I suspect Dr. Yong's "toilet cleaner" is a burmese or isaan maid. Maybe he asked her?
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