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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. They are listed as ISO 15189 accredited through 6 April 2025. http://webdb.dmsc.moph.go.th/ifc_qa/dbqa/default.asp?iID=FGGJII
  2. Now do new-born, infant, child vaccinations. 2 months Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio and HIB vaccine, first dose 4 months Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio and HIB vaccine, second dose 6 months Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio and HIB vaccine, third dose, Hepatitis B vaccine, third dose Who said the first three didn't work? And have you heard about this new thing: annual flu vaccinations, given by the millions, saving thousands of lives. And they say you can't teach stoopid.
  3. Maybe they could kick-start your drug education idea (Just say no?) in prisons here, where the incarceration rates are staggering, mostly low-level users of methamphetamines.
  4. Old stock/closeout.bargain bin, older HW, older SW. I think it's a Teclast (P80?), not Xiaomi? Teclast is a reliable tablet IME. Should be fine for your stated requirements. Unclear why you need a tablet to transfer from my smartphone all the photos stored here? Where is "here"? OS is Android. Keyboard is OPTIONAL, Bluetooth. Looks like it supports mobile data 3G/4G, yes it takes a SIM Yes it connects to the interwebs, WiFi and 3G/4G. If your router supports WiFi, then yes, it can connect to your router. No clue if they throw in the smartish watch and the case?
  5. Hardly surprising that the State of Emergency has been extended, again. This may be required until after the next election? Does anyone know if such a declaration impacts "Travel Insurance"? I looked at one policy and saw this: A declaration of a state of emergency is not a covered reason under our standard Trip Cancellation or Interruption.
  6. The fact that the IRS may have started accepting efilings a few days ahead of their previously stated start date should be good news I think? Given the extremely dire predictions being made about a lack of funds, equipment, personnel ahead of this season's exercise, they may want to get a headstart? I wish I were ready to file, I guess I could but waiting on one 1099 for a complex holding. I could guess, but it is said to be due today.
  7. Section 76 Any person who, in violation of Section 26, possesses narcotics of category V shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand baht or to both. NARCOTICS ACT B.E. 2522 (1979) The "Punishments" section of this act takes up seven plus pages. And there is another Act, Psychotropics Act, which also covers cannabis (THC specifically) with its own punishments. (Although this act is probably not used to solo users, small growers.)
  8. Cake for everyone. Yippee. OK, no frosting for you. Wait, wait, no no cake for you. Chew on the candles, while looking lovingly at a picture of a cake.
  9. It's not the layover duration that is the issue. It's the logistics, rules, requirements. Although the last rules I saw published from CAAT limited intl-intl transit to 12 hours. 12 -24 hours requires a transit visa. Not sure what the rules are now. These say "Abolished". https://www.caat.or.th/en/archives/56377 https://www.caat.or.th/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Infographic-Guidelines-for-International-Flight-Transit-Transfer-1.pdf Best case, one single ticket, one single carrier, bags checked through. If the airline sold the ticket, and boarding is allowed at the point of origin, then chances are improved. Seens a few first-hand reports of transit through BKK, most were challenging, convoluted. Maybe with ~ 24 hours things can be managed?
  10. I wouldn't think so as vaping is illegal. But see many folks vaping here so, like most things from littering to murder, allowances can be made. On reflection, if they ever allow smoking in public - they won't, ever - then a dry herb vaping unit would probably be OK. Hung jury on this one.
  11. Probably not the first time things went south either, given how accommodating the hospital/morgue/doctors were classifying the death as something other than what it was. Who knows what the motivation was of the police person who leaked the video? Right and wrong? Or maybe they wanted a bigger slice? Blackmail? Heard a bit about this but not enough to make a judgement. Evidently the supercar repo business just wasn't enough to pay off his elephant tickets? So he had to expand? And one of his wives is the bosses daughter so the higher ups knew what was happening, but Joey F. was an "earner".
  12. Yes, and I'm sure this is the first time the police have tortured anyone. Can't imagine where Joey F. learned such a thing? Bad apple? Nope, entire orchard is infected.
  13. Not seeing an issue here. “I’m glad that my work inspires you and helps the cause for human rights in Thailand,” Lechoszest wrote. Hey Google show me pictures of a girl holding a lantern. https://www.google.com/search?q=girl+holding+a+lantern&sxsrf=AOaemvLqSu9VBsSGQQt5DuW8nYl7Z3iX2w:1642660120276&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjTkdLn2b_1AhW6_3MBHZy2AygQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=937 Five minutes after the first lantern was invented, some dude painted a picture of a woman holding one. I actually find Thanatorn's painting much more evocative than any of Lechoszet's? Rung leading thailand out of the dark and into the light, very inspiring. Imagine this, and the choice of shirt color, triggered the dinosaurs?
  14. Yellow book? This can be ordered from within the app, arrange 50 baht transfer, then they mail it to you. Haven't seen reports of success of wedging an off-shore vaccine into the thai systems. But if it was good enough to enter as vaccinated then maybe push a bot more of the DDC/MoPH?
  15. Agreed, in part. I think the point of the digital evaccine (really just a qr code which creates a URL to the official MoPH website) is that it is EU compliant. So you could show this QR code at places (restos, bars, museums. etc.) and get scanned in. That's what we've been told anyway.
  16. Not sure the "writer" of that article could pass a drug test? Mr. General - great nom de plume by the way - just doesn't understand the situation. Faux news. I could be wrong - I often am, but I think the PtB will clarify the situation, which is a bit of a cock up. Still say we're 20+ years from decrim/normalization. Now if the TAT Chairman comes along with an new tourist program "Dabbin' in Thailand", I might change my tune. Test & Go get high.
  17. Good luck. I've heard of some transiting BKK (over the past ~ three months), on single tickets, separate tickets, same airline, different airline. It wasn't pretty but most made the connection. None that I recall were on this long a connection. At 23:45 you might as well apply for a job at the airport.
  18. The previous Chief Whip was suspended owing to the futsal court corruption scandal. A new whip was put forward, but maybe he hasn't been "confirmed" yet? And head enforcer thamanat is persona non grata these days.
  19. You should review this thread, if you haven't already... https://aseannow.com/topic/1244162-us-to-thai-฿-thai-banks-and-schwab-visa/ as it details a significant feature of the Schwab Visa ATM Debit card: Teller Advances of up to $ 15,000 USD,with no fee and at a competitive (same same as your ATM withdrawals) mid-rate.
  20. This what they proudly refer to as "thai style democracy". It's special and far too advanced for non-thais to comprehend. Even with a quorum, they have to wake up MPs...
  21. That is the current/latest firmware rev. for that make and model. Router login credentials may be saved in a browser? You've got a strange one there.
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