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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. It will be 1,000 baht, it is 700 baht now. 1,000 baht is said to be a very small amount for foreigners, and if they can't afford it then they shouldn't come to thailand. Of course this begs the question, why not raise it to 2,500 or 5,000? A 300 baht increase might impact the the zero-baht tourists. It would put thailand #3 on the linked article's chart. 1,000 baht is fine but dual-pricing must be abolished in return.
  2. NE barbers with sexy staff is a cut above the rest - just don't tell the wife! The "wife" is usually the one brandishing the scissors. Google: thailand wife scissors penis
  3. Last game of 2021 season, really flew by. 56th Super Bowl Live Program Live on True Sports HD (666), NFL Network (672) Monday, February 14th 06:30 Los Angeles Rams vs Cincinnati Bengals Rams are favored, and should win, but I'm getting a Superbowl III vibe?
  4. That's the limit on a FREE call. Paid calls are not limited in duration, other than the usual fair-use terms.
  5. Three is dicey. I've done two (Thinkpads), same-same, took current one, bought new one there, returned with two. The duty-free exclusion remains 20,000 baht AFAIK, so you'd potentially be in excess of that. Are you traveling alone? (This exclusion is 40,000 for a family.) I used to bring a lot of PC kit back - enough to build one or two desktops - and did not encounter any issues at the Customs (Green channel) exit, even though bags were x-rayed. The dilemma is running the Green channel risk, or going through the Red channel and declaring the items, and at worst, paying 7% VAT.
  6. So, assuming home is Australia, and you're only interested in making calls to Australia.... VIBER Out: https://account.viber.com/en/call-australia Skype PAYG: https://www.skype.com/en/international-calls/Australia LINE Out: https://line.me/en/call/price-table/au per minute pricing varies, you can do the math(s). For calls to, or receiving from, the U.S. there are plenty of free apps. Google Voice is ideal but challenging to sign up for outside of the U.S. Ad-supported apps like Talkatone work well. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.talkatone.android&hl=en&gl=US https://play.google.com/store/search?q=free calls&c=apps&hl=en&gl=US
  7. Seeing more and more reports of people on int'l-int'l connections transiting SBIA/BKK. Is this one single ticket? Issued by? Or separate tickets? In theory - I think TG's interline agreement extends from WE (Thai Smile) to LX (Swiss Air), so WE reps at PNH should be able to check bags through to ZRH (even if separate tickets). TG has this, but it is "old-ish": 2. Requirements to Transit/Transfer Passenger to other international destination. For passengers Transfer/Transit to another country via Thailand, the following documents must be prepared and presented before boarding the aircraft for Transfer/Transit in Thailand. - RT-PCR laboratory result that COVID-19 is not detected( issued no more than 72 hours before travelling) - Fit to Fly health certificate - A health insurance policy (Including COVID-19 with minimum coverage USD 100,000) - The time period of each Transit/Transfer operation shall not exceed 12 hours - International flight with Transit/Transfer shall be permitted only at Suvarnabhumi International Airport - Please check necessary documents through website of the country's embassy to enter the country of destination after Transit/Transfer
  8. Where is "back home"? You have a mobile phone? Android? You have WiFi?
  9. Hey Siri, Can SMS be disabled? No. Yes, there are some apps. And yes, newer revs of Android have robust SMS Spam features and functions. Hey Google, Can URLs in SMSes be blocked (unlinked)? Depends on the messaging (SMS) client. You can enable web link previews, which may help identify dodgy links.
  10. Was a Royal Pardon from thailand really instrumental in being released after ~ 5 years on a 16 year sentence in Denmark? Imagine a Danish prison is getting better reviews than Khlong Prem on jailbooking.com
  11. Quite a bit of pushback on the id.me requirement for a facial scan. IRS says it will scrap facial-recognition ID.me plan following backlash https://www.cbsnews.com/news/irs-id-me-facial-recognition-abandon/ IRS to drop facial recognition verification service https://thehill.com/policy/technology/593137-irs-to-drop-facial-recognition-verification-service https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WePo1CZHPZ8
  12. So much for their brilliant export plan. I don't think they can export even to cannabis-forward countries? Maybe Canada, probably not the U.S. as it is still illegal there at the federal level. So domestic markets only.
  13. Captains feverishly removing planks, used to dispatch pesky slaves.
  14. Coming soon: Killing Eve S04 27 Feb 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoFDNRsrOwg
  15. Yeah, I don't think the B router will connect to the ISP. Why can't you just replicate what you did before, have the ISP put the modem in bridge mode then connect your firewall hardware? Personally I'd spend more time trying to replace coax internet with fibre, although maybe with the limited throughput of the FortiWifi 30E it doesn't matter? Good luck.
  16. Thai PM says if MPs want general election, they must attend parliament meetings Their reply would be: Why? We didn't have to attend university to get our "mandatory" degrees.
  17. I think this has come up here recently? And is a widely known issue with FF. https://www.google.com/search?q=firefox+PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR&oq=firefox+PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR&aqs=chrome..69i57.4721j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 I can get to https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html Current headline says Camilla will be Queen. using FF, AIS Fibre, no VPN, BitDefender ON.
  18. Yes, of course you can add a secondary router. But it's not clear that will address the OP's requirements, which remain unknown at this point. We can suggest many ideas and options but why, if they don't address the OP's real requirement? It really depends on how you (want to) set up the secondary router. You may need to access the primary (cable modem/router) router. Using the secondary router as an Access Point (or Switch) is easiest.
  19. I used TurboTax, I eFiled, my return was accepted by the IRS on Feb. 1, 2022 "Where's my Refund" says Refund Approved Your tax refund is scheduled to be sent to your bank by February 9, 2022. Far exceeds expectation.
  20. "B" router won't work with the service. What is it you're trying to do?
  21. Someone said... so I responded to that comment by comparing the act of loading containers and pallets - very fast, to manually loading individual boxes. HUGE difference, requiring additional time to turn, and quite a few extra bodies. So that's why I "mentioned" them. ????
  22. No. Why? I assume they're using those luggage tugs with built-on conveyor. Or the standard galley lift and a bucket brigade? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOAw5HLgcPc
  23. On the plus side the "bullet-in-bag" scheme has yet to be reintroduced here. https://aseannow.com/topic/1150548-was-a-bullet-planted-in-his-luggage-american-father-trapped-for-months-in-thailand/ https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2019/12/26/american-men-suvarnabhumi-airport-respected-michael-jones-morra-ohio-pennsylvania-bullet-luggage/ And careful with that deck of cards.
  24. Well not exactly a quick turn. Loading/unloading those boxes will take quite a long time compared to ULDs and PMCs (containers/pallets).
  25. What's with the hand gesture in the photo? Is that the local hand sign for Kancha?
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