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Everything posted by Toby1947

  1. Don't forget the Benidorm Brits, benefits have gone up as well 🤣😂
  2. Good riddance to the scum. 🤣😂🤣
  3. Another mug, Pattaya is full of the silly prats. 😅🤣😂
  4. Nirun apartment 😂🤣😂. You know you've hit rock bottom if you end up there. Definitely end of the line, watch out for flying falangs 😂🤣
  5. What a shame a couple of months off his gold watch. What a hero 🤣🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿😂. Rule Britannia
  6. Problem is nothing to do with exempt entries. Problem lies with lazy corrupt police not getting of their fat ars+s
  7. Yep, Stuck is the correct word. What a load of halfwits 😂🤣
  8. Well they're certainly not looking to give you money back again. 🤣😂🤣
  9. 1.8 million bank account frozen, never to be mentioned again. Another Thai cash grab about time these thieving bast+rds were exposed across the globe.
  10. About time, So called retired Cheap Charlies your days are numbered 🤣😂👍
  11. Indian ice straight from sewer water 😡
  12. Sharples, fish & chip shop. Get some proper grub down ya. None of this Thai slop. 🤣👍😂
  13. Where were the parents ? Probably counting the money. 😡🤬😡
  14. Travel insurance lapsed before his hospitalisation 🤣😂🤣. What a load of boll+cks. I feel a Go Fund Me coming on 😡
  15. Disrupt social harmony 🤣😂🤣. Take a look in a mirror 😡
  16. Just had my hand bitten off by a shark Q. Which one was it ? A. Don't know they all look the same to me. 😂🤣😂
  17. Flew back to BKK. to let the Cheap Charlies have a CRACK at it. " We must have an old used screen lying around somewhere "
  18. Why would anyone want a bank account in a 10th. world backward country
  19. Another case of welcome to Suvarnabhumi Airport, give us all your money now f+ck off where you came from.
  20. Yes all bought down the Koasan Rd. in Bangkok. 100 baht apiece. I take my place in the House of Lords on a regular basis as Lord Billy of Boll+cks.
  21. They should be made to pay thousands of trillions of dollars in compensation to the rest of the world. Or face being Nuked, where's the leaders with any balls
  22. Never mind Some expats should read Most expats.😂
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