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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. Yes, cannabis is legal, as long as it is below 0.2% THC. Oh, and it was grown under the supervision of a dozen different "authorities". Note that there are two different "Acts" covering cannabis. Only one has been slightly modified. The Narcotics Act 2522 (1979) and the Psychotropic Substances Act 2518 (1975). The cheese'll probably give you more of buzz?
  2. I'm shocked that royal pardons are even subject to discussion, let alone a poll. Someone is going to get spanked for this. There is basically very little toothpaste left in the tube.
  3. When did you receive your most recent dose? Which boosters are you looking for? You could buy Moderna, or sit tight for Pfizer. Ask around, ask at the province/district health offices, look on local thai FB pages, talk to friends/neighbors.
  4. Yes, it looks like that option is FULL right now. (Bang Sue filled up first, they're the only one said tot have Pfizer, then Fashion Island and Asiatique filled up.) Just stay informed, flexible. You're in Bangkok? What is your vaccination status? Which booster are you looking for? (I'm guessing Pfizer.) Obviously you could purchase Moderna. Boosters are hot right now, that'll eventually cool down. There is no one single strategy or source, vaccinations can pop up at the strangest times, from the weirdest sources.
  5. You want a AZ, Moderna or Pfizer booster? It appears as though Bang Sue (Pfizer) is fully booked but that can obviously change at any time. Moderna remains, primarily a paid option. There are threads here, and in the Health and Bangkok sub-forums. Also Facebook has some experiences.
  6. On the plus side, there haven't been any "blackface" faux pas for quite a while. And Nazi cosplay seems to have ebbed, although that might be down to COVID-related school closures?
  7. I can't remember if we (in thailand) were leading or lagging the earlier WORLDWIDE peaks/troughs? https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  8. Usually, normally there is a 30 minute observation period post-vaccination - seems loosely enforced in some settings - which offers the PERFECT time to review any documentation issues and cross-check against Mor Prom and then get them corrected on-the-spot. Failing that, I'd probably first return to the vaccination site and try to get it sorted. Where did you receive this shot? Did you pay for it via a private hospital? Or as this a government-administered shot?
  9. I always wondered what sort of person actually bought magic beans to begin with, and then tries to resell them? Oh, well, takes all kinds. Let me guess, you have a bridge - which you also bought - for sale?
  10. Side-effects from an earlier visit to the dentist? Brake failure? Doncha just love the level of detailed reporting? Some thai press reports indicate he was racing another vehicle (not the Honda Brio).
  11. Wow. The regime seems to have declared a full-on war against private/paid vaccinations. (See anutins loopy comments from yesterday.) No clue why they're being so belligerent. Private/paid vaccines take the load off the government. It's really strange, and I struggle to understand the rationale. Unless it's all about face?
  12. Of course the virus is inferior to him. As are all but a handful of thai people are. No clue why he still tumescent about private options? Does he plan to do away with all private health care.?
  13. Pushed to Monday, maybe 17:00 local time, so Tuesday morning here, 05:00 Seahawks v. Rams WFT v. Eagles pushed to Tuesday Night Football. So Wednesday morning here. BOTH at at 07:00. Things are changing rapidly so this could well change again. Analytics. But as Coach Staley said in his post-game presser, when you're playing the Chiefs you need touchdowns.
  14. Yeah, the long-haul, international self-loading freight (leisure and business) faces significant hurdles in a long, long term recovery. Domestic airlines are faring better, certainly in the U.S. International air-cargo has worked out well for some operators.
  15. "What if's" based on nine degrees of separation, with dozens of variables. Impossible to assuage your fears. Once you clear your Test & Go test (administered somewhere between airport and hotel) you can "Go". The authorities might contact you subsequently, based on close contact on the aircraft or local ground transpo, to see how you are doing.
  16. Noted. Maybe we'll hold a party at 50%? If you say so. Baby steps. I would think the "important thing" would be to be able to file a report and receive a next report date slip back. But, hey, I'm demanding. Other than the instantaneous rejection, which was actually definitive - you knew where you stood in seconds and could plan accordingly, I'm not sensing much difference here. Hopefully I'm wrong, I often am.
  17. ~ 20 mm were ordered a while ago (June), and at least 14 mm have arrived. (donations excluded) All 20 mm are due before the end of the month. Any remaining may have already arrived. Millions of students have been double vaxxed with Pfizer. Millions have been boosterized with Pfizer. Another 30 mm Pfizer are on order for delivery in Q1 and Q3 2022.
  18. Built on top of a century of tobacco processing chemicals, with zero soil remediation. This is thailand, rug meet broom. BTW, the primary "contractor" is the royal thai army. Grafticus Maximus. Yeah, it'll look good for a few years, then ever so slowly decay. The design, to me looks like some cheap knock-off of a Singaporean-style space. I live nearby, have followed this effort closely for years, and have observed the construction on a nearly daily basis. It'll be OK. "Stunning"? Doubtful.
  19. Wow. At least they are being transparent and not stringing consumers along month by month. Pretty sure they'll still operate cargo through SBIA-BKK (LHR-BKK-HKG).
  20. Given that a quarter of the pre-COVID tourists came from China, and that figure was both increasing in total and percentage, and that that market is essentially still frozen, what options do they have but to try and land some whales? Half expecting the Tourism hack to start off the next press conference with: “Call me Ishmael”. Hopefully most TAT officials fare better than Ahab.
  21. Still "appears" overly office dependent. And nearly as random as the "old" systems. Need to see 90-ish % success rate from all offices.
  22. AIS Fibre - Huawei HG8245W5 Router Firmware Upgrade I have AIS Fibre, and the Huawei HG8245W5 Router. On the page https://myaisfibre.com/?lang=en which is a summary page for your service, I noticed a flashing message "Firmware Upgrade" to the right of Device Info. / Software Version V5R019C20Snnn, with a circular arrow. OK, I couldn't resist, and clicked it, then said OK to the cryptic message "Do you want to change your speed" (with AIS Fibre you can change the upload/download speeds, but this usage here is weird). It took a few minutes, but apparently upgraded from ...120 to ...133 (nnn suffix). Still works. Only change noticed was 5 GHz WiFi seemed to perform ( a lot) better 607/584 on my phone, which is odd because the service is supposed to be 1,000/500. Proceed (maybe don't) with warnings and caution. I probably should have checked with AIS first, before potentially bricking my router.
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