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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. "Siam" can't be far behind? 1932 toothpaste spill nearly all cleaned up.
  2. I too love a good conspiracy theory but this is part of a longer trend. Cost/benefit might the primary consideration? Along with increasing life-expectancies.
  3. All of a sudden that unprotected sex on Valentine's Day is looking like a good policy? Time for prayut to pen a catchy song, sung in the best Barry White style. prayut's Twelve Values get reissued as Twelve Sexual Positions.
  4. I see now that the OP is being taken advantage of by DCC. And that the effective fee rate is a tad north of 3%. I use AEON ATMs, with a U.S.-based Visa ATM Debit card, never been presented with the DCC screen, but I am familiar with the UI and may option past it. You should be able to get the MC daily rate, along with the local ATM fee (150-220 TB). But you need to review the ATM Debit Card agreement, in which all will be revealed.
  5. As gamb00ler points out some U.S. FinServ-based companies like Schwab and Fidelity offer cash advances - similar to how they offer fee-reimbursed (150-220 THB) ATM withdrawals - at the Teller. These are provided by their in-house Visa ATM Debit Card, at the prevailing daily Visa rate (these cards are usually Visa-embossed) with no fees. Schwab allows for $15,000 daily, Fidelity just $2,500 ($5,000 for high networth customers). This remains one of the best ways to 'transfer, exchange, or obtain' THB (within the daily limits) for USD. 3.1.2 Cash Advances: If your Account allows, you can use your Card to receive Cash Advances from your Account through financial institutions and some merchants that honor Cards bearing the Visa logo BBL offers this service, probably at their bigger branches which support foreign remittances. Having a BBL account, and directing the THB into that account may prove easier. My best guess is "No", with a credit card. Yes, you may be able to get a cash advance, it will not be cheap. Check the terms of agreement on your credit cards. Right now 2/16/22 08:13 Visa cash advance: $1,000 USD = 32,260.03 THB WISE: $1,000 USD = 32,094.65 THB
  6. Yeah, the GF is very, very savvy. much more so than you probably giver her credit for. She is appealing to your guilt, your desire to avoid conflict and your needs for her physical presence. This is the sign of a good con, when the mark (pun intended) freely gives up their cash. So how much have you paid this month? This is by far the silliest nugget you've shared so far. You, a foreigner, trying to make a thai aware of thai villager's greed. Priceless. The drama will continue until YOU put an end to it. Talk to her, not us.
  7. Only if you have additional restrictions? Do you? Or is that it? Not sure how many of these are thailand-related? Or if they are, visa?, then nothing is really new. Same-same visa requirements.
  8. How much are you paying your GF? How much does she give to her family? I assume that if you are asking others to share their payroll, you'll share yours? Are the GF's family demands for more money made directly to you, or relayed through the GF?
  9. Which obstacles do you find most daunting? Which restrictions and red tape are preventing you from returning? Is it the planned duration of your stay? Or some other issues?
  10. I was referring to seizures within Thailand. Police Seize Over 15 Million Meth Pills in Northern Thailand https://www.chiangraitimes.com/news/police-seize-over-15-million-meth-pills-in-northern-thailand/ A drug courier was arrested and 6.6 million meth pills were seized after a car chase in Mae Sai district of Chiang Rai province on Wednesday. Meanwhile, Provincial Police Region 5 commissioner, Pol Lt Gen Piya Tawichai, reported 8.6 methamphetamine pills were seized at police checkpoints across three northern provinces. Nary a week, or even day, goes by without a large meth seizure. And yes, given the volumes, much of this must be going off-shore; thailand appears to be a reasonably safe transhipment country.
  11. I don't think you need to have an onward ticket/faux reservation, 30 days insurance is sufficient, even if your permission to stay might extend another ~ 11 months.
  12. Not sure how "natural" this is? How much do you (both/"we") currently pay in total? How much do you contribute? How much does your GF contribute? How much can you afford? Asking foreigners for "information" for your thai GF in dealing with her thai family seems, well weird.
  13. I haven't heard any recent tales of close-contact-on-the-plane - but negative Day 1, requiring detention. Seen some stories re: families, parties traveling together with one party testing positive, and potentially requiring all to quarantine. The positivity rate for Day 1 has been higher than the authorities would like, according to reports in the press. And some origin countries seem to have very high rates, calling into question the veracity of those tests.
  14. So that Bangkok to Korat in 77 minutes for 535 baht thing was not real? Who woulda guessed?
  15. Returning with a re-entry permit, does the insurance still need to cover the entire period for the current permission to stay? Or just some potentially shorter period, like 30 days?
  16. Another season seemed to fly by even though it included an extra game. Congrats to the Rams, McVay, Stafford, Donald, OBJ, Weddle, Whitworth et al. And to the perpetually cash-strapped, small-market Bengals I also applaud their success. With the QBs and competition in the AFC they may never return to the SB with JoeBrr. Next up: QB carousel, free agency and the draft.
  17. Vaping is pretty popular with the younger thai crowd. Supplies are widely available. Authorities never enforce "laws" for this segment. It seems like the authorities mostly hassle Shisha places. Next up: Playing cards legal?
  18. These amounts are equal to 3%. Your ATM Debit card, or credit card issuer (Bank) or carrier (MC/Visa) charges 3%. What is the name of the bank which issued this card? Is it Mastercard or Visa? Is it a credit card or an ATM Debit Card? Have you read the terms and conditions which apply to this card? Many of us use foreign ATM Debit cards here, great Visa rate, some get fees reimbursed. I do. 01/24/2022 ADJUST FEE CHARGED ATM FEE REBATE (Cash) $4.58 AEON still charges 150 THB.
  19. Google: american tax preparation site:aseannow.com https://www.google.com/search?q=American+tax+preparation+site%3Aaseannow.com&oq=American+tax+preparation+site%3Aaseannow.com&aqs=chrome..69i57.17903j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Two most recent threads I found, quite a few others. https://aseannow.com/topic/1205542-us-tax-services-for-expats-flat-rate‎/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1208373-any-recommendations-for-local-tax-professional-for-filing-us-taxes/
  20. Given that it seems like a million yaba pills is couch-change these days - there have been busts of 10 mm and 6.6 mm pills in the last few weeks - this one seems strange?
  21. Boon Rawd and ThaiBev both hold Royal Warrants of Appointment. 'Nuff said.
  22. Magic 8 ball says "Ask again later". The holidays will remain. How extensive and crazy will the celebrations be? Probably more towards the sedate, traditional side, again.
  23. BBL NY charges a sliding fee, from 0$ to $20 scroll down to Fees: https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Other-Services/Transfers/Transferring-Into-Thailand/Transfer-money-from-US-to-Thailand-via-Bangkok-Bank-NewYork-branch And BBL THL charges a sliding fee, 200 baht to 500 baht. So these can add up. WISE seems simpler, and more cost-effective? (I don't use WISE - I did pilot it once just as a backup.) Pretty easy to do a quick comparison. I just make an international SWIFT wire transfer directly - OK there is an intermediary bank JP Morgan Chase. For the OP - I don't profess to follow all these threads closely but some of our resident forum experts continue to say that there are no retail banks in the U.S. supporting the new IAT format.
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