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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. Headline should probably read New ‘Pheu Thai Family’ head wants more experience before being overthrown. subjected to criminal charges and forced to leave the country There will be plenty of election cycles, no need to jump on this next one. I'd say she should build up her base, and individualize her "brand", but with more exposure she will draw the ire of the PtB, and be hounded. Still hard to believe that Ubolratana was briefly (14 hours) put forward as a candidate for PM.
  2. Which shows? I assume they are on channels offered by TrueVisions? You have True Internet service? I might look for a more modern solution. Maybe ask a thai friend to help you search thai forums? I think you can stream your TrueVisions content via your TrueID, to a mobile or PC. Then you may be able to record streams? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tdcm.trueidapp Maybe get one of these boxes? Then see what can be recorded? https://trueidtv.trueid.net/ *may require an upgrade in service There are streaming aggregator services which offer catch-up services and Cloud DVR. They are not free. Someone probably records these shows and re-streams them, so you can root around the interwebs.
  3. You can try turning off USB Debugging. Some local mobile banking apps check this. Developer Options is OK for mobile banking apps.
  4. I mean, in all honesty, it was silly to remove Cannabis from the level 5 category BEFORE passing the associated law(s), and publicizing it BEFORE (120 days) it came into law. There is a lengthy draft of the proposed law floating around, but I haven't seen nor heard about much debate or parliamentary progress. That law needs to promulgated before June 1, I think, as this is required in the decree already gazetted. But thai law is fluid so who knows.
  5. Flying to? Maybe not on a 737-800? You were wrong. In so, so, so many ways.
  6. Admittedly there is no direct linkage, but the regime did just extend the COVID Emergency Decree a 17th time last week, for the period April 1, 2022 through May 31, 2022. Makes sense to keep the COVID extensions in place until there is full border normalization, maybe July 1, 2022? And/or until the COVID Emergency Decree is lifted. I'd probably recommend some additions though, require a renewal every 30 days or double or triple the fee (1,900 for 30 days, 3,800 for 60 days), require health insurance for the term of the extension, require some form of income proof (at least 40,000 per month).
  7. Another U.N. Resolution, another supporting vote from thailand. Hardly neutral. Thailand backs UN resolution calling for end to violence in Ukraine The resolution received 140 votes, calling for an end to the violence, respect for international humanitarian laws, access for aid, and protection of civilians in Ukraine. Thailand is among seven Asean countries that voted in favour, five countries (Russia, Syria, North Korea, Eritrea and Belarus) voted against and 38 countries (including Vietnam, China, India and Iran) abstained. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40013816
  8. Atlanta, Season 3 has premiered. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t72Pbqrkb28
  9. It never ceases to amaze me how easily offended some are, at least when it is convenient. And how uninformed they are. "Full stop", wow, often used to accentuate an extremely lame argument, and a huge "tell". "Advise and consent." A presidential candidate is free to make campaign promises. That they keep them should be applauded. I'm guessing you chose not to vote for Joe B. because he planned to appoint a black woman to SCOTUS? It is not illegal for the president to nominate any candidate for federal office, or lifetime judicial appointment. I'd argue that is one of the primary responsibilities for POTUS. It is the Senate's responsibility to approve the appointments. To date, republican senators have raised many issues re: Judge Jackson, but none have raised the "discrimination" issue, yet. Yeah, he's got health problems, and wife problems.
  10. Facebook. I know, I know some fear The Facebook, but many/most small thai retailers, be it fruit or anything, sell on FB. You get great products and support smaller farmers. Many moo baans have LINE and FB groups, so you can ask there if applicable.
  11. Yeah, not really sure there is any overarching strategy here other than to deny, deflect, obfuscate, appease.... I mean, At UN, Thailand votes to condemn Russia’s aggression in Ukraine During the 11th Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), Thailand has joined 140 countries voting in favour of the resolution to condemn Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, while 5 voted against and 35 abstained. Vietnam and the Lao PDR were the only ASEAN countries to abstain, as well as countries such as China, India, Iran, and Iraq. The five states voting against the resolution were Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea and Syria. Dr. Suriya Chindawongse, Permanent Representative of Thailand to the United Nations, explained that Thailand carefully considered the draft and voted in support of the resolution because of the overriding importance Thailand attaches to the principles contained in the United Nations Charter and international law, in particular respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and the non-use of force against countries. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/at-the-un-thailand-votes-to-condemn-russias-aggression-in-ukraine/ The thai chamber of commerce really isn't representative of the government, they're just participating in the appeasement theatre as a minor character.
  12. again.... Do you have this version? If so, you can download, install and use https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.expressvpn.vpn But you won't be able to cast from your notebook. You'll have to also install the streaming apps on the CCGTV.
  13. It never ceases to amaze me how tone-deaf most "authorities" are here. Anyone with an ounce of awareness would have known that appearing to peddle russian "information" would be perceived as foolish and dangerous. Having to walk it back, and lamely claim the need for fairness ad balance just illustrates how fool-hardy the initial meeting was. Maybe I expect too much from those running Thai Army TV? Oh, and tell me again why the Army has a TV station? (rhetorical)
  14. It's amazing how much the poo yai here just "wing it", knowing no one will question them "kreng jai" and all that. Most of us would want to be prepared, be well-read on a subject, be able to offer a clear plan/path, answer all questions, admit to not having all the answer but will follow up. Here, verbal diarrhea is the go to. The hand gesture thing is a hoot. Left-hand, right-hand, or in anutin's case both hands. Maybe they were handling some heavily resin-ed nugs?
  15. Not sure if it was this incident but I did see something posted on FB yesterday. A motorcycle narrowly sped past a vehicle slowing to turn right or u-turn. It's a thai dash-cam feed./group. Will see if I can find it. Very scary.
  16. Ah, OK. So your ATM Debit Card allows for a teller-administered/"counter" cash-advance? Those almost always have daily limits. What is yours, in the foreign currency? For U.S. ATM Debit cards the daily limit (for cash advances) ranges from $2,500 to $15,000 (USD). I don't think Bangkok Bank has a set limit on these, again a limit is set by your home bank/card provider. Do you have an account at Bangkok Bank? Having an account may make a teller cash advance easier. Not every bank or branch is required to honor a teller cash advance. Seen a few reports of success here, but most get by with ATM, or international transfers. Some activities, condo purchase, support for a visa or extension of stay have certain requirements re: source of funds. You can dick around trying to get a teller cash advance, or just get a Bangkok Bank or SCB account today, and transfer money via WISE. Yes, I will stipulate that a teller cash advance yields slightly more THB than a WISE transfer. Local ATM fees range from 150 THB (AEON) to 220 THB (most banks). Do you mean at their ATM? Or as a teller cash advance? The former, yes. The latter, no. At BBL anyway, might other banks charge a fee assuming you don't have an account? Maybe. You'll get mo' better help if you just reveal your exact circumstances and requirements.
  17. And the russians have been along to "help" disseminate "news" from russia. Channel 5 is Army TV. Opinion: Channel 5 cozying up to the Russians should surprise no one After teaming up with right-wing media presenters at Top News to continue to discredit the pro-democracy movement in Thailand, the military-run Channel 5 is now joining up with the Russian Embassy to spread Russian propaganda to its viewers. Executives from the channel met with Yevgeny Tomikhin, the Russian ambassador to Thailand, on Tuesday evening. They said the meeting was meant to create cooperation between Channel 5 and Russia’s news agency to provide “facts” and combat “fake news”. https://www.thaienquirer.com/38849/opinion-channel-5-cozying-up-to-the-russians-should-surprise-no-one/
  18. Meh. A bit simplistic. My sense is that this is more about legal indemnification against potential future fall-out from actions taken, and not taken, during the COVID situation. This could range from potential long term health issues from emergency use, to "corruption" to economic hardships. If (not when) a real government is elected (never, but never say never so the need for protection) there might be investigations. Most of these chaps have been around for eons, they've seen witch-hunts. New constitutions are easily written. Again, old- hands like Wissanu Krea-ngam and Chuan Leekpai are smart enough to add protections. Same-same for the self-granted immunity after the latest coup.
  19. No issue with front-line health-care workers, especially the 1 million village health care providers, getting a booster. Hazard pay for the headman? Some of these others: sub-district chiefs, village heads, sub-district inspectors, assistant village heads and territorial defense volunteers? Nope.
  20. Incentivize new car sales, prudently and in a fiscally responsible way. See new car scheme ca. 2012 for do's and don'ts. Highly incentivize, no, more highly, no even more highly, EVs. Require smog tests on all cars; impound those that do not pass.
  21. The Pfizer Thailand sales team blew through their quota in Q1.
  22. Paraphrasing Capt. Renault... "I'm shocked, shocked that nepotism is prevalent here in thailand. Now ask Sgt. Renault to collect my brown envelope."
  23. Is that USD, CAD, THB? Biomass production (growing)? Extraction/processing? Are you free to share the name of this company? Chiang Mai seems to be a focus, perhaps because of affiliations with Maejo University? The investment levels here, in all facets related to cannabis, are mind-blowing. The amount of foreign investment is also surprising. R&B Food has the first Hemp Extraction license. Hemp ingredient industry to drive next S-curve RBF is the first company in Thailand to obtain a CBD extraction license, after years of preparation. Hence, RBF is in pole position in the lucrative hemp ingredient industry. We expect the CBD unit to record Bt1.5b revenue in FY22F and Bt2b in FY25F (+10% p.a. CAGR). This represents 12.6% share of Thailand’s hemp ingredient market which Krungsri Research forecasts would be worth Bt15b by 2025. https://www.krungsrisecurities.com/images.aspx?filename=http://www.krungsrisecurities.com/uploads/2021/09/research_en_US_16914_1_RBF_210906_I.pdf
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