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Everything posted by Toby1947

  1. 99yr lease on condos that are falling apart after 10yrs 😂🤣😂. They're not worth 20 baht.
  2. I'd wait a while, there's a possibility they may have introduced the promised 60 day exempt entry by then.
  3. Expensive John Smith's bitter Coventry Witherspoon 99p a pint 🤣🏖️😂
  4. No, Definitely not, a friend of mine returned to the UK. NHS with flukes in his liver what ever they are. Just look at the plumbing behind these never cleaned disgusting things, straight out the filthy mains. 3rd world country with 6th world plumbing
  5. Great idea until it comes time to payout, don't believe a bloody word these A.holes say.
  6. Well at least that reduces the number of Thais who don't and won't pay the maintenance fees. Condos in Thailand are not worth 20 baht each , although I did lose my sanity a couple of weeks ago and offered 3 pork sausages thankfully the seller declined my over generous offer
  7. Thai bargirl with 15000 baht in her purse, what a load of b#llocks
  8. Grab them by the nuts, and tell them to <deleted> Off 🤣😂👍
  9. How can he be described as a footballer when he played in the Scottish League. Miss reporting again
  10. Spend some time in Laos relax, much nicer people than Thais. Make you feel welcome, you're going to have to pay for your Laos visa on arrival so take advantage of it. I presume your world isn't ending tomorrow
  11. The generally don't like being told we have bigger toggers 😂🤣😂
  12. Become a Snowbird, just under 6 months in Thailand and the rest in a civilised country. Can be done on METV with planning and a couple of holiday trips to neighbouring countries that make you more welcome than these racists
  13. Tattoos equals no moral fibre, no bottle, and definitely no brain
  14. Onlookers rushed to help the victim. If the Brit. had been on the deck they'd have rushed to put the boot in they just love those odds.
  15. Morris Minor, if you can find one 😂🤣👍
  16. You make no demands on the NHS until things go pear shaped. Then scurry home cap in hand, tough sh#t.
  17. Needs to spend his cut on a face transplant ain't he an ugly b#st#rd.
  18. Forget it these falangs who think they can speak Thai are deluded. They are laughed at behind their backs.
  19. You forgot onward flight ticket within initial 60 exempt entry, without it you ain't getting on the plane in the first place
  20. What you know about draught beer could probably be printed on the back of a stamp
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