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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. Well, they've been rigorously licensed by the local authorities, and SHA/SHA+ approved, checking temperatures, staff fully masked, vaxxed and tested weekly. Staff washing their hands. OK, stop laughing. It's part "Security theatre" and part "lipstick for the pig". In related news, food poisoning is down 63%.
  2. I don't think too many people know about it, yet. And the one spot where high volumes would benefit from an appointment (Bangkok/CW) is not supported AFAIK. It seems like for most folks, outside of the usual areas, swan into their local Immigration office and get served immediately. The previous appointment system for Bangkok worked brilliantly, in my one single experience and by most reports here. Figures they'd shut it down. When you click on a link it shows an Office365 link, so imagine they've got some complex system in place, but probably forgot to see if they had PCs, networks, real Windows and Office licenses? Oh, and training?
  3. Looks like they've upgraded from analog (vinyl) to digital (projector)? thailand 4.0 No clue why they feel the need to put on these amateur theatricals? No one is watching, and everyone knows that "enforcement" of this "industry" focuses on migrants and the few ground-level thais driving the pickup truck. The money is never, ever followed.
  4. This is a win-win-win-win for the PtB, and with lesser sentences they'll be able to increase turnover 100%. The skim on distribution, the skim on shakedowns - just ask Joey F., keeping young adults "happy" on drugs who might otherwise get up to no good. That 82% of those jailed are in for drugs is very, very telling. It (drugs, use, distribution, enforcement, prison) has become institutionalized, and thus corrupted. Paper or plastic? What could go wrong.
  5. Hard to believe that arson; assault and battery; bribery; burglary; child abuse; counterfeiting; cybercrime; embezzlement; extortion; forgery; fraud; hijacking; homicide; incest; kidnapping; larceny; organized crime; perjury; piracy; prostitution; rape; robbery; sedition; smuggling; terrorism; theft; treason; usury; and white-collar crime only account for 18%? Something is wrong with this picture.
  6. You could try buying a Moderna dose? The issue you'll face is that boosters really aren't available now, for people fully vaxxed after 1 August.
  7. Maybe intervac? https://www.thailandintervac.com/ Hospitals in which Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Sinovac vaccines can be pre-registered include: - Vimut Hospital, Bangkok Click Pfizer Only - Samithivej Sriracha Hospital, Chonburi - Bangkok-Khon Kaen Hospital, Khon Kaen Click - MedPark Hospital, Bangkok Click ????NEW - Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, Chonburi Click ????NEW But you'll have to obfuscate your vaccination history?
  8. In the U.S. the half dose (50 uG, 0.25 mL) Moderna booster is for those already 2x fully dosed (100 uG, 0.50 mL) with Moderna, or fully dosed following completion of primary vaccination with another authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccine. I'm still not clear what dosage is being used here (iun Thailand) for a Moderna booster? I suspect it's a full dose, but could be wrong. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-2021-10-20-21/02-COVID-Miller-508.pdf Note that for immunocompromised individuals a full dose booster is recommended.
  9. There are some spiffy chargers/power banks which accept a USB WiFi Aircard. So just leave it plugged in, and with a power outage the power bank should support operation for a while. This assumes the local 4G/LTE tower isn't impacted or has battery backup. https://shopee.co.th/amp/เคส-POWER-BANK-ESOUND-สำหรับต่อ-4G-USB-WiFi-Stick(ไม่แถม-USB-4G-WiFi)-i.22075930.9681308498 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59EtKb5qpbc Or you could just connect the USB WiFi Aircard to a standard power bank with a suitable cable. I reread the OPs post...so two Q's How slow is slow? And what AIS package are you using? Some of those first and second gen Sierra cards have quite low speeds, like ~ 4 Mbps MAX. Almost anything recent would probably provide much better performance.
  10. Seems like this should work? Assuming there is coverage. A new SIM may be required. Make sure you power off the device, insert the SIM, power on the device. Update system and apps (esp Carrier Services). Restart the device. What is your current Carrier settings version? Make sure you verify Settings, Network, Preferred NEtwork type: 5G (recommended) Make sure you're subscribed to an AIS 5G plan. If you want to experiment press *777*7503# Send. 1.5 GB max speed, for 24 hours for 25 baht.
  11. Pesky Southerners. TPI Polene Power Public Company Limited The Company operates power plants, focusing on waste-to-energy power plants and waste-heat recovery power plants, and operates petrol and gas stations. http://www.tpipolenepower.co.th/index.php/en/pafi-en Who wouldn't want a waste to energy power plant in their backyard?
  12. It's funny that people feel the need to print a digital certificate. Just waiting for "lamination" crew to show up. You can already print the "COVID-19 Vaccine Certificate" and the "Digital Health Pass".
  13. Just to be clear, your budget is 2,000 - 3,000 baht per month? Right? All three providers offer unlimited bandwidth (up to 1 Gbps) and unlimited volume (no GB cap) within this price range. AIS has a base package at 1,199 max speed/unlimited volume. Fair use policies are even waived, although there are terms/conditions which allow the provider to limit applications like bittorrent. Unfortunately these plans require a post-paid, one-year minimum commitment. I'd recommend a visit to a shop to sort this out, they may require a work permit. No clue why people are recommending low price, speed limited/unlimited volume packages? I wouldn't read too much into that Opensignal article; that's aggregated from crowd-sourced data, and probably not representative of what you might experience in your location, with your current hardware.
  14. OK, you seemed challenged as to your khet/khwaeng and were guessing based on a street. But then I didn't read all your posts that closely.
  15. How's this for "mapping": Wherever there is a transaction there's corruption.
  16. Next decade we'll have "the case against the case against the most recent cover up".
  17. In a pinch this is fine. Long term? Meh.
  18. Do you need 5G? A lot of air cards now support WiFi, and can stay plugged into the wall/power plug or a USB port in your car. And do you care about 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz WiFi? Many reviews on Youtube, local in Thai. Huawei, ZTE are good brands.
  19. Amazing they need orders for this annual exercise in futility? Imagining the pilots and silver iodide shovelers lounging around in their hammocks "working", simply waiting for their "orders". And then scrambling like some WW2 Spitfire pilots.
  20. This one. Location, location, location becomes Location, broadband, TM30 Go in person overloaded with documents: copies of rental contract, photos, blue book, owners thai id front and back crossed over with the words in thai "for immigration only". Heck I'd even consider a video of the owner verifying their identity and your residence at their property. A lot of owners here are worried that Imm will talk to Revenue.
  21. IME it pays to know exactly which Khet/district and Khwaeng/sub-district you live in. Just ask a neighbor, or the postman. Surely you've had to provide these to Immigration previously? You needed to select these on the old system.
  22. Local version of the STASI. The Saudis probably send their PSS staff here to train.
  23. So did this one slip by Joe Ferrari? Who in their right mind would underwrite a policy here on a high-performance vehicle? Elsewhere that's a very specialized business.
  24. That's what you get for eating "bush-meat". And drinking fresh blood. Is the eye-patch new? No neck-brace, yet.
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