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  1. 5 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       Can you just answer me ?

    Like, writing your own words .

    Write your own words and back it up with a link , then I can reply to you and what your wrote 


    Which info was reclassified ?

    I now you're not dyslexic. Did you bother to read the text? Do you have a problem with reading evidence?

  2. 7 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


      Which info was reclassified ?

    Here's some:

    What is clear, however, is that these historians unearthed official documents confirming Israeli culpability in expelling Palestinians, blocking the return of those who fled and committing a series of war crimes. In one seminal document from June 1948—located by Benny Morris and thereafter removed from public view—an intelligence officer listed many of the depopulated Palestinian villages from the first stage of the 1948 war, conveniently explaining for each village the means by which it was uprooted. Among the factors mentioned for the Palestinian exodus were “direct hostile Jewish operations,” “Jewish whispering operations” (i.e. psychological warfare), “ultimate expulsion orders,” “fear of Jewish [retaliatory] response” and others.5 Although Palestinian and Arab scholars had argued as much for decades (mostly relying on oral history), their claims had often been marginalized in Western scholarship.6 This denial was no longer possible after the work of the New Historians came out.

    The trail introduced by the New Historians still exists, but it has become harder to follow in the past decade. Even more significant than the 2016 closing of the reading room in the Israel State Archives was the recent formal introduction of members of Military Censorship into the archives’ headquarters. These military officials are tasked with approving any publication of documents on top of the work of the declassification teams.7 Trying to follow the New Historians’ footnotes may very well lead to a dead end. In fact, the chief archivist exposed in 2018 that in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) archives alone, 200 files containing some 20,000 pages that had been opened in the past were sealed again in the last several years. Thousands of other files which are formally designated as “declassified” have at least a third of the file removed or redacted. Still, a large number of documents used by the New Historians are, in fact, still available for scholars, perhaps due to the realization that hiding them would be more incriminating than allowing access


    • Thumbs Up 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, 300sd said:

    I don't believe everything I read and especially from wikipedia, take it with a grain of salt. I think it's more likely the Nakba was a result of Arab arrogance. Thinking they could drive all Jews into the sea in 1948 and having the Arab Palestinians leave their land first. Of course the Arab world lost and the Palestinian couldn't return. They couldn't see past their hate, and still can't.

    Actually, most current Israeli historians would sharply disagree with you. Historians like Benny Morris. Even though he takes a mostly dismal view of the Palestinian. In fact, after the work of these historians began to be published, Israel reclassified the documents pertaining to the Nakba  so as to make future research more difficult if not impossible.

  4. 49 minutes ago, sidneybear said:

    Do you stay at home to minimise your carbon footprint, or do you fly around in carbon belching aircraft? You post here, so I'm guessing the latter, which means you aren't part of the solution to your imaginary problem, which in turn means you don't really believe in the so-called "climate emergency" yourself, preferring to lecture others.


    Stop fretting about the weather, and enjoy your life. 


    Making it personal is just another piece of evidence that you've got nothing.

  5. 8 hours ago, Social Media said:



    Experts at a congressional hearing, shed light on Russia's alleged covert global campaign utilizing sonic weapons to target and incapacitate US intelligence officers. The House homeland security subcommittee on counterterrorism, law enforcement, and intelligence convened to investigate the enigmatic phenomenon known as Havana syndrome, which has left many US diplomats and government employees with debilitating brain injuries and hearing loss.


    Greg Edgreen, a retired army officer, emphasized the gravity of the situation, asserting that Russia has systematically "targeted and neutralized" numerous US intelligence agents worldwide. His testimony underscored the alarming impact on mission-critical government officials, leading to their removal from vital posts and compromising national security.


    The comprehensive investigation conducted by media outlets revealed compelling evidence implicating an elite Russian intelligence and assassination unit in the attacks, contradicting previous government assessments. Christo Grozev, chief author of the report, highlighted Russia's motive, means, and opportunity to develop and deploy non-lethal acoustic or electromagnetic wave weapons against US intelligence and law enforcement personnel.


    Grozev pointed to the presence of Unit 29155 of the Russian GRU in locations coinciding with the incidents, presenting a plausible operational theory behind the anomalous health incidents (AHIs). His testimony raised questions about the US intelligence community's reluctance to attribute the attacks to a foreign adversary.


    Mark Zaid, an attorney representing victims of Havana syndrome, emphasized the far-reaching effects of the attacks, extending beyond the victims to their families, including spouses, children, and pets. He lamented the lack of substantive investigations by federal agencies and called for renewed efforts to uncover the truth behind the incidents.


    The bipartisan group of senators' letter to President Joe Biden urging a "renewed assessment" of Havana syndrome evidence reflects growing concerns about the phenomenon. Despite initial skepticism from government agencies, reports of AHIs have persisted, prompting calls for a comprehensive reevaluation.


    The 2020 arrest of a Russian spy with potential ties to the attacks and the passage of the Havana Act in 2021 underscore the urgency of addressing the issue. The act authorizes government agencies to provide assistance to affected staff and their families, signaling a recognition of the severity of the situation.


    As Congress grapples with the Havana syndrome mystery, the hearing marks a pivotal moment in unraveling Russia's covert operations and ensuring accountability for those responsible. The testimonies presented shed light on the complexities of modern espionage and the challenges of defending against emerging threats in an increasingly volatile world.





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    A very low quality article. Here's a link to a far better reported one which includes this passage:

    "Edgreen’s claims contradict findings from intelligence officials who concluded last year with varying degrees of confidence that there was no evidence a foreign adversary was behind the mysterious attacks on U.S. personnel.

    The National Institutes of Health also said last month there was no evidence of brain injuries or abnormalities in the brains of victims of the incidents."




    • Agree 1
  6. Just now, Bkk Brian said:

    I don't know I am not them, what would you expect them to say?


    1 minute ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Ask him, he said its non-partisian. The message being its a horrible mistake 


    "Within 2 hours of the president’s announcement last night, #Hamas said they were withdrawing from negotiations on hostages & on a ceasefire. What Biden has done is handed a great victory to Hamas. This was a horrible mistake."



    So, when you quote these sources, you're not doing it in support of your arguments? You're just taking random dictation? Disingenuous much?

  7. 4 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    IDF: We’ve enough munitions for Rafah; PM: ‘We’ll fight with our fingernails’ if needed

    “The IDF has armaments for the missions it is planning, including missions in Rafah. We have what we need,” IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said, responding to a question at a press conference.

    While some commentators have agreed the military likely has munitions needed for a Rafah offensive, it may be hard-pressed to face Hezbollah if the conflict in the north develops into all-out war and Washington continues to withhold munitions.


    What would you expect them to say in such circumstances? 

  8. 4 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    "Within 2 hours of the president’s announcement last night, #Hamas said they were withdrawing from negotiations on hostages & on a ceasefire. What Biden has done is handed a great victory to Hamas. This was a horrible mistake."


    Risch: Biden’s Decision to Hold Aid to Israel a “Horrible Mistake”

    WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today spoke at a Senate Republican press conference condemning the Biden Administration’s blocking of arms sales for Israel. 

    “The non-partisan weapons sales process has kept domestic political squabbles out of this for a long time. It’s been in place for about half a century, and it has worked really well. The administration has stepped outside those boundaries now without any notifications to us.

    “We have a situation here where Congress passed funding, the administration allowed these weapons sales, myself and the other three members of Congress who closely look at these sales – and take that obligation seriously – also signed off on it, and now in the heat of battle, this administration is saying ‘we’re gonna pull this back.’ This is unprecedented. It’s going to be watched by our enemies. It’s going to be watched by our allies. And it is not helpful to the national security of the United States.


    Thanks for sharing with us that nonsense from Jim Risch. Since when has the weapons sale process been non-partisan? Living in an alternative reality much?

    • Confused 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    TBH I don't see much of a parallel with Ukraine, it is irrelevant to the situation in Gaza. 


    As for the IDF, I would say that they are more than competent. They have beaten off several large scale attacks from numerous opponents since 1948.  Most people with any military experience or knowledge would agree. Their special forces are feared by terrorists worldwide, and rightly so. 

    Even if, despite the current evidence, the IDF's competency was perfect, that doesn't make it inconsistent with unnecessary brutality. If the US judges that what the IDF needs to win means too high a cost in innocent lives, it has every right, in fact a duty, not to give them what they want.

    • Agree 2
  10. 3 minutes ago, riclag said:

    You got your narrative  twisted!

    Hamas is a Terrorist Organization!

    Who by the looks of things ( building tunnels for years) has been hell bent on the destruction of Israel!

    Its the Never forget tribe vs the death to Israel tribe. Hamas aint gonna stop !

    Israel needs to finish the job,it set out to do by any means necessary.

    Abstract: When Hamas took over the Gaza Strip by force of arms in 2007, it faced an ideological crisis. It could focus on governing Gaza and addressing the needs of the Palestinian people, or it could use the Gaza Strip as a springboard from which to attack Israel. 

    A terrorist organization that was supported by Israel.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

    No, I am speculating why the President might be getting less than stellar advice from those around him.  And of course the US is not cutting off Israel completely, that would be madness. But it is also arrogant and belittling for the US to presume to tell Israel what weapons it does or doesn't need.  The IDF know what they are doing, they have been in the business of killing terrorists for a while now. If they say they need something, I tend to believe them. 

    I guess you believe that it's arrogant and belittling for the US to tell Ukraine what it needs, too? Maybe American should just offer its allies a budget number and let them go shopping in its arsenal?

    As for the IDF knows what it's doing. Really?


    Hamas is returning to power in northern Gaza, IDF colonel says
    IDF Col. Hezi Nachman said that there are hundreds of thousands of people in northern Gaza and Hamas rule of the area is returning.

    Hamas is returning to power in northern Gaza, IDF Col. (res.) Hezi Nachman said in an interview with 103FM Tuesday morning, adding that the Israeli military isn't doing enough to stop it.

    Speaking to Ben Caspit and Yinon Magal, Nachman, the former head of the Menashe Brigade, was discussing a letter to the war cabinet he and several other IDF commanders signed calling on Gazans not to be allowed to return home in the North until the hostages come home.



    Wasting troops’ hard-fought gains, Israel is taking time it doesn’t have in Gaza

    Seven months after it carried out the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, Hamas is still very much alive and kicking.

    It has reportedly reasserted significant civil control in Gaza cities troops swept through and then left. In some areas, Hamas fighters have resumed their rocket fire, including a recent attack on Sderot and the deadly strike on Israel Defense Forces infantrymen near Kerem Shalom on Sunday.

    Not only is Hamas surviving, it looks increasingly plucky about its chances to guarantee its return to power



    • Agree 1
  12. 14 minutes ago, sidneybear said:

    What is a "climatologist" exactly? Is it someone funded by the green industry who feeds phoney data into made up algorithms? Just like those covid "scientists" did, eh? Lots of people on the list are highly educated people covering a wide range of disciplines, including Nobel laureates, etcetera. 


    Give me your analysis of the storage problem, or I'll start thinking you're a link posting bot. Googling links means you're bone idle, and unable to introduce your own analysis into the debate.

    "What is a "climatologist" exactly? Is it someone funded by the green industry who feeds phoney data into made up algorithms?"

    More conspiracy claims from you.

    Who care how highly educated some of the people on that list are? If you had a health problem, would you go to a geologist for treatment? In your world, apparently, there is no such thing as expertise.

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