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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. I got all excited there for a minute that something really useful to condo co-owners had been done - e.g: Educating Condo Juristic Persons, managements, and condo committees, that Section 43 means that quorum at a General Meeting is one third of the total eligible to vote and that if a quorum is not present that it is not a legitimate meeting.

    That's correct and always has been so.......but a meeting can be reconvened after 15 days and those co-owners attending the reconvened meeting, irrespective of the number, will constitute a quorum

    What if only one co-owner turns up for the reconvened meeting?

    Your comment about reconvened meeting after 15 days applies ONLY to Section 48 of the Act and the resolutions mentioned therein.

    A General Meeting must be attended by 1/3 of the votes to be a meeting at which legitimate business can take place.

  2. The Bangkok post artickes says "Regarding voting rights for the juristic person, any representative can vote on behalf of a maximum of three units"

    I would like to have this double checked and if we should read three owners instead of three units.

    During my condo last general assembly, the former developer still controled everything with more than a hundred units. I can't believe he will be limited in voting rights.

    This is no change from the Condominium Act B.E. 2522 (1979). Section 47 states: Co-owners may assign power of attorney in writing to other persons to vote instead of them. One person cannot be assigned power of attorney to vote by more than three in one meeting".

    Section 48 of the same Act states: "In voting, each co-owner shall have the vote equivalent to the ownership ratio held in the common property. If a single co-owner has votes exceeding one half of the total votes, the number of votes of such co-owner shall be reduced to equal the combined vote of all the other co-owners."

  3. I got all excited there for a minute that something really useful to condo co-owners had been done - e.g: Educating Condo Juristic Persons, managements, and condo committees, that Section 43 means that quorum at a General Meeting is one third of the total eligible to vote and that if a quorum is not present that it is not a legitimate meeting.

  4. Can anyone recommend a good osteopath in Pattaya?

    Or good massager that knows what she's doing for someone with a neck problem please?


    I would also be interested in tracking down a good masseur who can do deep tissue, sports massage. None of that Thai massage prodding and pulling nonsense which usually does more harm than good.

    Doesn't Nigel do this?

  5. The law concerning buildings higher than 14 m within 200 m of MSL has been in place for a long time.

    And the violations of it accordingly date very far back.

    Of course the building permits were always issued with the blessing of city hall which of course must always have been aware of the situation.

    But it seems there has been until VT7 never a real challenge to those permits issued and therefore

    peace and quietness.

    For the first time now, the permit has been challenged by lawyers and courts.

    The result can be seen on site. Of course, remunerations in many directions notwithstanding,

    the people putting in place this law must have been completely ignorant of the avalanches of money pressure arising as a conflict of interest which is a good example having a law and having the ability

    to enforce it. Two different worlds. To clarify the situation? Give VT7 as a reference.

    Of course, if any future happenings would prove different, ah well, we are no prophets just guessing.

    Please do not repeat repeat erroneous information because some folks unknowingly assume they are facts. The law (Issue 9) has never restricted buildings greater than 14 m within 200 m of the MSL. The law restricts buildings greater than 14 m within 200 m of the construction control line (not MSL). Issue 9 creates a 200 m wide construction restricted zone. The expert court witness clarified this for everyone and his testimony is supported by the often referred to "annexed map". VT3, VT5, JomTien Plaza and VT7 are all outside the construction restricted zone.

    Iam not understanding where this construction control line is. Is it in the sea?

    I believe this has been discussed before but the 200 meter construction restricted zone has two borders, one 100 meters seaward from the MSL and the other 100 meters landward from the MSL. This is equivalent to measuring 200 meters from the construction line border to land. For a better understanding see the blow-up of the annexed map at http://bp0.blogger.com/_1x8bR0BbXM4/Rv2uMz...200+meter+Q.jpg

    Issue 9 does not say to measure 200 meters from the MSL.

    Thank you for this - I must have been out of town when the map was put on the topic but I remember pointing out that only reason to measure 100 meters into the sea would be to protect the beach and shallow waters from being built on.

    So all the buildings that are along the sea side of Walking Street are illegal?

  6. I sent photos to Australia and envelope was opened by the Australian authorities.

    My friend sent a gift of clothing to me here in Thailand but I have not received - maybe I should go search at Naklua P.O.?

    These days I suppose the P.O.s everywhere have the right to open packages and search for drugs (but don't they have sniffer dogs?).

    For pension and other important documents I use DHL - no hassle and no sleepless nights.

  7. not true ! just sometime for a few hours becoze construction on the road outside ! but it's easy to have a tank like everybody in thailand !

    anyway since four years now i have no water problem but it's true some old people complain for nothing like they do in their own country .............

    Thank you for clearing that up for me. It is a beautiful estate and if water storage is possible it will be well worth looking at.

  8. K-TECK consruction seeking for new partners as it attempts to restructure debt

    to adress it short term liquidity problems.

    stock exchange bangkok quotation suspended !!!

    employees not paid since two month !!

    what's the future for OCEAN 1 ????

    any information

    The future is interesting. Bruno must be concerned. Is it true staff have been reduced at View Talay Villas?

    hi Tammi

    i have no info for the hotel part but concerning view tallay villa privite hause everything is good with management and the place is clean and quiete like before

    Yes, always is clean and tidy and quiet. But have heard that there is dreadful water problem and villas are not allowed to install water storage tanks. ?????

  9. K-TECK consruction seeking for new partners as it attempts to restructure debt

    to adress it short term liquidity problems.

    stock exchange bangkok quotation suspended !!!

    employees not paid since two month !!

    what's the future for OCEAN 1 ????

    any information

    The future is interesting. Bruno must be concerned. Is it true staff have been reduced at View Talay Villas?

  10. Last bill I had from UBC was April 2006. Then I got UCB/True until February 2007, and since then from True.

    I too had problems a few weeks ago until the engineer brought a new something-or-other for the dish. Other times the engineer has just disconnected and reconnected the power and it worked!

    BTW True adjusted the fee by all of 50.50 (!) baht for the days I had problems.

    But beginning to wonder if it's worth it what with all the reruns.

  11. I have 3 phase electricity in my house and simply installed a leakage switch from “Safe T Cut”.

    On that one you can adjust the sensitivity from none to 2MA... In my case the safety device immediately went off... Than it’s “up to you” checking the breakers 1 by 1 till you find which one tripped the safety switch? Once the breaker found, you can check the related light switches, finding the culprit and fix it.

    Ha you better check it yourself. I asked 2 electricians and both wanted to Bypass the “Safe T Cut”. :D

    Let me spell it out: There are no standards but Thai standards. Forget those international ones and when it comes to electricity (specially the water heaters) you better be safe than sorry. My advice, spend some money on a safety leakage switch it might safe your life one day.

    ...my friend died, while taking his shower 'coz of the water heater. I recommend the same as you do... :o You just cant be too safe, right? Aaa! Standards!!? :D

    I read somewhere that in Asia more foreigners die from electrocution than in road accidents. Luckily when I was electrocuted in the shower I fell out from under the water when I lost consciousness.

  12. I sometimes eat breakfast at CD's, often about 2pm. I find the 65 bht breakfast to be very good quality & excellent value.

    HOWEVER, on my last day before returning home, my TGF accompanied me. She ordered thai food which is brought in from the Thai restaurant a few doors away past Canterbury Tales.

    Upon enjoying her noodle soup or whatever it was for a while she suddenly stopped eating and started poking it. On enquiring what was the problem, she fished out a green elastic band!

    In England i would have refused point blank to pay for that soup, but TIT & we all know if you order it, you pay! So i offered 50%. The waitress went running off down the road with the remaining bowl of soup + foreign body, coming back saying they had said "It was impossible" but pay 85bht against the (i think 110bht), so i did for a quiet life.

    This in no way reflects on the food at CD's establishent as it was "bought in".

    Cheapskate! The rubber band was extra!

    Accidents happen. I was giving a dinner party at home and one of the guests found a rubber band in her food! And then there was the the Xmas turkey - while carving found the giblets still in plastic bag!! But my motto is always get guests drunk before meal.

  13. My friends advised me to "leave the contractor alone, let him get on with the work". I'm glad I didn't take their advice. Everything had to be done 3 times before they got it right. The work that should have taken 3 months took 1 year!! And that was with having a falang to supervise. End of story was that falang and contractor fell in love and I have a home that works except that ceilings are not the best.

    Tell me why every door, even light, inside doors, HAVE TO HAVE 4 hinges?

  14. And, of course, regardless of what you do regarding chemo, regular check-ups including colonoscopy are a must, so that any recurrence is more likely to be caught early on.

    Interesting point as another Oncologist I went to see said I didn't need to have another colonoscopy now, even though I thought I ought to 6 months after the operation? He said have a PET Scan one year after finishing Chemo. That is all you need, no further colonosopies.

    Right or wrong?

    I would have both initially because PET sometimes does not show the cancer because some tumours do not take up the radio-active glucose. If the PET does show the cancer then I personally would continue with PETs because I don't like tube up my bum. But colonoscopy is a lot cheaper than PET.

  15. If any readers on this board can personally recommend an oncologist willing to listen and give weight to the patient's concerns -- and help the patient decide for themselves -- please post details, thanks!

    Try Dr. Narin Voravud at Bumrungrad - he is at the Horizon Cancer Clinic twice a week. Be very honest with him by telling him that, as Sheryl says, you need him to listen and give weight to your concerns. I had dealings with Dr. Narin for several years and right from the start I had lists of questions and concerns and he always listened. And the nurses there are the best!!!!

  16. Cooked and heated foods are at the root of most cancers. Stress and environment are lesser factors. Our bodies, like those of raw-eating animals, never evolved to handle the alien chemical compounds like heterocyclic amines and acrylamides created by cooking. Pasteurised and homogenised milk is also a killer.

    Unfortunately cancer has become a multi-billion dollar business for the medical mafia, so don't expect them -- or their sidekicks in the media -- to tell you that something as simple as eating raw will avoid getting it. Bad for business. How do you think doctors maintain their late-model Lexus's in their driveways? Certainly not by giving honest preventative health-care information!

    The human intestines are not designed to process meats. How many yards long are they? Think of meat rotting in there! Yuck!

  17. My 5 year old daughter went o the toilet 3 times while we were at the dinner table. Her teacher says that she goes very often when at school. Should I take her to the doctor? Could it be what she's drinking? Diabetes?

    Any thoughts ?


    N :o N

    Google "child frequent urination" and read and then see doctor.

  18. To help me get started, I'd like to ask for members' recommendations for Orthopaedic Surgeons in Bangkok (or Chiang Mai, but think it will probably be BKK).

    The case is slightly (or perhaps moderately) complicated, as it involves a prolapsed disc, some vertebral compression/degeneration with kyphosis and long-standing rotation of the spine (scoliosis). However, I believe there are surgical options that could improve the situation.

    Thanks, all.

    I have heard/read that spine clinic at Bangkok Nursing Home on Covent Road in BKK is very good.

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