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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. It transitioned from corrupt to comedic, now it's just sad, a poor reflection on the regime and country. His BFF should probably be subject to an NACC inquiry. Just kidding, nothing to there either.
  2. You opened a Schwab International Brokerage account? Or a Schwab One International account? What was the minimum opening balance requirement? I see this on the Schwab site: A minimum deposit of US$25,000 is needed to open a Schwab One International account. The OP specifically mentioned "low balances", and didn't mention credit cards. Schwab and Capital One are wonderful. I have no experience with either, although I am considering a CapOne CC given their wide offering of Fx free cards. My focus is listening to the OP and trying to point them towards the best solution for them, and not what I use.
  3. Someone's gotta catch the shrimp. Someone's gotta cook the shrimp. Someone's gotta refill the shrimp buffet. Who ya gonna call? Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar.
  4. Am guessing these cooperatives (credit unions) (focusing on "edumcators) are all but insolvent and will need bailing out first. Of course, all/most of the other coops focusing on gov't employee sectors have similar issues. Imagine the police, military coops are "fully-funded".
  5. And an extra 5 million to the fall-guy, who has"admitted" to "lurching" the boat. All done.
  6. Do you have any requirement to transfer funds from the U.S. to thailand? SDFCU would seem to be ideal? DD of SSA benefit might yield emeritus status? ATM debit card ("Checking account options with ATM and foreign transaction fee reimbursements"), linked to WISE, offer credit cards (no foreign currency fee), solid ex-pat service history, decent web and app (I think they deliver OTP via their app?). I'm not a member/customer, but many, many, many here rave about it. You should also have a plan B and a Plan C.
  7. The best feature of the new system, besides the email reminder and the success rate, is when filing your second and subsequent reports. Just log in, enter your passport number and nationality, then click the magnifying glass icon, and that will automatically enter all the data from your previous successful filing. Magic.
  8. Unbunch your panties, these are simply recommendations. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/map-and-travel-notices.html
  9. What is your origin? Destination? Transiting SBIA/BKK on an int'l-int'l connection is best done on one single ticket, issued by the first carrier (this is the default), baggage can be checked through, and the connection must be 24 hours max. I'd aim for 4 - 12 hour layover. The second flight is ideally on the same carrier, but this is not a must-have. Have some transited BKK on separate tickets? Yes, but that requires you to believe reports. Better to transit SIN, where possible? I'd say just enter, then exit thailand - same day, but you'll have to factor in the day 1 package/cost (~ 5,000+) and any additional logistics.
  10. Well the "client" is way, way above porntip. Nose-bleed territory. The perpetrator, and the pimp/manager, are not.
  11. Powerful people already ponied up 20 million baht to the police (Nonthaburi) for a speedy finding of accidental death. It's only the rabble howling for justice that have slowed the roll. All this money and angst just so some powerful elder could <deleted> a pretty.
  12. Your budget? This question has come here before, many times, so a search might yield valuable info. I'd also look at reviews on Youtube.
  13. Assuming you've completed a previous submission, and after entering the passport and country, clicking on the magnifying glass will autofill all the other fields with the data from immediately preceding submission. Thanks. This might be the best feature. Wait-time can be 3 hours, or 3 days. Office dependent, it seems.
  14. How are these folks returning to Russia? I guess there are some options by EK? Korean Air just halted all russian flights for two weeks; their refueling supplier suspended their service.
  15. When are you flying? Passport country? Destination? Airline(s)? Many variables, which with detail can be distilled. Who knows what will be required to apply for entry, to show on arrival? Today? Any paper, or print-out of a digital, document would be sufficient.
  16. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/map-and-travel-notices.html Updated Mar. 7, 2022, 02:00 PM
  17. "They"? Any paper vaccination certificate issued here by the MoPH is more than adequate for any activities in the U.S. If the yellow book makes you comfortable by all means buy one, they're only 50 baht. Yes, they look like something you could have picked up on KSR in the day, but I think for an older generation these might provide an extra layer of comfort.
  18. Thai motto: "Clawing back rights since 1932". Rights are dispensed based on position in the pyramid. Those closer to the top sup at the Rights Buffet, those at the bottom enjoy crumbs. This is the very foundation of the thai social contract. If everyone had equal rights the country might implode. Just look at the latest iteration of a constitution, and I'm paraphrasing... Everyone has equal rights except.... followed by 109 sections limiting those rights. excerpts Section 4. Human dignity, rights, liberties and equality of the people shall be protected. Section 5. The Thai people, irrespective of their origins, sexes or religions, shall enjoy equal protection under this Constitution. and the kicker: Section 28. A person can invoke human dignity or exercise his rights and liberties in so far as it is not in violation of rights and liberties of other persons or contrary to this Constitution or good morals.
  19. Not sure why they need a complex judicial system when this chap can chime in with his criminal expertise on the big cases. Porntip seems anxious to get involved, but probably not a good look as a Senator?
  20. DIY? Appears to be up on blocks, already. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4YODM1TPk8 Yes, Khon Kaen has had ambitious public transpo plans for a LRT system for ten plus years. The 22-stations north-south route is planned for phase 1.
  21. Given all the embarrassment and loss of face attached to this project - daily reminders of failure in the form of a thai stonehenge, royal 737 impounded at MUC - you'd think the regime could get a favorable court ruling after losing in arbitration and in multiple court cases/appeals? I'd say they win the next round.
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