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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. This book was published in 1997 right? I feel like I'm watching S01E01 of Game of Thrones, "Winter is coming". I watched the whole series, did winter ever come? And if that was it at then end, it was easily dealt with by a teenager wielding a knife - spoiler alert. Are we "there" yet" Steve Bannon's favorite book. Right-wing-nut best seller. Why does thailand and this forum have so many quirky foreigners?
  2. Thread title is a bit of an "Oops", even for a Physics instructor.
  3. Yeah, I don't even think this is accurate. Yes, some may be free to grow sub-0.2% THC plants, provided they get permission, licenses, and are subject to oversight, inspection, testing, prosecution. This is so very odd, even for anutin and thailand. Free entertainment I guess. Watching one of thailand's best and brightest (ok Hofstra isn't even the Harvard of Long Island, ADR to any alum here) flame out publicly does evoke a chuckle.
  4. Ah yes, the "interpretation". thai (Three Seals - 1805) law 101. The "law" means whatever the chap higher up the pyramid says it means. Not sure what's up with anutin here? Maybe he's confused? Maybe he thought the underlings carried out his orders?
  5. OP seems to be trying to convince themselves, and is seeking external affirmation. And what's with the use of "girls"? I realize that women under the age of 17 can be married, with special dispensation, but "girls"? Really? And what's with use of the plural? Are we talking multiple wives?
  6. What day/date/time does your flight depart BKK? Let's say you depart on a Wednesday at 08:05, you could get a test as of Tuesday 00:01. (so ~ 32-ish hours) You can get an ATK test here in 15 minutes. https://www.facebook.com/MedConsultClinicAsia/ https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/testing-international-air-travelers.html#general You must be tested with a viral test to look for current infection – these include an antigen test or a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT). Phrases indicating a test is an antigen test could include, but not are not limited to: Rapid antigen test Viral antigen test Also, could be noted as Antigen Chromatographic Digital Immunoassay, Antigen Chemiluminescence Immunoassay, or Antigen Lateral Flow Fluorescence
  7. Not swiping right on this story. Not believable, even for thighland.
  8. Odd choice for a photo? Is chatuchak market representative of the "thai economy", or just heaving with omicron? <That is some primo real estate, (great location). I know the SRT manages it, but do they own the land?>
  9. Or you could go for the Trifecta and get a Moderna (paid) booster.
  10. This is like asking where you can find the best Khao Soi. Location dependent. Do you have a particular spot in mind? Can you ask someone who lives there? There are broad swaths of mountainous (ok, hilly) terrain and national parks, where coverage will be non-existent. Or is this a general question, applicable to all (~) seventeen provinces? Coverage used to be a thing, maybe 15 years ago. Now? Not so much. There are maps, some crowd-sourced, out there but I just don't think those are still maintained/updated. Finally SIMs are ~ 50 baht, so spring for a 150 baht if you're worried.
  11. I'm wondering what upsell/promotions would be pedaled when filing a TM.47?
  12. What service do you have now? What service/provider is available at your location? Talk to neighbors.
  13. Read where? Was the multiple-entry re-entry permit also reported to have been abolished?
  14. That's after arrival in the U.K. right? As of today? So no testing requirement pre-departure, right. What are others saying on travel forums? Can you ring them? This would raise a red flag with me. Did a quick scan not seeing a lot of info. QR;s terms include this: In case that Qatar Airways or government regulation requires you to present a negative COVID-19 test result on departure and/or arrival, Qatar Airways will verify this information at check-in and retain a copy of the test result. Please have additional copies of the test result available with you for submission. Passengers are also required to complete, sign and submit a consent form at the check-in counters along with their negative COVID-19 test result. Click here to download the consent form. So I infer, always a risk, that QR may/will.could ask for a negative test result. I'd check my email, and my PNR online to see if there are any updates. And I'd try to call QR here to get an update. I found QR to be responsive via DM (the envelope icon) on Twitter. Give them your PNR and name. https://twitter.com/qrsupport
  15. This is the challenge of the "Community-Quilt" vaccine "strategy" which was implemented here. Focus on Bang Sue, and the MoPH. Do you have documentation/vaccination records? Paper? Mor Prom? When did you get Pfizer #2? I'd wait until closer to +6 months to start looking to make a booking at Bang Sue via the mobile provider systems. If you feel like you can't wait, then try making a registration now. If it works, go. If it doesn't wait. Can you elaborate on this? How far along do you get before you cannot enter? Can you try DTAC or TrueMove? Maybe with the help of a friend? Finally, consider the QueQ app, you mention Pattaya several times so maybe look in that app (it's got location services) for options.
  16. Most/all destinations do have a testing requirement. Perhaps if a destination which QR serves does NOT have a testing requirement, then they might invoke a testing requirement for itineraries involving this specific destination/country? Agree on waiting until closer to departure date, although it'ss till only for planning purposes, it's not like you're going to get a test to day for travel "in a few weeks". What is the current U.K. requirement for entry re: testing, as per the OP said to have changed on Tuesday?
  17. You can request a paper yellow vaccine booklet, for pick-up or delivery, via the Mor Prom app. You can also request a digital, EU-compliant version via the Mor Prom app. There is also an option, from within the Mor Prom app to correct data, but that appears to be recorded/displayed doses only.
  18. https://aseannow.com/topic/1245141-how-to-update-from-oneplus-2-mobile-to-latest-samsung/
  19. For both Visa and Mastercard, it says Contact your Visa card issuer directly for more information Not every issuer supports 3D Secure. See some on reddit say that Captial One does not support it, while other say it does. I can't figure out if any of my credit card issuers support this. Not sure if the verification would originate via that issuers app, or via SMS? Do I need a new Visa card to use this service? No. Your current Visa card will work, as long as the financial institution that issues your card is part of this Visa Secure program. Please visit your issuer’s website for more information. How will I know if my online purchase has this added layer of protection? This service automatically works at checkout with participating merchants. Remember, there is no need to download anything, install software or register your account to get this added layer of protection. When using this service, you may occasionally be prompted at checkout to verify your identity, but this is to ensure you’re you and protect you from fraud.
  20. Both the relevant statutes, Narcotics Act 2522 (1979) and the Psychotropic Substances Act 2518 (1975) cover production, distribution and use of drugs as defined (cat. 1 -5) in those acts. Special exemptions have been made for the production of Cannabis, hemp, kratom. With further delineations within the cannabis designation. And some forms of cannabis (THC content less than 0.2%) and kratom can be consumed. Net net you can't grow or use cannabis without government approval and oversight.
  21. Any increase in the PSC is often accompanied by (false) claims that it will: - cover emergency health care delivered to tourists who then manage to leave the country without paying. We're told this is a MASSIVE problem. It isn't. - be used to maintain the natural beauty of thailand. It won't. It will be a giant slush fund, picked over by several ministries.
  22. So only people entering on a VoA, TVE or TR would pay this surcharge? Those returning with a visa, or re-entry permit, and thais of course, will be exempt? Just joking, this will be embedded in the new PSC of 1,000 baht as a line item on the ticket, and everyone will pay it. BTW, not so long ago they were considering a 500 baht jump.
  23. Not experiencing this issue as of today. Maybe my testosterone levels are OK? (link to optimale.aseannow.com)
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