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  1. 1 minute ago, Damual Travesty said:

    Why would you make such a deprecating statement about me? Why begin your comment by saying something so ridiculous as I have never heard of hacking or leaks? Look, let's get back to square one here. The emails, they are right now as we speak being verified by the parties who were involved with them. Meaning they are confirming they received the emails. That is one way that proves their validity. The other way is that there is information on the laptop, that Rudy is claiming could only be known to Hunter. Is that true? Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. The lawyer asked for the lap top back. That does seem to indicate that the laptop was Hunter's. The signature, seems to be real. I assume a cursory handwriting analysis has been done. Of course experts can always conflict with each other in a court of law. A 3rd party has come forward, yes someone with an axe to grind, but a former business partner who has now allowed access to his account to the Washington Post. Are the emails he has real? Or did he fake them in an elaborate ruse timed to this - possible. But on the other hand the volume of what must be faked here is pretty huge, wouldn't ya say? And the DNI has stated HE had no evidence that this was a hoax, and maybe just maybe he like me has heard of hacking even though he does not read Wired.  Of course all of this could be put to rest rather quickly, Hunter Biden goes on Twitter, and says that even in his wildest crack smoking days he does not remember ever leaving this laptop there". Not even a denial, just a "I don't recall" statement, something to add to the obfuscation of the reality of all of this. Joe too, he can say again, "Look c'mon man", I wasn't involved in any of my son's business in any way. Most certainly I never got a percentage of anything". These are simple short statements that can be made. I assume that he is saving them for the debate in a carefully calibrated statement, if he is still in the race. But maybe this elaborate Russian/Republican hoax is about to be exposed!!!!!! Anything is possible right?

    Because your comments have clearly taken no account of this practice. Instead you insist that because some documents are real, therefore the Bidens should answer. Not if this is a case of "tainted leaks."

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

    I do not know what conversations Barr has had with director Wray concerning the Laptop. Do you? No I am not suggesting that Barr is complicit in protecting Hunter Biden, I am suggesting that it is possible that Barr was not aware of the existence of the laptop. I have not heard comment on that from him. A comment on when he knew of its existence. I would like to know when he first heard of the existence of the laptop. If it is not recently, then I want to know why he made no one else aware - perhaps as it was an investigation underway, and it was not thought to go public? If he did not know, then why would the FBI keep that info from Barr? Did Wray know? These are legitimate questions to ask without accusations that I think Barr is protecting Hunter Biden. I want questions answered, both on the content and the handling of the laptop itself.

    None of which are the Bidens' responsibility to answer unless and until the legitimacy of the disk and its contents is approved.

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  3. Just now, Damual Travesty said:

    I do not know what conversations Barr has had with director Wray concerning the Laptop. Do you? No I am not suggesting that Barr is complicit in protecting Hunter Biden, I am suggesting that it is possible that Barr was not aware of the existence of the laptop. I have not heard comment on that from him. A comment on when he knew of its existence. I would like to know when he first heard of the existence of the laptop. If it is not recently, then I want to know why he made no one else aware - perhaps as it was an investigation underway, and it was not thought to go public? If he did not know, then why would the FBI keep that info from Barr? Did Wray know? These are legitimate questions to ask without accusations that I think Barr is protecting Hunter Biden. I want questions answered, both on the content and the handling of the laptop itself.

    Once again, unless the legitimacy of that hard disk drive and its contents is established, the Bidens should not address any possible issues it might raise.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

    A (1) reasonable question to ask is when did these deals get put together in China, even if these email detail a deal and the dates are after his time in office, when did the deals get put together. It would seem that would be while Biden was in office as that would be when Hunter originally went to China with his Father. A reasonable question? (2) Concerning Ukraine, were there similar arrangements as to money splits for the "big guy"? and also for other Countries involved here as well. Reasonable questions.


    Even if all of the China dealings are proved to have taken place after Biden leaving office it is troubling to me, as he is running for President and appears to have recently made deals for a lot of money in China, and I want to know.  Reasonable also I think.


    As for the crime committed - no questions are being avoided, in fact many questions are being asked. I await Biden to answer them instead of hiding away from the press and refusing to answer. Let's start with were you aware of Hunter's business in Ukraine. Did you in fact meet with officials from Burisma? Did you make any money on the deal? Did you know of your son's business, he has previously said he has no idea what his son was doing. I doubt that.

    Unless and until the legitimacy of that  hard disk drive and its contents are confirmed, neither Biden should have to answer anything. 

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  5. 7 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

    I am implying specifically that the some people at the FBI may have purposefully withheld information that was on the Hard drive from members of Congress during the Impeachment hearing. I say that because the FBI was in possession of the hard drive during the impeachment hearing. There is no question of that.  Therefore knowing that, I think it is a reasonable question to ask of the FBI as to why they did not release information to the Congress. Wouldn't you agree? Wouldn't you want to ask the FBI director why that is?

    Well, if that's the case, why hasn't William Barr asked? Maybe because he doesn't want to know the answer? Or are you suggesting that Barr is complicit in protecting Hunter Biden?

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  6. 2 minutes ago, rabas said:

    Exactly my point. 


    Since the FBI has the drives, serial numbers, and all the meta data, they will know if it's real or not. No Schroedinger's cat here. Meta data can independently authenticate each email, when it was sent, by whom, and whether it has it been altered using encrypted keys.


    So the only question is, what would they do it it were real? Since it would represent possibly the greatest constitutional crisis is US history, they may choose move slowly and carefully.


    And it it is fake, even one email, How would they proceed? Do you think they dare wait for the election?

    If it's such an easy thing to do, then why hasn't Rudolph Giuliani released all the data so it can be done quickly and independently"

    How many documents are there? It may be simple to do but it may also be time-consuming.

    And as for government's good faith in such matters...remember when William Barr was making ominous hints about the Durham investigation? 


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  7. 4 hours ago, Bluetongue said:

    Jacinda Ardern is cautious and a nice person, but an airbag. Those parts of the job that require niceness she does well, hugging Muslim women while wearing headscarf etc. The caution was good at the start of the epidemic, but it will cost them big time from now on. The airbag part refers to unfulfilled promises. And for the record I have heard her state that NZ will not allow any border opening without quarantine until they have a vaccine. There is no Plan B.

    You mean the election was timed so perfectly that it is only a week later and it's already costing her support? That was fast.

  8. 8 minutes ago, rabas said:

    Please provide a reference where the FBI denys Ratcliffe's statements.


    "In a letter to Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, exclusively obtained by Fox News, the FBI said they “have nothing to add at this time to the October 19th public statement by the Director of National Intelligence about the available actionable intelligence.” ref


    Nothing to add is normally a form of acknowledgement.


    They did not say we neither confirm or deny.

    They said "nothing to add at this time". So that doesn't leave open the possibility that at a later time they will? You know, like maybe the reports that they are conducting an investigation are true but the investigation isn't yet finished?

  9. 1 minute ago, rabas said:

    Please provide a reference where the FBI denys Ratcliffe's statements.


    "In a letter to Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson, exclusively obtained by Fox News, the FBI said they “have nothing to add at this time to the October 19th public statement by the Director of National Intelligence about the available actionable intelligence.” ref


    Nothing to add is normally a form of acknowledgement.


    They did not say we neither confirm or deny.

    Normally? I've never heard the FBI make use of this phrase before in discussing cases. But it does sound like an unorthodox way to say "no comment." Maybe so as not to trigger Trump into another of his hissy fits against Wray and Barr.

    • Like 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

    Why should he threaten Ratcliffe? and what does Ratcliffe have to do with former officials in the Obama administration or Obama himself? I do not follow your logic here. Again, I understand you do not like President Trump. I understand you believe that the Biden laptop is somehow fake, or of no importance, I get it. Let's just wait and see what happens. Your commentary or mine has no effect on that. As for the election itself. It's coming very soon. Again, I have voted already. Not sure about if this has any real meaning for you at all.

    Exactly. :Why should he threaten Ratcliffe? Well, if Trump were a decent CEO he would threaten Ratcliffe because he has engaged in sleazy acts. But since decency is not a part of Trump's armamentarium, why should he indeed. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, rabas said:

    Wow. The FBI and all 16 other US Intelligence Agencies report to the Director of National Intelligence, John Radcliffe. He's the intel boss. They probably can't announce anything without his permission! 





    To see how this works, watch Chris Wray and Radcliffe jointly announce Iran's election interference live on C-SPAN

    And yet they refuse to endorse his statement about the Biden laptop whereas Wray joins Ratcliffe in announcing Iran's interference.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

    Why should he threaten Ratcliffe? and what does Ratcliffe have to do with former officials in the Obama administration or Obama himself? I do not follow your logic here. Again, I understand you do not like President Trump. I understand you believe that the Biden laptop is somehow fake, or of no importance, I get it. Let's just wait and see what happens. Your commentary or mine has no effect on that. As for the election itself. It's coming very soon. Again, I have voted already. Not sure about if this has any real meaning for you at all.

    You would expect your vote to have meaning for me? Some meaning more special than the 10's of millions of other votes will be cast? What makes your vote special? Is it magic?

  13. 6 minutes ago, PatOngo said:


    You are right, China 2020 population is estimated at 1,439,323,776 people at mid year according to UN data. China population is equivalent to 18.47% of the total world population.  The way they breed, it won't take long to reach 2 billion! Scary!

    Racist much?


    China’s Looming Crisis:
    A Shrinking Population

    Chinese academics recently delivered a stark warning to the country’s leaders: China is facing its most precipitous decline in population in decades, setting the stage for potential demographic, economic and even political crises in the near future.

    For years China’s ruling Communist Party implemented a series of policies intended to slow the growth of the world’s most populous nation, including limiting the number of children couples could have to one. The long term effects of those policies mean the country will soon enter an era of “negative growth,” or a contraction in the size of the total population.


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