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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. Among the many, many, many issues, the fact that there were (still are but obfuscated) just a handful of wholesalers - the "GLO" sells in bulk to these, then the wholesalers take their cut, before selling (extending credit actually) to retailers. Some of whom then resell, again after a cut, to walkers. These franchises have been held tightly - they pay protection money to retain the rights, don't ask - and will not be given up without a fight. Digital Lottery? Yeah, maybe with thailand four hundred point Oh. The whole endeavor is a rotting fish. The underground lottery is not without its issues, but it might b more 'democratic"?
  2. So the crab meat omelette at 1,000 baht is not up for discussion? ???? More of a celebrity/food vlogger joint. Never been.
  3. Alphabetical? Is that even a ranking? Are menus usually "ranked"? Learn something new every day.
  4. And not Jay Fai's version (clearish, no coconut milk/cream) at a cool 600 baht.
  5. Simply amazing that a wealthy, arguably entitled, sports star, who resides in Monaco no less, is a working-class hero to the unvaxxed. Meanwhile Serbian president Aleksandar Vučić is making the most of the situation. He's going to have to get vaccinated if he wants to get to 21 and beyond.
  6. Forgot to add: mobile providers here support WiFi calling, so if you have broadband/WiFi, but no cell signal, you can make/receive calls.
  7. Sorry, did you even read the article? That just turns your phone into a WiFi brick. WiFi calling means, essentially, that inbound and outbound voice calls (and SMSes) get routed to/from your mobile telephone number via a VoIP gateway.
  8. Version? AFAIK, no Disney+/Hotstar. Maybe HBO Go. I cast Disney+ from my phone to my Chromecast/TV.
  9. Yeah but this is "government theatre" not real governing. The pm doesn't want to solve the pricing issue, he wants it to appear as though he is "solving" the pricing issue.
  10. These issues must be entered into some "issue du jour" calendar? If it's Tuesday, it must be time to issue the 'solve air quality issue within 30 days' edict.
  11. Yeah, I'm sure your medical bonafides are above reproach. At least we can read your post. ???? CBD has recognized health benefits. As does THC, And other cannabinoids (cannabinol (CBN)) found in hemp and cannabis are considered worthy of investigation. Are any of these for me? No. But if others, especially those in pain or with debilitating conditions, find relief, who are we to deny them? And if the government can oversee consistency and gain tax revenue, then win-win-win.
  12. Yeah, now if we could just get that 1997 financial crisis renamed? วิกฤตต้มยำกุ้ง "No soup for you!" The soups... https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/worlds-best-wellness-soups/index.html I'
  13. Jump on that chicken-mask start-up now. No.Not that one.
  14. Where do you live? Thailand? Which mobile service provider? Phone make and model? Many service providers support WiFi calling, incl DTAC, AIS and TrueMove H. https://www.ais.th/4g/vowifi/en/ https://www.dtac.co.th/en/info/dtac-call.html There are some issues and challenges (and quirks), but it works well for the most part. The two main benefits are poor signal (high rise buildings for example), and easier/less expensive international roaming. (You can also manage multiple numbers on one phone.) Your phone has to support the feature. You'll need to install their app. You need to register for the service, often through the app. You'll need to configure your phone. Although the app often automagically reconfigures your phone. You need to (essentially) instruct the phone to use the WiFi Calling app instead of the (default) Dialer app. Every provider/phone combination will be different. You do not need to disable network access.
  15. But he mentioned Google Play. I guess your saying he's using some proprietary 3BB streaming box, but he cannot access the Play Store using his Google (GMail) account? Or if he can, the box restricts some/many/most/all (or just Netflix) downloadable apps? The lack of the Netflix logo on your cardboard box indicates something, maybe? He may still be able to install Netflix on his Samsung TV, mine has it natively, not sure if I downloaded from the Samsung Apps shop, or if it was preinstalled. And he may still be able to cast Netflix from a phone to his TV, as some Samsung TVs have this ability built in. OP needs to follow up with a lot more detail.
  16. Through some odd and ancient loophole, cannabis seeds are legal here, amazingly. Would I try to import my own? Nope. But many an enterprising thai have made a big business out of the "bird seed" loophole.
  17. Yeah, CBD dominant strains, assuming they're below 0.2 %, are an unintended loophole. At some government-sponsored events here, breeders like Charlotte's Angel have been represented. That said, I would not attempt to grow this without the proper local approval, and authorization. Note that many of these CBD dominant strains test above 0.2 THC. https://thaha.org/th/angel/ Provided your cooperative is approved, growing CBD dominant strains is required to create the GPO CBD oil. I think the govt gives the "approved" seedlings.
  18. So will the COVID Emergency Decree follow the path of the restive Southern Province Emergency decree, renewed a WHOPPING SIXTY-THREE (63) times since 2005. If it gives the authorities a way to limit free speech, freedom to gather and express dissent, then, yeah.
  19. Real monks being funny, modern are a no-no. https://aseannow.com/topic/1230500-investigation-requested-into-monks’-light-hearted-online-preaching/ Monk Headroom is OK. Go figure.
  20. Confused. You have a netflix account? You have a google account? Your TV has internet connectivity? Your TV has the NEtflix app installed? You have an Android phone? With Netflix installed? How did you view Netflix previously? You can: run NEtflix natively on the TV, assuming it has the Netflix app installed, or that it can be installed from the Samsung app shop run Netflix on your phone and cast it to your TV, assuming it has embedded casting support. Phone and TV need to be on the same local area network, and you can't be running a VPN on the TV or the phone (then they are not on the same local network)
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