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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. Dear JaiDeeFarang

    Thanks! I was in Bangkok looking at some of the spots where buildings have been torn down by Thailand courts! :D

    At the 2007 Annual General Meeting a resolution was passed for the co-owners to pay for the group of ten legal case. The co-owner were very happy that someone stared to take legal action to protect the Thailand beaches. Sense most all the co-owner were told by JCC sales office before buying about Issue 9 and their would be nothing built over 14 meters high in front of the beautiful JCC building. :D

    Did VT7 salesperson explain Issue 9 to you that they would not built over 14 meters high in front of the VT building? :o

    I like this little :D guy he make me laugh! :D

    Tammi, according to this post from stopvt7 he states that he has taken legal action to protect the Thailand beaches. Are you now saying this is incorrect and that the only legal battle is over the 14m height restriction?

    If this is the case I think this could possibly be called fraud in as much as stopvt7 has misrepresented his case before the co-owners in order to obtain money, as according to you he is fighting for the law of the 14m to be enforced, not for the good of the beaches or the views.

    Protect Thailand beaches = build nothing over 14 metres as per the Law.

    StopVT7 did not take the case to court - a group did and apparently with the blessing of an AGM.

    Why do you try to cause trouble by talking about fraud?

  2. Incidentally, it has been a stroke of extreme good fortune that we did walk out, never to return. My wife suffers from an as yet incurable viral disease of the blood and as soon as we spoke to a specialist doctor at *&^%$#@ hospital in BKK he stated, without examination or comment from us, that it was clear that her current medication was not working, indeed was doing her harm. The clinical signs were obvious, he said. She is now taking alternative medicines and thriving once more. By seeking to get good value for our money elsewhere we may have saved her life, certainly saved us both from a great deal of additional concern and heartache.

    Then it was all for the best - your guardian angels were looking after you both! :o

  3. I am very happy to have my vital signs done at all the hospitals and I believe it is included in the 'use of facility fee' charged at all the hospitals. One may find that BP and pulse readings will differ quite a lot between being done by the nurse and later on by the doctor because one will usually have had a rest period between nurse and doctor. Thai nurses also usually zoom down with the old blood pressure machine while doctors take more care.

    I have found that BPH doctors prescribed lots of medicines and later at B'grad specialist said 'stop this , this and this and why on earth did they prescribe this?'

    But nursing care at BPH is much, much better than at Bumrungrad and it is nice that BPH do a follow up a few days after discharge.

    And the food and rooms at BPH are certainly much much better than at Bumrungrad and one can have the use of the floor portable computer to check email and do other online work.

  4. There have been days (weeks?) when there has been no posts and then someone asks what is happening and StopVT7 kindly replies and then those who have interests in seeing VT7 built start jumping on StopVT7 for his English. Those people should back off and do what StopVT7 has said time and time again that he is happy to do - wait for the Court's decision.

    Tammi, we are all still waiting for StopVT7 kind reply to the question asked few times.

    “Is it or is it not true that a levy of 10,000 baht has been added to the maintenance charges of EVERY co-owner by the juristic committee in order to cover the legal costs to fight VT7?”

    Maybe you can help us to get an answer from StopVT7 as you seem to agree with everything what he does.

    And if he is so kind, how come he got awarded holidays for his rudeness and arrogance. And now there is some serious accusation regarding StopVT7 using (and if proved, stealing) money from other people to finance his private and selfish fight to protect his seaview.

    I have been away so am not up on the so called 'rudeness and arrogance'. And at the the moment it seems that StopVT7 is having a holiday from the forum so can't defend himself against your very serious accusations above. If I were owner or a moderator on this forum I would certainly delete your accusatory post.

  5. I am informed that the juristic committee implemented the levy and they can impose this if they want. Very stange to see no comments regarding this either denying or confirming my claims. Must have hit a nerve. :o

    By present Condo Law 75% of co-owners must agree to change in maintenance fee.

  6. You hit the nail on the head with that OhdLover. StopVT7 never had respect for the investors in VT7 and called them “what they think, they are above the law”. Now it’s all turned backed to him. That’s what you get from laughing from somebody’s misfortune. Just read the earliest posts.

    For people not familiar with the case one third of the buildings in Pattaya region are within 200m., the same as VT7, now stopVT7 singled out one building because it gonna block his sea view. Just look around, they not gonna change the law because you don’t like it.

    As far as we know no one went to court about the other buildings that are within the 200 metre zone. Obviously the impact on pre-existing buildings was not great enough to p/o the owners of the pre-existing buildings. But residents in Grand Condotel questioned the Juristic Person Manager about VT5 being built so far forward. (Grand Condotel hi-rise is 200 metres from the sea shore). The residents were told that 'law can be changed every 5 years'. BS?

    At the beginning of this topic it was declared that a case can be made against VT5 to have it removed but case must be filed within 5 years.

  7. .......To take my comments out of context and use them to suit their needs sums up the intelligence of this lot. All along they have been stating in a sarcastic, disrespectful manner that the "so called" expert witness is a a 7th grade lawyer. If you say something or someone is "so called" you are undermining credibility and basically calling them incompetent, just because he doesn't agree with what you say doesn't make the expert witness incompetent

    Lookat, it's about time you got an opinion of your own and a life to go with it, all you are is stopVT7's lap dog who barks on command with some jumped up piece of drivel and nonsense about anti-corruption and foreign investment. The bottom line is you don't want to lose your seaview, just admit it rather than saying this case is for the good of Thailand.

    StopVT7, please stop copying and pasting your ludicrous claims continually, this thread has gone on for far too long and there are too many pages of your rubbish all saying the same thing. Unless you have new evidence give it a rest. You cannot change the course of justice by simply trying to brain wash everyone into believing what you say is true. How high is VT7 now? last time I looked it was 12 storeys, do you honestly think it will be knocked down? ........

    Well said, JaiDeeFarang. Enough is enough.Also, loss of their sea view is the bottom line in all of this. An old friend, who has lived in Jomtien Complex Condotel since it was built, admits that the crusade being waged by StopVT7 is a waste of time and he, and many other owners, concede that VT7 will prevail.

    There have been days (weeks?) when there has been no posts and then someone asks what is happening and StopVT7 kindly replies and then those who have interests in seeing VT7 built start jumping on StopVT7 for his English. Those people should back off and do what StopVT7 has said time and time again that he is happy to do - wait for the Court's decision.

    Recently a developer in Bangkok was ordered to remove floors from condominiums so I would say that it could certainly happen at VT7.

    What is happening at Hua Hin? Any buildings over 14 metres within 200 metres from the seashore?

  8. Hi

    A number of people have commented about how much weight I have lost in the past year. It's true, I've noticed myself.

    I'm curious if it's down to some unnoticed illness or just my change in lifestyle (have been with the same gal for 11 years now - no cheating)?

    Years ago (6+ or so) I used to go out drinking more or less every night then we had our first baby. Due to the working environment (blokes) I still went out for drinks after work most nights. Can't remember when, but, then I decided just to go out two nights a week. Just over a year ago I cut that down to one night a week (we now have two kids).

    I've probably lost about 15kilos (down to 95k from 110k) in the past year (sounds a lot to me) but could it be down to the reduction in beer intake?

    Something else to mention is that I've noticed ants in our downstairs toilet seem to gather after I've had a piss which could suggest diabetes I've heard?

    Any thoughts?

    (never posted anything like this about myself before)


    I know of a child in Cambodia who was diagnosed with diabetes after it was noticed that ants came to where he had peed on the ground. Maybe it is an old wife's tale but I would be checked if I were you.

  9. My wife passed her test about a year ago with one of the two driving schools here in Patters.

    After her test the instructor realised she still had a couple of hours of lessons left so offered to teach her to drive in reverse. :D

    To pass her test she drove around a few cones in a car park in 1st gear, no parking or reversing :D

    That was the advanced drivers course.

    Not taken by many females around the world. :o

    Get lost.

    Women are much better drivers than men.

  10. I once heard (perhaps as long as 25-30 years ago) that most, if not all, of the major new road construction, as well as the traffic control mapping, was designed by foreign (European) engineers. Does anyone know if that was true once, and if it is still true now?

    Yes, into the 70s and perhaps 80s foreign firms did road and highway feasability, design, and construction supervision. Since then Thailand has done and, I think, done a very good job of it.

  11. I think Immigration has always had to be notified about foreigners staying.

    The new Condo Act to come into force on 4 July 08 states that business premises in a new condo building must now have separate access so as not to disturb residents. I think the condo juristic person regulations usually take care of business not allowed in residential condo units.

  12. [. And the only people, who disrespect the law are stopVT7 people. Nobody want to listen to bunch of farangs, who want to protect their seaview.[/font][/size]

    Well now, this topic is over 1.300 posts, so it would seem that quite a few people want to listen.

    All they have to do is disable the copy/paste-function.

    This thread would be only 400 posts, unless somebody would be willing to type the

    same posting over and over again, letter by letter, word by word.

    This topic is now over 1,383 posts and the number of posts has nothing to do with coying and pasting. If people are posting the same information over again it is because some other people just cannot grasp the concept that it is ridiculous to measure from MSL and it is ridiculous to measure 100 metres into the sea and then 200 metres back towards land. It is also ridiculous to say that Thai courts will not give justice to foreigners residing or visiting Thailand.

  13. [. And the only people, who disrespect the law are stopVT7 people. Nobody want to listen to bunch of farangs, who want to protect their seaview.[/font][/size]

    Well now, this topic is over 1.300 posts, so it would seem that quite a few people want to listen.

  14. Diarrhoea can be caused by stress. I remember when I started driving I would get the car out of the gargage and up the drive to the road and then would park and go have diarrhoea!! This would go on until I took a grip and/or a valium!

    Here in the Orient diarrhoea was caused by chilli. My driver, after taking me to the doctor many times, said 'Madam, stop eating chilli'. No problems since.

  15. Thailand is a country of laws, but I'm afraid Mr. stopVT7 they're enforced however they see fit and will always look after their own kind before considering the sea view of a handful of wingeing farangs. GET OVER IT!

    So, K. JaiDee, you are saying that thousands of expat retirement visa holders don't have any hope of justice in Thailand?

  16. Walking through there this morning, Saturday 17th, and they've knocked down a whole

    slew of bars on one side. just a pile of concrete rubble left. Interesting to see what they'll

    do with it? Soi 8 seems to have been in a downward slide the last couple of years? :o

    Hopefully going to be on the up and up now - we need designer shops in Pattaya.

  17. Hey, it seems that they are clearing the land next to View Talay 7.

    View Talay 7

    Anyone know what is going up there?

    The plot thickens...

    On another thread it has been said that the rumour is that VT is going to put in an Amusement Park. If this rumour turns out to be true it will be - I think - because VT has a good idea that it is going to have to take down VT7. What kind of developer puts an amusement park between his condominium developments? Perhaps one where court's decision has gone against him.

    May the old man have a happy retirement and thank goodness no more cereal boxes. JMHO

  18. I'm betting on stupid.

    ..... says who?? :o:D:D So the first judge was stupiD ??

    I was thinking OhdLover could be stupid?

    The Rayong judges were wrong. Now, I'm waiting for the Supreme Court to explain why their wrong.

    That is what I love about the arrogance of some of the StopVT7 losers! Everyone is stupid who does not agree with them...

    Firstly we have Stopvt7 questioning the competence, the ability to read Thai etc of the expert witness and the judge, then we have Lookat (Stopvt7's lapdog) calling VT7 investors stupid. Seems everyone who argues against them are "stupid", but just perhaps, it is they who are stupid because they cannot understand the complexity of the debates in question.

    I seem to remember that it was a very well connected official who advised that Jomthien Complex group should take the case to the Admin Court.

    We have heard countless examples of how the only solution must be "corruption" or "increasing pressure" if you want to try and avoid your slanders (fortunately we must not be THAT stupid), but I have seen several arguments that show alternative interpretations of the facts in question, and may be why the "stupid" judge ruled in favour of City Hall.

    I am sure that judges don't always make the right decision and that is why there are Appeal Courts

    Are you clever enough Lookat to realise that, if there were any inconsistency in the law (as there appears ot be to those not stupid enough to understand that Stopvt7 only flaunts his interpretations of his Thai translations), that the Thai courts may look to produce the most favourable outcome to the area (rather than bowing down to the arrogance of stupid foreigners who think that they have the right to come into the country, declare the expert professionals stupid, the judges stupid, the officials corrupt, the Thai's unable to read their own laws, and basically anyone who does not join their crusade stupid).

    Are you saying that the court can flaunt the law if it considers that a 27 storey building is a good thing for the area?

    As for foreigners in Thailand - the Thai governement allows them to come into the country, buy condominiums, and reside here and therefore foreigners do have the full weight of Thai laws to support them.

    In most first world systems of law, we have a separation of powers between the legislative, the executive and the judicial. The reason why the judicial is there, is because it is widely realised that the legislative will require "interpretation" due to the ambiguity in the law. Now, the only stupid ones I see are those arguing that they are the ones who claim that they can correctly ascertain the technicalities of complex surveying matters (better than those who are professionals in their field), can interpret the meaning of Thai legislation (despite it being their second language) better than the "Thai" judges who are obviously judges on account of their knowledge of the law, can determine city planning codes and measures (obviously again better than those employed to do the job), and basically think that they are supermen in light of the fact that no-one I know would claim such things in any country.

    We will have to wait and see what the the decision of the Supreme Admin Court is and I supppose we will have to accept it. But perhaps the discussion of the case will be taken up by other educated Thais who do take the side of StopVT7 and his friends.

    The reason why I would argue that these supermen are the stupid ones, is because you never know when the "stupid" (assuming they would be stupid by your previous arguments) immigration officials are going to come along and say that enough is enough of all your slanders of the Thai system, and decide that you should go to some other country and annoy the hel_l out of them - and may I suggest Africa where they would just shoot such arrogance.

    Is it any wonder that foreigners are sometimes painted as being so arrogant when you have such supermen as Lookat and Stopvt7 constantly telling the world (and I mean telling you again, again, again, and again...broken record style with no new arguments or points whatsoever) how "stupid" everyone is who do not agree with their INTERPRETATION (both of the law and Thai language).

    Give it is a rest lapdog and bark somewhere else, and when this goes against you, I hope that you remember how "stupid" we all were. I will have a "dunce" suit made for you to show you how "stupid" you are in assuming the stupidity of everyone else.

    I completely agree with OHDlover...it does not make any difference how many times you repeat a point... it does not make it true, UNLESS (and here is your chance), you are in the practice of brainwashing people through constant repetition. A quick look over the StopVt7 posts would suggest that you are well versed in the practices of cults, because StopVT7 has done nothing but repeat, repeat, repeat and repeat as if he just wants whatever he has to stay remain the last post for all to read.

    If the next court case goes against you, you are all going to look mighty "stupid" for maintaining the stupidity of ALL these people, but I am more concerned about the fact that we seem to have a master race, far exceeding the intelligence of our ordinary stupid human professionals. But of course, rather than maintaining ALL are stupid, you could maintain that ALL are CORRUPT, but given StopVT7's self-alleged respect of the Thai legal system, the Thai law and Thailand in general, to allege corruption , after he has denied his claims of this so vehemently, would be WELL SHOULD I SAY IT, plain STUPID. So I now understand why you have had to shift the arguments of impending corruption to those of widespread stupidity, though unfortunately Lookat is not, despite his apparent superhumanness, cluey enough to drop the corruption charges and still asks the question "Stupid" or "Corrupt"?

    No suprise there - he has shown many times that he is nothing more than StopVT7's parrot, but yet he demonstrates that he must be only a clone wannabe of this master race of superhuman intelligence because he has on many occasions damaged the now lost (lost as this debate went on and we saw the true colours of StopVT7) "credibility" of StopVT7. Shame OneMike no longer posts here, because he must have been the third level of this superhuman category ie the kind that could be included due to his understanding that STOPVT7 is the only one in the right, but unable to understand ANY of the complexities of the situation at hand.

    Well, Lookat, I will go back now to my daily life, and my "stupidity" that I must share with OHDlover since I am not corrupt, fortunately "stupid" enough to not realise the implications of the existence of such a superhuman race who are so proficient as to be able to walk into foreign countries, supercede (through plain superiority in intelligence and understanding) the authority of engineers, surveyors, lawyers, judges and all Thai's (probably within a few years when they have spent a lifetime doing it). I pledge my allegiance, our superior overlords. No wait, hold on, I think that such actions are the height of arrogance and true stupidity.... so watch how things end Lookat because your calls of stupidity may fall back on your immortal self.

    The rest of the above is a lot of useless gobbledeegook

  19. :o ...don't know what to say Mobi.

    Isn't it possible that all the specialists have a meeting together to discuss your situation also because of the many different medications you get now ?

    Wish you well !


    I did answer this in some detail, but somehow it disappeared in an internet crash.

    Anyway the short answer is that all medical records at Bumrungrad are on computer files which can be accessed by every doctor/nurse etc at the hundreds of terminals located throughout the hospital. There are no paper files, so heaven help them if the system goes down.

    It sounds perfect but it isn't, because every doctor just gets up the patient's screens that pertain to their particular area, and they rarely, if ever scroll the screens to see what else is going on, what other doctors have been consulted, and what blood tests etc, have been taken or ordered.

    I have to continually remind all my doctors to check other areas of my files, for other doctor's reports, test results etc, as they just do not bother to look. Sometimes they order tests that have already been ordered by other doctors.

    My "stomach specialist" even asked me to remind her to take another biopsy in 6 months in case "she forgets!!", even though she told me she had put a note on my computer file.

    I think the truth is, that these doctors are very busy trying to generate income, and I suspect the computer screens are not too user friendly and it is too much hassle for them to spend time scrolling around.

    Not at all satisfactory, and I considered changing hospitals, but is just not practical at this stage of the game.

    There are paper files and x-ray films etc at Bumrungrad - I know because I have been there when the computer system was down for a short time. Also I have taken copies out of the hospital to give to another doctor at another hospital for a second opinion.

    And I have found that my doctors at Bumrungrad have been interested to know why I have been to see other doctors.

    I feel sure that your 6 month check up appointment will be made and the nurse will phone to remind you but sensible of the doctor to ask you to also put it on your calendar just in case ---.

    If you do consider changing hospitals just ask Bumrungrad to give you your file and all xrays and scans. All you have to do is sign a form.

    But I feel that you are now en route to getting all your problems sorted.

  20. Doesn't mean sea level depend on how the sea bottom lies? Mean sea level will be different in a place where the bottom shelves steeply to a place where the bottom is flat. In an area where bottom is flat and gradual is it possible that one could measure 100 metres out to sea and 200 metres back and still not be at high tide level? So it is sensible to measure from high tide level and that I believe is the intent of the law - no building over 14 metres inland within 200 metres from high tide level - and easily applied all over Thailand - no need for surveyors to go looking for mean sea level on every stretch of shoreline where developments are taking place.

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