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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. So your only application is receiving 2FA SMS OTP's? For those entities which only offer this method for 2FA? Do you have a budget? Quite a few excellent threads here, so a search would reveal a lot of great info. I use: Google Voice (best free solution) Talkatone (most reliable IME) UltraMobile (WiFi Calling) (best overall solution, IMO) T-Mobile (International GSM roaming) Works, but needs to be primed first. I'm considering porting one of my GV (or my T-Mo) numbers to Google Fi. Not accurate. Tens of millions of Americans receive 2FA OTPs via SMS. Most pass SCSMS now, for those entities which use service providers who use this method. This used to be a thing years ago. Yeah just set up a new Google/GMail account here, email them the username and password, they can setup the GV number, then just give you the number. I believe Capital One also allows you to use their mobile app for 2FA. BofA allows the use of a FIDO key. (But GV, Talkatone both work fine with BofA SMSes). Talkatone and GV work fine with AirBnB. In fact, it's been years since I've had an issue using GV with ~ 30-ish accounts.
  2. Are you a U.S. citizen/holder of a U.S. Passport or Green Card? If not: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/noncitizens-US-air-travel.html
  3. Yes, because the limited slots between tomorrow and those dates have been booked. I suppose there could be cancellations, no clue how those work exactly re: becoming available if someone re-books (as the old system behaved).
  4. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Season 4, has premiered with two episodes on Amazon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS-JVO3uKiQ Licorice Pizza is available.
  5. You saw some greats...Sam Snead, Ben Hogan: both age 54 tied for 10th. Winner's (Gay Brewer think he was 45 YO, he lost in a playoff to Nicklaus the year before) check: $20,000, this year: $2,070,000. The closest I've ever gotten is EA Sports.
  6. Rolling 7-day avg. positivity rate of 18.88 % should a bit alarming even for any flu-like contagious disease. Does that figure just cover PCR testing?
  7. Yes, obviously you should wait until your six month anniversary BEFORE walking in. Same-same for REGISTRATION. IMLE, no. Although I haven't tried every registration system out there.
  8. Walk in? Try the BMA Thai Youth Center, Din Daeng, via QueQ or walk in. See the chart Bkk Brian posted a few posts upstream. Sinovac 1X + Sinopharm 1X, or Sinovac 2X or Sinopharm 2X means you can get AstraZeneca or Pfizer booster at 90 days.
  9. Thanks for the post, very valuable in gauging risks. Does anyone know if it is legal to record incoming telephone calls here? Do you have to advise the calling party that the conversation is being recorded? I searched a bit, found nothing definitive. Shakedowns are challenging to deal with here when it is the authorities doing the shaking. If you raise too much of a stink they'll charge you with defamation, so they have the power.
  10. Color me shocked that someone actually read this "book". Yeah, this is a feature of the thai edumacation system, which while failing students is meant to keep the commoners in line. It's all about that great toothpaste spill of 1932. Nearly all cleaned up. That page isn't so bad, the Advantages column is reasonable, and there are disadvantages, particularly how it can be corrupted by those in power. But someone struggled to come up with Disadvantages conducive to the messages one often hears about "thai-style democrazy". As those in power here often utter, thais just can't handle too much democracy.
  11. For CW the window is 30 days or one month. So today, 21 March is an option. For Extension Visa for Retirement it looks like there are six slots per day. Early on there were nine or twelve (but six for the marriage ext.). Maybe they adjust these on the fly with the MS Office365 app? As near as I can tell there are no remaining appointments for Extension Visa for Retirement in February, with just one slot on 3 March being the next available day/date/slot. For CW I'd start looking to book as early as -60 days, once you have a specific day/date in mind. (Not sure of CW allows extensions earlier than -30 days? If they allow 45 days then that figure is -75 days of course.)
  12. $50,000 insurance is ~ 3,000 baht for 30 days. Thailand details here... https://www.jal.co.jp/jp/en/inter/jalcoronacover/
  13. Singapore, looks fairly complex. Vaccinated Travel Lane (Air) Overview https://safetravel.ica.gov.sg/vtl/requirements-and-process VTL (Air) Checklist for Travel to Singapore https://safetravel.ica.gov.sg/vtl/travel-checklist
  14. · Bang Sue Central Vaccination Center has opened to provide booster doses of COVID-19 vaccine, or the third dose, from 17 February 2022 onward at entrances 2 and 3, from 09.00 to 16.00 hr. Walk-in is available. Those who are eligible for the third dose (1) have had the second dose of Sinovac or Sinopharm at least 30 days before, (2) have had the second dose of AstraZeneca-AstraZeneca, Sinovac/Sinopharm-AstraZeneca, Sinovac/Sinopharm-Pfizer, or Sinovac/Sinopharm-Moderna at least 90 days before, or (3) have had the second dose of Pfizer-Pfizer or AstraZeneca-Pfizer at least 180 days before. Meanwhile, Adults who wish to get the fourth dose and children aged 5-11 years who want to get a first or second dose must register through the Thai mobile network.
  15. I'll skip the "Richard Gere" episode thank you very much.
  16. Can't use that "coming back from the dentist appointment" excuse anymore? Nor the "brake failure" excuse as these new cars all have full digital history. Dr. Dismember (aka Chop Doc - Wisut Boonkasemsanti) did but 10 years, this chap will not see the inside of a prison.
  17. It's always a "friend". "friends" are rarely helpful, but often dispense vague rumors. thai friend is perhaps confused. You can get a Pfizer booster six months after Pfizer #2. IME, both the BMA and MoPH are enforcing the six month time period. Yes, some report getting a booster sooner. What is your vaccination history? Where do you live? What do you prefer for a booster?
  18. Tens of thousands of Americans have come to thailand during the great reopening. The CDC card is the only proof offered to vaccinated Americans. So, Yes.
  19. Local (thailand) booster rate is ~ 35%. Higher than expected, maybe because of the nature of the initial doses?
  20. Just another scandal that would have, in and of itself, toppled a popularly-elected government. Plenty of room under the carpet for a few million pigs, just nudge that submarine over a bit.
  21. So the Emergency Decree, recently renewed for a 15th (or 16th?) time through 31 March 2022, has been rescinded? I think not.
  22. I think the issue is that the motorcycle (Ducati) was impounded by the police. And that, it is alleged, the police were taking this vehicle out for joyrides. This wasn't the first such joyride, according to reports in the press. My guess is that this would be against police procedures, so hence, the police are the defendant in any civil case. The actual chap doing the running over and killing is not the defendant in any civil case. The police report to the PM, the government has deepish pockets and should probably settle, but they won't. Thank goodness Joe Ferrari didn't run over anyone, that we know about. Rumor is that he wasn't the best driver. See also Jimmy HiSo. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2020/10/26/hiso-police-capt-kills-fishball-seller-in-hit-and-run/
  23. Form that article: The new measure means that most arrivals not under the Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) scheme will face a seven-day isolation requirement, regardless of which country they are from. Short Term Visitors (STV) have some extra requirements too. https://safetravel.ica.gov.sg/vtl/travel-checklist Quite a lengthy checklist. [Short Term Visitors] Purchase travel insurance with a minimum coverage of S$30,000 against COVID-19 related medical charges. Travellers may be insured with a Singapore or overseas-based insurer. For the list of available travel insurance products offered in Singapore It always sounds so easy in other countries, until you peek under the covers.
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