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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. As per the new Condo Act 2008, Section 31, the provisions of Section 18 as amended by the provisions of this Act shall not apply to a condominium that was registered as a juristic person on or before the date the new Act comes into force.

    Section 18 is to do with expenses incurred as a result of common services.

    A new Section 18/1 has been added that is to do with co-owners who fail to make payment for common expenses. Those co-owners will be fined non-compounded interest of 10% per annum and if failure to pay exceeds six months they will be subject to a 20% per annum additional penalty on top of the overdue amount.

    My question is: Does Section 18/1 come under Section 18 and thus the exemption provided by Section 31? I hope not because under the new Act the Juristic Person Manager will have the DUTY to take legal action against co-owners who have overdue payment exceeding 6 months. If the JPM doesn't do his duty any co-owner can advise the competent officer at the Land Office who presumably will sort things out.

  2. Dragon fruit has been proven to take care of the cholesterol problem, it also reduces the triglyceride levels. No side effects and tastes ok as well.

    Do you have a link anywhere, ZZZ?

    Thanks in advance. I've never heard of this.

    Also, a handful of pistachios every day is said to reduce bad cholesterols.

  3. In your post you say that the BBs are just off duty or waiting? It implies that you are talking to parked BB drivers, it does not surprise me that they consider you are looking for private hire rates when you approach them.

    I suggest that you only get into BBs that are moving and not parked at the sidewalk.

    Next time you are here take some time to ride a BB and watch how others hail and communicate with the driver.


    No all the problems I have with BB's are when I'm standing there and they "swoop" over to "assist" me. The ones with passengers are obviously the 10 baht variety, but the also seem to be getting more and more rare. At least 4-8 empty BB's will go by before you see one with passengers. These empty ones are the ones that always say " where you go, OK, 100 baht". One driver actually asked me "how much you pay?" I said 10 baht. He took off before I finished the sentence.

    The only time I ever consider doing the private hire is way late at nite after too many drinks. Last August they wanted 100 baht. Two weeks ago, same spot, now they all start at 150 baht and laugh if you offer them 100. I'll be back in the fall and will probably just rent a scooter to spite them!

    Make sure you have medical insurance - tho maybe they won't pay as drunk driving is against the law. But do have medical insurance and have the details in your wallet in your pocket so that the hospital can find it and treat you.

  4. Lipitor is a wonder drug, after you take it for a month you wonder what you are doing. Muscle aches, headaches, memory loss and felt lousy in general. Quit taking them and felt fine in a week. Google lipitor and I think the results will put you off taking them.

    I was on Lipitor for some years but stopped taking when I could hardly walk when I got out of bed in the morning. Got better. A couple of years later had a CT 64 slice scan of the heart done and doctor told me, with wonderment in his voice, that blood vessels were completely clear. I have no idea what my cholesterols are doing now.

    BTW, just watched Larry King Live and Sanjay Gupta was saying that some authorities believe that Lipitor should be added to drinking water supplies!

  5. QUOTE (apo @ 2008-04-13 18:42:22)

    my advice dont see a doctor or go to a hospital ..............

    ....wait 2-3 months and the problem will go away on its own .......................................u are going though a natural detox (your body could be using giardia or something else like that to help this happen) and you dont need to do much more than just go though it

    Apo has a point of view and there's no need for others to deride him.

    with a point of view as dangerous as Apos' , derision is the only sensible response.

    better to rule out the serious complaints that will never respond to treatment with brussel sprout juice and aloe vera before running off and foraging in the forest for hearsay miracle cures.

    You could have just ignored it since you don't agree with it.

  6. NHS in UK started going down in about 1970 when it was decided that senior nurses should do more admin work. I well remember a nurse, asking for advice about a patient from an assistant matron, being told by the asst. matron that she - the asst matron - had to first deal with a piece of paper in her hand.

    I have heard recently that the UK NHS has recognised the errors of its ways.

  7. This morning I went to the Wat to hear the monks chant and to pray for the departed souls of relatives and friends. It was almost full house at the Wat - men, women, children, dogs. Before putting food into the various receptacles we prayed for the departed to join us. Those who had lost family and friends poured water from a glass into a dish while speaking with the departed. The water in the dish then was taken outside and poured over the roots of a tree. Ceremony ended with all the names of the departed written on pieces of paper being burned in a large zinc bath along with the one incense stick held by each of the onlookers. There was a banana "money tree" where we made donations to the Wat. Also did the "shake a stick out of the container" to tell my fortune - all my wishes as going to come true and I'll be free from illness like a bright shining moon. If I am looking for a good spouse I am advised it should take some time to find one. :o

    Will start the search after Songkran.


    * Not my own experience but a friend's:

    * 4 weeks ago:

    * Bumrungrad: he walks into the reception to ask if his eyelids can be 'done' upper and lower, both eyes.

    Long story short:

    * He walked in at 10.00AM. He was enjoying Sushi at 09.00PM. Job done and very happy

    * Costs: all in (including skin doctor) € 1,200.--

    *Insurance back home pays for it.


    Insurance "back home" will pay for cosmetic surgery? Are you sure? If you are sure, which Insurance Company?

  9. Apo has a point of view and there's no need for others to deride him.

    Mobi, good luck for tomorrow. However, if the test results are not good please take time out to think about what the doctor suggests and also think about another one (or two) more opinions. Thai doctors like to get one on the op table same day.

  10. This is the scam, they pick-up unsuspecting tourists and charge them 150-200 baht for

    a private ride and then threaten to get physical if they don't pay. I don't pay 10 baht.

    I usually pay 8-9 baht, it really messes with their head, they can't decide what to do. :o

    You are very naughty!

    But a few days ago I got on baht bus at Beach Road hoping he was going to Jomthien. He wasn't so I buzzed him on S. Pattaya Road and gave him 5 baht. He siad it was 10. I knew I didn't have 10 but gave him what I had. Did I get a mouthful from him!!!!!!!!

  11. Sorry to hear of you troubles lordsux. I hope you make it back to Europe OK.

    As for me, it's beginning to look like the good doctor may be right. I found some blood deposits in my diarrhoea this morning :o

    What colour? Bright red or darker red?

    Do you have haemorrhoids? Diverticulum? We all have one or both as we get older. It's probably no wonder that you have some blood in your stool - your colon has taken a beating lately.

    Stop looking for canaries until the sparrow does turn into one.

    BTW, did the doctor do any blood tests for cancer, such as CEA?

  12. I have heard the authorities are going to put one red brick on the sidewalk in each block.

    It will be the honor system for each parker to place his baht under the brick for the police to pick up later.

    The amount of revenue generated in this manner will be unbelievable.


    Like condo owners putting their 45 bahts under an empty water bottle on water delivery day.

  13. Sorry, had missed that you had pseudomembranous colitis a few weeks ago. As far as I know this is caused by clostridium difficile that is normally present in the bowel but may overgrow if one has been on antibiotics that may have caused lining of bowel to become raw and bleed, abdominal cramps, bloody stools, low-grade fever, urge to have bowel action, watery diarrhoea. Looks as though you didn't get better?

    Somebody I know had c. difficile found after blood tests for c. difficile toxins A & B. He was in B'grad and given Tazocin antibiotic intravenously for the c. difficile and it cleared up.

    Colonoscopy is a good idea but, as already said, get an expert - don't want a novice poking tubes into a perhaps raw bowel.

  14. Well ever since I was discharged from hospital more than 3 weeks ago I have been suffering from severe diarrhoea – like at least 6 times a day, and very watery – in fact after the food is gone, it is all water.

    After 8 days the hospital took a sample, and reported nothing wrong.

    I consulted 2 doctors in Pattaya and they both prescribed antibiotics.

    So as there was no improvement I consulted a doctor at Phya Thai Hospital in Sri Racha this morning. He said that the antibiotics would have cured me by now if it had been ‘microbes’ or whatever. He has booked me in for a colonoscopy and said it might be cancer.

    I have been Googling the symptoms on various websites and only the Mayo clinic mentions diarrhoea as a symptom. All the other sites don’t mention it - just constipation or a change in the stool size, and frequency of passing etc.

    There are a number of other symptoms, but the only ones I have are diarrhoea, a gassy stomach, and general fatigue. There has been no weight loss, and I can’t detect any blood in my ‘water’, and I still have a reasonable appetite.

    Anyone else out there had colon cancer who may be able to reassure me? :o

    And if I have got it - assuming I've caught it early - what is the survival rate? :D

    As so many of the other have said this is probably not cancer. It is notoriously difficult to find anything in a stool specimen unless it is absolutely laden with the bug - that's been my experience in Thailand. Might be giardia and/or amoebiasis. Could be that the antibiotics haven't helped diarrhoeawise. Get a real good doctor to do the colonoscopy - not a novice. I've used Dr. Virasak at Bumrungrad. You should be taking electolyte solution while diarrhoea is so bad. I take Oreda unflavoured. Box of 100 at Fascino.

  15. Mobi,

    You may want to try losing a bit of weight first as my girlfriend has confirmed with me when my weight is below 115Kg I stop snoring and as soon as I go above 115Kg it starts up again. What is happening is excess fat is getting stored around the neck and closes the airways.

    Every time I go above this weight I get terrible sleep apnea resulting in me jumping awake frequently during the night when the breathing stops, it's a bloody nightmare and my girlfriend gets scared out of her wits when my breathing stops. Of course the worst thing is it's so bloody hard to lose weight.

    Good luck with whatever you try, I hope it works cos I know the problem your having and it's not pleasant.

    You can lose weight. A while ago Dr. Ian Corness wrote about a weight loss plan in the Pattaya Mail and for me it works and is so easy. But like any weight loss plan you have to want to do it. I also do some walking. And when I watch TV I execise during the commercials - for example can take 350 steps during each commercial break on Hallmark.

  16. "I did read one comment saying that they would want to see vaccination certificate for child if you leave Thailand..."

    I've never heard that, but you might have to show proof of vacinations to enter some other countries.

    I am curious about one thing.

    In your original post you said, "and so would appreciate comments only from those who have help to offer in this respect, rather than those querying why I choose not to vaccinate...".

    Did you seriously think that by saying that, that it would stop anyone from saying something anyway?

    The only 2 things I was ever given were for polio and TB. I have travelled most of the world and for the past 20 odd years nobody has asked me about vaccinations .

    Is there a link between childhood vaccinations and Autism? That is being explored with more interest at the moment. I heard an American lady with an autistic child say that recommended vaccination schedule for her child was to give it 36 injections. She was not happy!

  17. Pillar procedure: Doctor inserts 3 small strips of a material into the soft palate so that palate cannot fall down and obstruct the airway when one sleeps on one's back. The material is used in heart surgery and is safe.

    Another poster mentioned Dr. Kaseansom. He is the man to see. I absolutely adore him! I see him for a neuro problem. I am sure he told me he uses CPAP, so that might be why he leans that way. I didn't consult him before the Pillar. If you do have a sleep test at Bumrungrad under Dr Kaseansom do speak to him beforehand about what medicines he will give you before the sleep test. Another doctor knocked me out cold with pills and I really don't see the sense of that. BTW, BPH do Pillar. Cost anywhere you go will be about 45,000 baht.

  18. Socket again! :o

    Amnat runs for Pattaya city council! :D

    I was told by a Thai, Amnat is a member of city council? Could this explain his action? Did he sue himself as a part of Pattaya city government or did he act that he could be part of city goverment? :D

    Who is Amnat?

  19. Those limits are usually defined in the building management agreement, and are usually set or discussed by the elected committee. Property managers are usually selected at an AGM, usually the only items discussed are their manager's track record, fees and added value services, although I am sure that if raised at an AGM (or even an EGM if necessary) it can be discussed.

    If you are a co-owner and have further questions, about this find out when the next committee meeting is scheduled and ask if you can join it.

    Lots of "usuallys".

    We have tried every which way to get the committee members to meet with us. The answer was a definite NO.

    Anyway, I hear that new condo act says that committee members will no longer be allowed to bring proxy votes and if they have done 2 terms they must step aside if another co-owner wants to be on the committee.

    Anybody else heard this?

  20. I had the Pillar procedure done at Bumrungrad 8 months ago and am sure it has helped. There was another thread here on apnea and you should look at that and also google apnea and do some reading on the problem.

    I have a relative, 77 years old, who has apnea and his wife is so scared of it she now sleeps in another room so she can get rest. But he is hale and hearty (tho had bypass surgery 15 years ago) and is still working - so the apnea really doesn't seem to slow him down at all. One symptom of apnea is daytime sleepiness and tiredness.

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